New to e-cigs.....opinions please!

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Bill's Magic Vapor

Vaping Master
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Feb 8, 2013
Congrats on Quitting Smoking and welcome to ECF. Fabulous forum and community to help you with your amazing Journey. Like you, I almost can't believe that our e-cigs satisfy me to the point that I could quit analogs, after trying so hard, so many times in my previous, nicotine-stained-fingers, life. Enjoy the ride, you've come to the right place. Regarding your request for opinions, I think you're on the right track looking for something beyond the Blu. The Blu may be great as a starter, it just doesn't stay great very long, at least if you listen to the Blu vapers on this forum. No, you may want to jump to an entry kit with a wee bit more battery power and life, which means skip the cigalikes and get into the stick batteries. Eventually, most vapers get into mods, but the stick batteries remain backups, out and about and stealth gear for years to come, imho. So, here's my :2c::

Stick Batteries, known as eGo Style Batteries (entry level, backup, out and about, stealth, primary):

Trusted Vendors shown, but NOT selected based on pricing, you'll still need to shop around. You will need device specific battery chargers (which often come in kits) for these devices. Also, kits often provide two batteries allowing for simultaneous vaping while charging of the backup. Each of the eGo style batteries below have both 510 and eGo thread connections. As such, they are compatible with most toppers, including most Kanger products. Additionally, each of these devices has at least variable voltage, which allows you to adjust and regulate the battery output voltage, providing customizable vapor production, temperature, throat hit, and finding the "sweet spot" for your juices to suit your individual vaping preferences:

1. Innokin iTaste 3.0 vv/vw, usb passthrough, ohms reader, etc. - (variable power, LCD display, +/- buttons, Usb passthrough, 3.3 - 5.0 volts, 6.0 - 11.0 watts, 800mAh)
2. SLB KGO VV - (LCD display, +/- buttons, Usb passthrough, 3.0 - 6.0 volts, 650 - 1200mAh)
3. Vision Spinner - Vision Spinner VV eGo Battery 1300mAh (3.3 - 4.8 volts, 1300mAh)
4. Joyetech Twist - eGo Twist 1000 Mah Battery in Black (3.2 - 4.8 volts, 650 - 1000mAh)
5. Smoktech Winder - Smok eGo Winder 900mAh Variable Volt Battery (3.2 - 4.8 volts, 900 - 1100mAh)

Best Starter Combo kit out there, imho, provides two batteries, i.e., the twist and/or spinner, and two toppers, i.e., the eVod and/or MT3s, among others:

Recommend one eVod and one MT3s topper with one Spinner and one Twist to start. This way you get four different products with the kit and allowing you to experience four different setups, as you figure out your preferences and what works best for you. BTW, you can spend less and get a fixed voltage battery, but you'll have much less vape flexibility and it won't be long before you'll want to upgrade to variable voltage, more than likely, and the difference initially is only a few dollars per battery anyway.

You can find less expensive starter kits that include many of the same recommendations mentioned above. Fasttech is a trusted Hong Kong vendor that has fabulous pricing and takes a couple of weeks to get delivered. They have both genuine and knock off items, but their pricing is wholesale with no minimums, free worldwide shipping, they take PayPal, and they are reliable and stand behind their products...a winning proposition in my

Anyway, welcome to the Forum, thanks for the shout out, good luck, happy shopping and Vape On!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
I have not yet purchased my E-cig starter kit. I was looking into Blu but after doing more research, I'm not sure Blu is right for me. I am a PAD smoker and would like to know what some of you suggest for me.

Blu didn't work for me, and quiet frankly they are alot more expensive. They say they are two packs in a throwaway, but they don't even last a day for me. I agree with Kanj that is a good starter kit, but would recommend you check out a vape shop if you have one in your area. Not a headshop or something in a mall, an actual store that specializes in the equipment. They are all very knowledgeable and as passionate about vaping as all of us.

If you don't have the option, then definitely get Kanj recommendation. The items come from China however, so if you do order it spend the next week (due to shipping) to research everything you can and find an online place in the U.S. that has the flavors you want...As for flavors, I would recommend getting more than just one kind and not just tobacco only. I know you will want to try and recreate the exact taste as you smoke, all of that have quit cigs did in the beginning.

Although some people still love to vape tobacco flavors exclusively, many of us unexpectedly found the flavors to be the reason we quit smoking. That means you should also get a second tank, so you can switch between the two and you don't have to worry about washing the tanks all the time if you switch between the two.


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Jun 19, 2013
Westcheser, NY
I started with Logic & Blu... tried nJoy, but I found that disposables are expensive, and the batteries usually die before I've smoked the cartridge. Volt by Smokeless Image was recommended to me based on it having a similar cigarette size and a good quality reputation. If you are looking to retain the portability and want to continue to socially smoke, I'd highly recommend this. As much as I'm curious about the more elaborate setups people have here, I think the Volt is ideal for my situation and is perfect for any beginner.

As far as prices, their cartomizers run less than $2 a piece which is almost 1/3rd of what Blu cartridges cost. If you do go that route, make sure to get two batteries.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
If your gear absolutely must look like a cigarette, then Smokeless Image Volts are a popular choice. A reputable vendor that offers quality products and very good customer service, all of their products are intercompatible. This was my starter kit, and got me off of cigarettes. However, after only 3 weeks I was looking for something better. Smokeless Image | Only The Best Electronic Cigarette | Smokeless Image Electronic Cigarettes - The Future is in your hands

Smokeless Image battery size comparisons.jpg

The most popular and recommended starter setup nowadays is an eGo-style setup like this:

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Full Member
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Jun 4, 2013
Victoria Australia
As a new convert and with the luxury afforded to me by the Australian Federal Government taxing policies on cigarettes.
Which is high and rightly so due to the health implications and the caring of citizens that ignore the warnings, a bit like climate change. Head in the sand till they need help.

Anyways that means I have had a healthy budget to in vest in Vaping as an alternative to logs Thanks AFG..

So after trying most gadgets I can say that powering up these things is the major concern and back up.
the other is the type of cart/att/ thingee you put your juice in.

To date the bottom coil alternatives have proven the best tasting and most convenient and 3ml size is good at this time
for length of lasting and asthetics.
As for battery containers vamo/itaste/voltari /etc and ego style 1300mah vv batts are the go.

And of course the wired plug into any where USB VV gadgets are some thing to keep with you and some juice.
My journey with vaping is highly successful to date and nil logs even contemplated.

I can only agree with all that billbeckusa has said above ..

Will power does have something to do with the level of determination require to save your own life and heaps of money

and in our society Dollars Dollars Dollars are what I need. Quote ( Tom Thumb --You Tube)

So get some more stop buying tobacco.

Good luck may the force be with you, Suicide by tobacco is painful, my father died of lung cancer 7 years ago,
go visit a palliative care facility if you need to bolster your resolve. Live Long
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