My transition to vaping, and what I learned

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Jul 1, 2013
I switched from smoking Pall Mall ultra lights (orange), to vaping, and I'm happy to report that it was a smooth transition, but I did learn a few things in the process, and while I've got more to learn, I thought I'd fill my pre-requisite 5 posts in this forum and share my experience.

My transition started innocently when I spotted a disposable electronic cigarette at the local gas station, where I used to pay $20 (US) for 3 packs of regular cigarettes. That day, I got two packs and a single disposable.

The disposable was an njoy, and I was really surprised at how effective it was, at replacing my regular cigarette, until... the battery died, about 8 hours after I bought it! It was supposed to be the equivalent to a whole pack of cigarettes! Did I really smoke a whole pack in a few hours? The warranty stated that I could return it, with a receipt, but who gets a receipt for a gas station purchase?

Out of curiosity, I looked up njoy, and after some research, found that there was another gas station in my area that also sold Njoy, so I went there, bought another Njoy (to make sure it wasn't possibly from the same bad batch) but that one died after 4 hours. I had a receipt that time. I started to wonder if I was puffing it wrong, but I don't think I was. For reference, I need a cigarette every two hours, before I get the jitters. It's a faulty product. Period. I was concerned about how much nicotine I might have just put myself through, but didn't feel any different.

I was still interested in making the transition to an electronic cigarette, but I was determined to find a better replacement. So after more searches, I came across several recommendations for Green Smokes ( ), and even better, a step by step video on how to refill the cartridges myself (an appealing option if I wanted to extract some more savings).

So I ordered a Pro kit from Green Smokes, with a couple of Gold cartomizers, and an extra Red pack of cartomizer, just to make sure I could get a flavor choice, in case these tobacco flavors didn't work out. With cigarette prices here, the cost was the same, as if I had bought normal cigarettes. So far so good.

That was my second mistake. As much as the reviews made the product look promising, and really, it's not that bad, it turns out that a lot of reviews are biased. Many companies subsidize reviewers, and they get a benefit each time a sucker (like me) follows a link to a vendor, and makes a purchase. If you ever needed a reason to be a part of this forum, this is it.

The problem with Green Smoke is that there's only a few cartomizers that will fit on a Green Smoke battery. At $3 a piece, it was a fair deal for me, but not for my wife (who pays 3-4$ per pack), as she lives in another state (another story). I had to find something cheaper.

I also had another problem; I assumed that since I was smoking "ultra lights", that that's what I should order. Another mistake; they fell short on the nicotine, and I was getting the jitters. (e-cigarette nicotine absoption is 10 to 40% that of a normal cigarette). I had to find a fix, but I puffed a couple of my old cigarettes from that last pack, to hold me over. There was also another issue that would need to be solved; If I smoke through a cartomizer, I had no way of knowing just how many cigarettes I had just went through. So my advice, if you're making the switch, is to start with more nicotine, but be ready to switch back to your normal level.

A local tobacco shop I had seen had me curious; would they sell e-juice? I make a stop, and sure enough, they did! So I pick up a tobacco flavor, in 12 mg per mL (equivalent to a "light" cigarette), to fix my jitters. Pfew! Now I could refill my Green Smoke cartomizers with something that has enough nicotine to keep me steady. They also had a large assortment of glassware, some more than 3 feet tall; I have no idea why... other than medicinal mary-jane has recently been made legal here in Massachusetts. :D

After much more research, I came across V2 ( Electronic Cigarettes | V2 Cigs ). They sell adapters so that I can fit a standard cartomizer on my Green Smoke battery. In case you're curious, the Green Smoke threading is called KR808D-2 (a.k.a. an E9 e-cigarette style), while the (far) most popular threading is KR808D-1 (a.k.a. E8 style). They also sell pre-filled cartomizers at ~$2 each: a big saving over Green Smokes' $3 each. You should know what threading you're getting, when buying an e-cigarette!!!

So I bought the adapters from V2. While at it, knowing that I could refill these cartridges, and that Green Smoke cartomizers are hard to open for a refill, I added a bunch of blank cartomizers to my order. And yes, the rubber tip does make it a lot easier to refill. 20 drops to a refill, not more, even if it'll take it.

