e cigarette recommendation please

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Moved On
May 4, 2011
Long Island, NY
  • Deleted by AngusATAT
i barely even touch my silver bullet anymore. it has the the same voltage as my ego-t and although it has more mah it just isnt worth the constant dripping. i love being able to fill a tank and just vape without having to mess with refilling and carrying around bottles.
my silver bullet has been saved. discovered they make 510-Ts which are a 510 atty with a wick and tanks. i can now enjoy my bullet once again. my go to is still the ego-t as the silver bullet is still far too bulky to lug around all day but its perfect for at home
If you want something that looks as close to the real thing as possible, I recommend one of the m 401 kits from MyPVPShop. They are under $50 and you can customize it to look as close to the real thing as possible. They even have a comparison chart so you can choose the style that is closest to the length of smoke you're used to smoking. The batteries are also a higher voltage which will give you a more realistic flavor to you vaping experience. Many suppliers sell liquid for your e cig that comes in menthol, Marlboro and even Marlboro menthol.


Full Member
May 16, 2011
United States
I enjoy using Green Smoke, to be it is one of the best out there! Their E-Cigarette's even come with different nicotine levels. You can find out more about that good stuff on their site :D Best of luck to you!!

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