New and looking for help!

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New Member
Nov 13, 2012
I am trying to stop smoking and need help on how to buy the e juice. I smoke marlboro lights and would like to find the e juice with the equivalant nicotine level, and similar smoking experience. I have purchased some flavors from a smoke shop when I purchased my ECG e cigarette, and they tasted aweful!! So, can someone help me figure out how to buy the best e juice to have a vapor experience as close as I can get to smoking a marlboro light!?!? Thanks!!


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Nov 13, 2012
Lost Wages Neblahblah
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Welcome to ECF , but what you ask is near on impossible . Juice whether it be tobacco or fruit flavor , tastes entirely different to everybody . What tastes great to me , you may think , tastes awful . So , that being said , first you might use a 12m g juice , if it's still too strong , drop down to a 6 mg. , if too light , step up to an 18mg juice . My best recommendation is to try several vendors sample packs , or sizes . When you find what you like , then go ahead and order a larger bottle . But don't hinder your choices too just tobacco flavors ( RY4 ) might work for you , but there are also lots of other flavors available , coffee , candy , fruit , drinks , etc . Good Luck . Oh and by the way , most of the juices will never match what you smoked . They aren't tobacco , nor is anything burning . But there are also extracted tobacco juices that come the closest to the real deal .


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Nov 13, 2012
Lost Wages Neblahblah
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ECF Guru
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Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
Thank you for helping me understand better about what I should be expecting from these e juices. What you said makes sense, I need to look at this as a new experience instead of trying to re-create an old experience. I will try some samples and start there!

Alot of people try to start here, if you must have a tobacco flavor for starting turkish, cuban and 555 are usually good smoky mixes

But what happens to everyone is you start trying these samples and most of the time you slowly forget about the ol boro's
when i started I got samples and tried to match smoking, one of those samples was a double RY4 and wham I forgot all about the cig taste. i like this so much Im ordering my first DIY stuff this week so i can make it on the cheap.


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Nov 13, 2012
Allentown, PA, USA
i just started vaping today, so i am no where near qualified to help you... but i do just want to add in..

i got like 4 sample sized flavors (cherry cola, vanilla coffee bean, cheesecake...and... i forget the other)... and a big bottle of "nuport" with my kit. and having now tried them all... the nuport is the one i least enjoy. this really is a whole different experience. now i'm browsing all kinds of flavors and thinking "what would i have liked to have been tasting all these years, if smoke and menthol-smoke weren't my only 2 options"


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Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
oh yea and on the other part, 24 mg is a good lvl for the hard times and 18 is usaully a good all day lvl for newer people . i had to do 24 for about 3-4 weeks now i do mostly 12 to 18 range, w a bottle of 24 in case a rough spot comes a long.

but get diff levels as every one is diff - i was a 2PAD parliament smoker.


ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
What I tell beginners to vaping are these things:

There is no e-juice that can reproduce the "flavor" of burning tobacco and paper. It can not be reproduced, so don't waste money trying to find that flavor.

The flavors available for vaping are perfectly capable of satisfying you; you just need to experiment and find some that YOU like. Flavors are extremely subjective for every individual. What one person likes another will hate.

Buy only sample packs or small trial bottles of juice at first. That way you don't waste money on larger, more expensive bottles of juice that you don't like. Once you find a flavor you like, order more in a larger sized bottle.

Your tastes buds have been damaged from years of smoking. They will come back after some time away from cigarettes, but until then e-juice flavors will taste weak or muted.

When exhaling vapor, allow some to exit through your nose. Our sense of taste is greatly influenced by our sense of smell. This takes on better understanding if you recall how food and drink tastes muted when we have a cold or stuffy nose.

Drink plenty of water. The components in the e-juice and the vapor will dehydrate you and cause dry mouth, adding to not being able to fully taste flavors.

Vaping replaces our dependence upon nicotine just as the patches and gum do, however it has two things going for it that they do not. Vaping allows us to continue the ritual of the hand-to-mouth behavior so ingrained into our brain and personality. It also simulates the sensation of smoke in our mouth, throat and lungs. For me, those two things are just as important as the nicotine replacement.

This can work for you if you allow it to. Vape as much as you feel you need to. If you feel the strong desire for a cigarette, vape even heavier. If that doesn't work, allow yourself one cigarette. Don't smoke all of it if you can. Then continue to vape thereafter. Eventually the cigarette will become less satisfying to you, and you will begin to actually prefer vaping.

Finding a couple of very good flavors is as important as finding the right equipment to vape with.

Skinny Pete

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Nov 11, 2012
Thank you for helping me understand better about what I should be expecting from these e juices. What you said makes sense, I need to look at this as a new experience instead of trying to re-create an old experience. I will try some samples and start there!

I went through the same thing. I'm new too, and the tobacco flavored liquids are nasty. I'm doing alot of fruit flavors to help me quit smoking. Are you trying to quit too?
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