Now I was on the right track, but not quite there. I did come across several (legitimate) recommendations for Halo ( E-liquid | Electronic Cigarette | E Cig Liquid | Halo Cigs ), so I ordered a sampler (6 bottles of 7 mL) of their popular tobacco flavors. Shipping was quick, as I'm not that far from New Jersey. Tribeca turned out to be my favorite, and I didn't care much for the rest (none were bad, but nowhere near Tribeca).

And wouldn't you know it... they also sell a new system with a high capacity battery (I was charging my Green Smoke batteries twice per day), with an easy to fill tank with graduated measurements, holding up to 2.4 mL. Now I could have a measurement of what I'm smoking (errr... vaping). It's called Triton, and the threading is backwards compatible to 808D-1, so I could continue to use those cartomizers from V2, if I really wanted to (and I have).

I ordered a custom kit: 2 * 900 mAh batteries, 2 * tanks, and the USB charger, with a 30 mL bottle of that delicious Tribeca flavor. I skipped the regular kits, because I didn't need another wall adapter, or car adapter, and I didn't think I would miss the decorative cone (not really) and the carrying case had bad reviews. I would have ordered the larger battery, but it was out of stock. Something to note; the Triton system is *not* automatic, meaning that it will not turn on as you puff on it ("automatics" detect that you're sucking on them, and fire up the atomizer, then stop when you're done); you have to press a button, on Triton.

A side note; I'm sure lots of veterans would chime in at this point and say I should have gone the way of eGo threading systems, but my problem, you see, is that I spotted early on that a lot of these parts are metallic. Even the cartomizers!!! Throwing out a metal part hits me as a waste, and a big no-no. What got my attention with the Halo Triton system, is that the part that vaporizes the e-juice (or e-liquid), a.k.a the atomizer, is replaceable. Not only is it replaceable, but I have the option of using more or less powerful atomizers. It's a small metallic part. I'd also point out that while some veterans have become fans of "twin coil", the Triton system is a "single, top coil", which, compared to other models (i.e. Kangers, Nova, ...) that are bottom coils, is easier to refill, and doesn't leak. Tritons don't leak, except for when I fill them a little too much (I have to wipe the edge of the tip, as I screw it back on) and occasionally, a drop of liquid will find its way to the battery connector, but is easily cleaned between refills anyway.

Now, after having almost gone through that whole 30 mL bottle of Halo's Tribeca, my only complaints are:
1- I occasionally get a burnt taste, when I'm sucking hard on that Triton tank, and the liquid level is low. I expected that. I've also been neglecting the cleaning of the tank between refills (have yet to do it!)
2- because the battery voltage drops as it discharges, I don't get a consistent heat from my puffs. This would have been avoided if I had picked up the variable voltage battery, which would have allowed me to dial in the voltage that I want. It'll be a while before these batteries die, and need replacing. Oh well, it's really not a big deal.
3- I wish Halo would sell replacement tips; I tend to chew mine.

Otherwise, I usually charge one or both of the batteries, every day, which is a welcome relief from my (now retired) Green Smoke kit, which required 2 recharges, for each battery, every day. (As a backup, the Pro kit did come with a USB powered e-cig, for those odd moments when both batteries are out).

I don't have a lot of regrets about the Green smoke kit, because it gave me a real tobacco flavor to transition to, and I can now pass it on to someone else, but if I had known better, I would have started out with either a V2 kit, or a Halo G6 kit, refillable cartomizers, and maybe even a G6 tank. I wouldn't have minded the gourmet sampler, but definitely not a menthol sampler (I'm not a menthol fan).

The Triton system is much larger. The diameter is 14mm, instead of 8 or 9 mm (real cigarette size), as was my first kit, but those 8-9mm batteries are heavy, and it's hard to smoke them like a normal cigarette, because they're so heavy. The Triton system is even heavier, but is held differently, and is more instinctive. I'm sure that I would never have ordered a Triton as my first e-cig, because it looks so intimidating, but I'm on it now, with no desire to look back. I don't really miss the automatic feature either. The blue LED under the button was a welcome change from the goofy looking green LED at the end of the Green Smoke battery.

My next step is to order another 30 mL of Tribeca, in 12 mg/mL and a 30 mL @ 6 mg/mL; I'm having that "heart racing" symptom, if I puff the Tribeca too hard, so I know I can (and should) back down on the nicotine. Thankfully, I have two Triton tanks, so I can switch between the different nicotine levels, as needed. There's also a "no nicotine" e-liquid available; will I ever get there? Maybe I could dilute my 12 mg/mL with it...?

