No vaping buys for a year!

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ECF Veteran
Dec 11, 2010
I expected the beginning of 2012 to be a little tight, financially, and I had some spare cash I had to spend it or watch it evaporate, and I was wondering if it was possible to go a whole year . . .

Anyway -- I stocked up in December of 2011. On 01Jan12, I made a list of all my equipment and juices.

I haven't bought a single vaping thing since (well, I got some paint and clay so I could make some more ashtray-alternatives and a new holder for filled cartos, but I didn't need those in order to keep vaping).

I haven't checked my list (can't find it!), but I know I had five standard batteries, three long ones, and three PTs. I'm down to two standards, one long that's started acting funny, and two PTs. Five of the thirty-two cartos in use at the time are still going strong (I keep twenty to thirty in rotation at all times. Some of the new ones also died, but I won't know the true count until I find my list).

I still have one 50ml bottle of unopened juice, 1/4 of a bottle of another flavor, two packs of menthol crystals, and probably 100ml of nic juice as well as an assortment of flavorings and bottles of VG and PG.

I'm wondering how much longer I can go without buying anything . . .


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 11, 2010
vengence -- I'd have to look at my receipts at the time, but I'm sure it was less than $200 specifically to stock up for this.

I had gone a little mad on batteries earlier because there seemed to be a shortage when I needed some, so I'd bought quite a few when I could find them. I also already had a large bottle of nic juice, and I emptied a display of LorAnn flavorings at Wal-Mart after Christmas when they were 75% off.

My main things were buying premixed juices in sizes larger than I normally buy and getting some extra cartos.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 11, 2010
I should probably mention that I'm a straight 808D-1 guy, so my supplies are always going to be fairly cheap.

I can't use mods because anything higher than 4V causes mouth sores. I use mostly standard cartos, and I wash them after every few uses, so they last a long time. I also use some CE2s, which also last nearly forever.

I bought a large bottle of high-nic juice which was on sale a few months before I started this, and so approx. 80% of my juice cost very, very little.


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Sep 30, 2010
That's awesome you've gone a year without any new purchases. :)

After spending over two years buying pretty much whatever I wanted whenever I wanted I'm now in "controlled" buying mode :D I have a budget and list of things I'd like to add to my stash from between now and the end of June and after that I'll be living off my stash with only a rare occasional purchase.
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