My emphysema, vacuuming and vapin. .

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2014
Cape Coral, Florida.
I m trying to figure out your post Carlos.

By little doc? you mean your daughter? SO?

In either case I would suggest to whomever is fussing that the Casa is not clean enough to get off their butts and start cleaning.

'lil doc is wiffy. Formerly known as Her Majesty.
She doesn't know how to clean. Or cook for that matter. Docs don't do that kind of meager jobs. I do.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2014
Cape Coral, Florida.
I don't really get it either. I used to show off a good chunk of .... (due to gravity, which struck my .... several DECADES before it found my boobs!) back when anyone might be interested in what my .... looked like -- about 20-30 yrs ago. :D


I am. I still keep the old Playboy magazines. Full of grandmas now.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2014
Cape Coral, Florida.
Heh... I used to be married to this guy who forced me to be someone I'm really not, just to keep him. I finally figured out it was more important to be who I actually am, than keep any man. Then I found my current husband... with whom I can be who I am, and for some reason, he still loves me. :D Maybe it's because I let him be who he really is... farts, ear-hair, and all. :D We share a love of 70s rock and Bruce Willis movies (among many other things!); that airy-fairy Enya crap my first husband enjoyed can take a flying leap. :D

It might be a southern thing, but my husband is from Indiana/Missouri (born in the first, lived in the 2nd till he was 35), and he's the same way -- "If you don't like how I look (gnarly beard).. look somewhere else!" Right on. :D


Being yourself is more Important than Anything. Kids included.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2012
QUOTE....snip....Do we need to express our newfound passion in that manner?.
I know we don't. Now what to do. What to say.
I was about to say something, and 'lil doc got in the middle.
"No kidding?" "now it's High School kids too?.

Well, the rest is too long. Advise, please.

All The Very Best Carlos....QUOTE

Tell lildoc there's a sale in the shoe dept. and ask for a hit.....
I always get these great ideas AFTER the fact.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2014
Cape Coral, Florida.
Wow, that's a hard act to follow but I just wanted to say hi to the op ( carlos) and thank him for sharing his story! I hope you stay because this forum is a great place to learn and make new friends. As far as the girl you were speaking about, well I guess for each his own. Times sure have changed! However I suppose it's better she is vaping then smoking so look at it that way :). I'm glad you got your vaccume figured out. I used to have one that was like a robot, until my daughter stepped on it and killed it. That was a sad day. Anyway, welcome and hope you stay. Glad your vaping. Best wishes. :)

Thank you. Sorry about your 'bot. RIP. Great excuse to spend some money. Buy a new one!!
To be honest. Da girl was HOT!!!. and fresh too. She followed me all 'round da store!.
Yeah, I'm dreamin. Please, just don't wake me up.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2014
Cape Coral, Florida.
QUOTE....snip....Do we need to express our newfound passion in that manner?.
I know we don't. Now what to do. What to say.
I was about to say something, and 'lil doc got in the middle.
"No kidding?" "now it's High School kids too?.

Well, the rest is too long. Advise, please.

All The Very Best Carlos....QUOTE

Tell lildoc there's a sale in the shoe dept. and ask for a hit.....
I always get these great ideas AFTER the fact.

Hahahaha!!! I can't stop laughing with 'ya. It also happens to me a lot.
I was trying to make out with a very hot chick once, inside a cooler and was short for words.
What words, idiot?. She was already waiting, and me, looking for words.
The owner of the restaurant so us with the camera, and rushed to open the door.
Yeah, I could frenchkiss. That was it. Another golden opportunity wasted looking for words.

Let me add that we stayed "friends". I know, to this day, she thinks of me as a softie.
And she be right.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast
How ya doin', Carlos? Apparently ya got back to da casa OK. No FHP warnings on your return, I hope!

For all ya'll dat haven't met Carlos, he's a total pleasure to personally know and converse with! Willing to bet that many, if not most, folk here have never utilized da freedom spirit, appreciation of da USofA and work ethic dat has brought my Cubano friend into his 'seasoned' years.

Actually, now knowing just a lil' part of his background, hopefully ya can see sum 'poetry' in his 'expressions'; and not be so quick to make light of his postings; and those of others!

OK, off my
... fer now!

BTW, being an ol' fart myself, I can decipher and appreciate his posts a hellava easier dan sum of da 'textings' of present day!


Super Member
Jan 24, 2015
within my own thoughts....
*Waves at Iffy!*

I do hope people give Carlos aka Elbakan a chance to grow on them ;)

Jovey, sometimes you don't need to understand to enjoy a bit of quirkiness :laugh:

lol Oh i'm a quirky kinda gal...that's why i read through the thread haha I love the lightheartedness on some of these threads...not to mention, it exercises my brain!

I'm old....believe me, it needs a balance of quirkiness and exercise! :p
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