I'm also exploring different sources of e-juice; that local shop's "tobacco flavor" (VaporBlunt) tasted like chocolate the first time I bought it, and burnt popcorn the second time, so I'm done with them. It was tolerable the first time, but not this time around. Taste is very subjective, and it's really hard to find a good alternative, but inconsistent flavors is a dead end. Being able to buy small samplers is great, when it's available.

I'm also finding that my nose will drip, if I exhale through it, sometimes, and I'm not sure what that's about, but exhaling otherwise takes away the taste of the e-liquid (which is great for avoiding a bad tasting juice).

I considered another battery system: given that the cells are pretty much standard, when one buys a battery from a manufacturer (any manufacturer), it is a common element, and it would be nice if I could just replace those, instead of ordering a completely new "battery", which is actually a bunch of standard cells, a metal enclosure, and a control circuit, but I've grown fond of this threading system, which is called vGo (a combination of eGo threading and 808D-1 threading), so until I see one out on the market, I'll stick with Halo's; the price is right, and it's reliable. Heck, maybe someone will have found a way to replace the cells in the Halo Triton batteries, by the time these ones die. I'm definitely not getting those palm size battery packs / regulators.

Right now, I go through 2 or 2.5 mL of juice per day. I believe this is about the same as 2 cartomizers (with a 20 drop refill). Either way, I never looked back on the expense; Even having bought two kits, I'm still saving money, and I've done away with the tar, burnt smell, carcinogens (except the nicotine), and most of all, the cigarette smell, which not only took out my sense of smell, but made me smell like an ashtray.

I'm a happy vaper! :2cool:
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Jul 3, 2013
Cary, NC, USA
My next step is to order another 30 mL of Tribeca, in 12 mg/mL and a 30 mL @ 6 mg/mL; I'm having that "heart racing" symptom, if I puff the Tribeca too hard, so I know I can (and should) back down on the nicotine. Thankfully, I have two Triton tanks, so I can switch between the different nicotine levels, as needed. There's also a "no nicotine" e-liquid available; will I ever get there? Maybe I could dilute my 12 mg/mL with it...?

Yes, you can cut your 12mg with 0mg in whatever ratio you want to get 6mg (50/50), 9mg (75/25), etc, and it'll preserve the taste as well. Works wonders if you start stepping down nic level and don't want to DIY or need more gradual steps than 6mg increments most pre-mades offer.

I'm also finding that my nose will drip, if I exhale through it, sometimes, and I'm not sure what that's about, but exhaling otherwise takes away the taste of the e-liquid (which is great for avoiding a bad tasting juice).

Wait till your sense of taste comes back, you'll taste your juice on the exhale too, trust me. Which is good and bad..good cause you can taste it without a runny nose (which is normal by the way, condensation from the PG/VG drawing moisture in, in this case to your nasal cavity), bad because you can't 'cheat' with bad juices anymore.

Also, I felt exactly the same way about the Ego kits, thought they'd be too big, started on cigalikes and those got me off with a pair of batteries rotating 24/7 almost, but I stepped up to a Vamo and oh my gosh, talk about night and day.. Still use the cigalikes when I'm out though, never used an Ego, never plan to honestly.. Vamo and a 5v box for desk use, cigalikes for out in public so I'm not getting too many weird looks for having what could be considered 'paraphernalia' on me.

Quick edit/addition: 2-2.5ml is approx 2 cartos, yes. As to what that translates to in analogs, who knows..if it works for you, that's really all that matters. I vape about twice that in any given day but I chain-vape and have 0mg liquids for just that purpose..hit high-nic in the morning and after meals, nic-free the rest of the time so I'm not going out of my mind not having something in my hands.
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Vaping Master
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Jul 27, 2013
West Chester, PA
I opted for the egos. They serve a function for me of holding larger amounts of juice than a small carto, and are so much more aesthetically pleasing, read: pretty colors! I'm super tiny and was worried they'd be too big too, but I haven't ran into an issues. Different size batteries and the ego mini really help that.


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Jul 1, 2013
Thanks Kellycat, that was informative!

