Halo g6 to triton tank system...throat hit reduction???

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New Member
Apr 19, 2014
New york
Hello, I have been smoking e cigs for a year and a half. About a year ago, I graduated to the halo g6 system and was relatively happy. I found my sweet spot with the TriBeCa and midnight apple favors at 12mg. I tried kicking it up a notch and bought a mini tank from halo since it was compatible to my g6 battery. Although the throat hit was somewhat increased from the g6 cartomizer, I got fed up with it due to leaks. It would leak from the fill cap and would also leak into my mouth which is a nasty taste. Since the mini tank was going to be my stepping stone prior to going to a triton system, I didn't go with the triton since the mini tank turned me off. Six months later a buddy had a tank style system and I was impressed by the longer battery life and the increased vapor. I decided to purchase the triton tank system since they advertised that it was a leak proof system...unlike the mini tank.

i am very happy with the quality of the batteries and design of the tank system. I get crazy amounts of vapor and I'm burning through e juice at triple the rate.

My big complaint is about throat hit. To me, blowing giant clouds of vapor if useless if it goes into my lungs as smooth as air. For some reason, the tank system gave the worst throat out of all three(carto, mini tank and triton tank). Every so often I'd get a lucky drag that had a TH but for the most part, I was just guzzling through e juice and making big smoke rings but no throat hit satisfaction, which for me, is the main trait that satisfies me and gets me off an analog parliament cig.

as an experiment, since triton batteries are compatible with g6 carto and mini tanks, I put those onto my triton battery and no surprise, the throat hit returned to the levels they were when using a g6 battery. My experiment proved that the battery wasn't the variable affecting throat hit. So before I go and lose all hope in the triton tank, I wanted to see if anyone had any explanation that would cause this. I found this issue kinda surprising considering the triton system is advertised as giving an improved throat hit over the g6.
to be clear, I was filling the tank up atleast halfway full and using my same e juice formula as with carto and mini tank.
any advice is appreciated. If not, I'll be selling my whole triton starter kit, lol.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
Hi Aftershock00 - and welcome to ECF from a fellow newcomer!

I also just moved from G6 cartos & mini-tanks to the Triton. Just this week, in fact. And like you, noticed that the draw was more airy and so the throat hit was less. That's also an important part for me.

Others will no doubt have good suggestions, but I figured out that I get better throat hit by vaping it differently. Instead of the immediate, faster intake of vapor into your mouth that the G6 requires, on the Triton, you can press the button, then start very slowly drawing vapor. This gives the Triton a chance to heat up and the vapor collects in the mouthpiece. Once there's a good amount in there, you can draw it and release the button.

This has done it for me. I was ready to ask your question before I discovered this. More experienced vapers may have a better method.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 2, 2013
Crete, Il
Hi Aftershock00 - and welcome to ECF from a fellow newcomer!

I also just moved from G6 cartos & mini-tanks to the Triton. Just this week, in fact. And like you, noticed that the draw was more airy and so the throat hit was less. That's also an important part for me.

Others will no doubt have good suggestions, but I figured out that I get better throat hit by vaping it differently. Instead of the immediate, faster intake of vapor into your mouth that the G6 requires, on the Triton, you can press the button, then start very slowly drawing vapor. This gives the Triton a chance to heat up and the vapor collects in the mouthpiece. Once there's a good amount in there, you can draw it and release the button.

This has done it for me. I was ready to ask your question before I discovered this. More experienced vapers may have a better method.

Good advice. Yes, the Triton tank has a slightly looser draw than the carto or the mintank, and is slightly higher resistance as well. You can order the lower resistance coils to help increase TH. Or you can try covering one of the air holes at the bottom of the base of the tank when you draw for a harder hit.


New Member
Apr 19, 2014
New york
Thanks for the quick replies guys. I did experiment a little with covering one of the holes but didn't notice much difference. I did take note of the larger hole intake on the triton, but I figured that was just to proportionally coincide with the larger and faster rate of vapor production. For instance, hypothetically speaking, if the ratio of g6 carto was 6 units of air for every 3 units of vapor, my logic for the triton was that it would be 20 units of air for every 10 units of vapor that triton produces. Maybe my logic is incorrect, but I didn't see a reason to plug a hole and get 10 units of air for 10 vapor.
Also, isn't throat hit a product of nicotine and vg or lack thereof? And if so, if my E juice formula is the same, shouldn't my TH be the same throughout all types of vapers? I figured the larger triton would increase the output of vapor, but not the quality of vapor.i guess I have more to learn.
I just want to get to a point where I have my setup and use it. I'm a Motörhead so I usually like tinkering with stuff, but not really in this case.

And thanks for the welcome, glad to be part of the vaping family
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
Any other thought? Honestly, the halo mini tank gives me the best throat hit for some reason. It's a shame it's so damn leaky and they don't make a cone to work with the triton batteries

I can get the same throat hit on the Triton as on the G6 with the slower draw - no holes plugged. When the Triton is firing, it actually seems to push the vapor through the mouthpiece. I'm barely drawing at all until there is a good amount of vapor in the mouthpiece.

You can also try a lower resistance coil. The ones that come with the kit are 2.2 - 2.4 ohms. Halo has coils at 1.8 - 2.0 ohms for a warmer vape. Some flavors like Belgian taste burnt on lower resistance coils, so you'd have to experiment or search ECF for more on that.

Then there's the Triton VV where you can vary the voltage. But that's another investment. I hope to get one at some point. Gotta save up!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
You can fit a cone around a mini tank on a Triton, you just need to open it up a little bit. You can use a round metal file and shave a little off the inside of the cone until it fits...

I've done this as well...just shave off a little from the narrow end of the cone...like 1/4 of an inch will do it. I used sand paper designed for metal...a little elbow grease and voila...a mini batt with a mini tank and a cone...pure stealth.
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