I know about VV (variable voltage) and just learned recently about VW (variable wattage), which makes a lot of sense. If you have the ability to vary the voltage, you still don't really know how much power you're putting through an atomizer, but with a more sophisticated VW circuit, you'd know exactly what you're doing to the e-liquid, regardless of the atomizer you use. The price for a Vamo is higher, but I would have considered it, if I knew how much longer I was going to smoke. I quit for the better part of 2012, but relapsed, so my goal here is to quit again, definitely (was a 20 year smoke before that). A Vamo would be a long term investment, and one I'm not sure I would want to commit to, for now. It may change though...

I was under the understanding that nicotine level can have a significant impact on the taste; am I wrong?

Rz; what kit did you order?


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Jul 1, 2013
I opted for the egos. They serve a function for me of holding larger amounts of juice than a small carto, and are so much more aesthetically pleasing, read: pretty colors! I'm super tiny and was worried they'd be too big too, but I haven't ran into an issues. Different size batteries and the ego mini really help that.

I was happy with Halo's choice of colors. Triton holds 2.4 mL, which isn't the largest, but still reasonable, given that I smoke exactly that much, per day. I picked blue, and the smooth rubber finish is mesmerizing. I'll probably get a red kit for my wife, after she's done with the Green Smoke kit :)
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Jul 3, 2013
Cary, NC, USA
Thanks Kellycat, that was informative!

I know about VV (variable voltage) and just learned recently about VW (variable wattage), which makes a lot of sense. If you have the ability to vary the voltage, you still don't really know how much power you're putting through an atomizer, but with a more sophisticated VW circuit, you'd know exactly what you're doing to the e-liquid, regardless of the atomizer you use. The price for a Vamo is higher, but I would have considered it, if I knew how much longer I was going to smoke. I quit for the better part of 2012, but relapsed, so my goal here is to quit again, definitely (was a 20 year smoke before that). A Vamo would be a long term investment, and one I'm not sure I would want to commit to, for now. It may change though...

I was under the understanding that nicotine level can have a significant impact on the taste; am I wrong?

Rz; what kit did you order?

Nicotine level can impact the taste, yes, I forgot to mention that as I don't notice a huge difference with what I vape, but I'm used to certain things by now after vaping for two months. Higher nicotine is going to be a harsher throat hit as well as a spicy sort of taste, might mute softer flavors.

If you seriously consider a Vamo, drop me a PM at some point once you have 15 posts, I may part with mine, full kit with batteries and everything too so you'd hit the ground running.


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Dec 25, 2009
It does indeed become somewhat of a hobby. There are some that like to tinker with it, some that use them as throw away devices, and others that are always in the market for the latest and greatest.

one thing to note on the triton... the majority of the ego tanks also have replaceable atomizers of different resistances you can put in them. when you start to dig deeper into vapeworld you will notice that there are a lot more choices out (including ones literally identical to the halo triton) there for ego/510 devices than there are 808x. As well as much cheaper prices if you look in the right places.

from what i remember the strongpoint of the 808 was back when mini compact ecigs were the only thing on the market and it had a better battery life. Then again i start back in 09... so i have no idea if that even still holds or if there is something new i missed.

I see a handful of threads of people saying they will not use "egos" when if fact they they are posting about is generally an ego mod or rebranded ego clone. both the triton and its tank are basically an ego with a common ego style tank, in which i stated earlier also have replaceable atomizer heads.

note: the vamo kellycat uses is also in fact an "ego/510" mod.


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Jul 3, 2013
Cary, NC, USA
from what i remember the strongpoint of the 808 was back when mini compact ecigs were the only thing on the market and it had a better battery life. Then again i start back in 09... so i have no idea if that even still holds or if there is something new i missed.

note: the vamo kellycat uses is also in fact an "ego/510" mod.

The 808s are still the best cigalike for battery life as far as I'm aware, is why I still use them when I'm out. And I'd beg to differ on that point re: the Vamo being an eGo. 'ego/510' in the context you're using it is simply the type of threading present, has nothing to do with the form factor, battery types, etc. When I refer to an eGo, I'm referring to the manual push-button cigar-sized devices in flashy colors available for $15 or so most places. The Vamo is a VV/VW mod with replaceable, rechargeable batteries, customizable form factor, built like a tank compared to a plastic/chrome eGo battery, and has far more adjustments than a simple battery and switch like most eGos.

Not trying to tear you apart or anything, just pointing out a distinction, because following your logic, a ProVari would be 'just an eGo', which is certainly isn't, at least at $200 I'd hope it's not.

Point of clarification to my earlier post: I have no intention of using the basic plastic 'internal battery' Joyetech eGo, Vision Spinner, etc. I'm either using a cigalike, or sticking to higher-end VWs like the Vamo v2 or an iTaste/SVD/Zmax/whatever else is out there that won't break if I drop it somewhere.
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Ultra Member
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Jul 1, 2013
I see what you mean, but I suspect that the old 510 threading is on it's way out. It's got many critics, about the weakness, inconsistency, and something about that silly silicone insulator that should be made of something (anything) else, that few manufacturers have seen fit to look into.

I don't know. I'm betting that vGo is going to pick up, just because they swapped the old 510 for 808, which makes it awfully handy. I'll have to revisit it when the time comes for me to replace my batteries. Then again, the path of air might end up in a completely different configuration, in some other future design.

I'm not against eGos, and I'm just guessing at the future. Kanger already makes a vGo tank (bottom coil). I've started to look for vGo tank alternatives, but I've only found the Kanger, so far. The Triton tank is only $6.99, and the atomizer is ~$2.50, so the amount of research I'm going to spend on this, is going to be limited, given how cheap it is already. I'm sure more will pop up.

I could save some money on my future battery cost, but not a whole lot, and as much as I'd like to tinker to death with these (and believe me, I could), I think I'm going to try to keep it simple, and cheap, because that's really a key point. I certainly would be open to a vGo battery, with VV and/or VW, with replaceable cells, as long as it's not significantly more expensive than what I have now. I also enjoy the rubbery cover of my batteries; these shiny chromed custom jobbies are too flashy for me.

I also see a complication with extra chargers, if manufacturers start using LifePO4 batteries. They run at a slightly higher voltage, but are designed for a faster discharge, ideal for dual coils. They'd be a tad heavier than LiPo batteries but could really handle a beating.


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Jul 23, 2013
Nashville, TN
GREAT recap post...very helpful!

I have the G6 kit, two manual batteries, with lots of mini-tanks and a PCC. I think this will work for a while, but I can already see that I'm going to want the Triton soon enough. It's gotten the hubs' attention...thinking now I'll eventually get a couple of Triton VVs/chargers/tanks as well so that we can both have the more discreet G6s for the workday and the Tritons for home.

I am only two days in, but I really like the Halo line--right there with ya on the appeal of that finish! PS: If you like Tribeca, try mixing it 50/50 with Voodoo...VERY nice!


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Mar 4, 2013
Austin, TX
I'm also finding that my nose will drip, if I exhale through it, sometimes, and I'm not sure what that's about, but exhaling otherwise takes away the taste of the e-liquid (which is great for avoiding a bad tasting juice).

Heh, yep. It's something about the vapor and the moisture and all. I've just gotten used to it.

Then again, I have allergies. Hard to tell which sniffles are the vaping and which is the pollen. :)


Vaping Master
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Jul 1, 2013
Lakewood, CO USA
BigBen, I actually read your entire post! Very well written. I tend to be a if my life is so hectic and my time so important that I can't slow down to read. :laugh: I have never tried the products you referenced. I am an eGo girl and very satisfied with the products I have purchased. I should say, I am a Kanger girl. My evod battery is my favorite and it doesn't hurt that it was available in purple to match my clearomizers. I have never tried dripping but, after reading Ocelot's blog, I may be adding that to my arsenal in the future if only for juice tasting. I do hope your prediction about 510 connections is inaccurate, or at least a very long time in coming!

Best of luck with this new hobby! I love to vape and I love researching all the different delivery systems. I actually have a ZMax (SmokTech) sitting the the mailbox and haven't walked down to get it yet! I can't believe I have not run down and mugged the mailman in my haste to get my hands on my new "pretty". I must have been a ferret or crow in my past life. I do like the shiny things! LOL. I am preparing to get back on the truck and do a run to Houston today so I have had to postpone playing with my new toy until I am on the way. Thank God for power inverters! I will be charging my 18650 batteries as I drive so my ZMax should be ready to go when I stop for the night. Goodbye sleep! :vapor:

Rod J

Full Member
Jul 26, 2013
Auckland, New Zealand
Thanks for sharing your story it was interesting and informative.
It's easy to get over enthusiastic about e-cigs and end up vaping more than you used to smoke. Your story shows that you are concious of this. Some good info on stepping down nic levels in the subsequent posts too.

My ultimate goal here is to get rid of an unwanted habit not acquire a new one which dominates my life more than the old one did.
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