My ABSOLUTE Favorite...

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Ray D

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Nov 15, 2012
IDK, Zapped.

E-juice for me is like women in my younger days. There's so many attractive ones, I just want to try them all. ;)

Maybe a juice will come along, like my wife did, that knocks my socks off and I'll finally say, "that's the one." But it hasn't happened yet. :) (Although I have several I could happily be limited to already. I hesitate to call anything a "favorite" just yet. Not enough experience)


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Jun 2, 2011
SW. Indiana
Well, I gotta say that Boba's is my number one juice. There are a thousand posts trying to describe the flavor so I won't attempt it, seems to be quite different for each person. The flavor isn't the only thing that has me hooked, it's got great throat hit and even nose hit. Also I run it at 10 watts and the vapor is thick enough to chew. There are a few others in my regular rotation Halo Torque56, w2v Blondie and Managua. There are a few menthols that make the rounds too. Lately I've been trying out HHVs tobaccos trying to pick a few favorites. They are all pretty tasty and having a hard tie deciding between them.


Vaping Master
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Jan 1, 2011
So far my favorite juice is Gooey Better Cake from Kick Bass Vapor. It's a juice I find myself going to time and again. For me, it was a dessert vape that didn't make my jaw ache from too much sugar. It tastes like the real thing. Also the bottle is the easiest squeezey bottles I have and I never thought I'd have to talk about bottles but some I've used made my fingers hurt.

I've only ordered two juices from there, a 15ml Gooey Better Cake and a 15ml Caramel Capp. The Caramel Capp tasted too heavy on bitter almost burned coffee (or even burned popcorn) for me and I couldn't take it. I have a ton of trouble with coffee vapes so that doesn't surprise me. But anyway I'm going to order about five or six more dessert vapes from them based on how much I adore their Gooey Better Cake.

I loved that one too. Try their Hummingbird Nectar for an amazing honeysuckle vape. Strawberry Pie was another one that's great.

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Jan 4, 2013
Virgin Vapor's Organic Kona Velvet Milkshake is my long time favorite. Best way to describe this is like a fine coffee house frappe. It might be best described by it's creator, "It's sweet, creamy and buttery with notes of caramel and rum all balanced out by a nice strong shot of Kona espresso! It's so smooth and smells so good, I've had non-vaping friends try to grab it out of my hand to try it! Warning: highly addictive!"

If I could only pick one flavor to use for the rest of time, it would be this. Velvety smooth vape, complex flavor, so satisfying.

Organic Kona Velvet Milkshake E-liquid | Virgin Vapor | Electronic Cigarette Organic e-Liquid | Electronic Cigarettes

It is your above comment on this juice that caused me to cave on my self imposed ban from ordering any more juice for the next thirty days. I just had to try it. I made it 2 weeks......


Vaping Master
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Oct 11, 2012
There is no possible way I could decide on ONE favorite juice. My ADV today won't be the same tomorrow. I enjoy so many styles and profiles, I have stopped looking for my favorite juice. I would say I have at least twenty juices that rotate as ADV for me. There are juices I haven't touched in a month that I could list as a "favorite".


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Aug 10, 2012
Ptown, VA
I rotate 5 flavors a day minimum. I just can't stick to one. There is so much variety available that I don't plan to ever stick to one juice. I enjoy a light, menthol vape in the morning and switch to a citrus vape for the afternoon. By the time I get home I am craving something for my sweet tooth. And that was just today. It changes daily. I would have to say that I will never find a true ADV but I am extremely happy with the flavors I have found so far and look forward to finding more as my journey progresses.


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Dec 6, 2011
North Carolina, USA
I have a few juices that I would consider my favorites, but the one that has been at the top from day one would be Virginia from Backwoods Brew.

It's an in-house extraction that captures perfectly the complexities of a great fire/flue-cured gold leaf tobacco. Sweet, dry, woodsy, and smoky. Full bodied vape with a blended flavor profile, where no one flavor note overpowers another, yet all come through clearly. This one should appeal to cigarette and pipe smokers alike, as it straddles the razor's edge between aromatic and non-aromatic. It's all about balance.


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Oct 31, 2010

On the site above I said alot about what I've found with e-liquids. I started with juices. After a few PG tries I switched to VG. I have several bottles, mostly VG. I mixed in some PG virginia, haven't quite used it up. Virginia VG, Virginia PG, a couple drops of Cherry, some USA mix flavor concentrate, those mixes work for me and the wife. I cannot explain the taste, I know I just like them.

I don't steep, pay attention to whats going in to a mix. I simply start adding whatever sounds good. I did buy a HHV sample pack, so far their the winners in my book. I haven't tried Legend, but will soon.
Until I find better, I'm throwing juices together......


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Jan 15, 2011
So far my favorite juice is Gooey Better Cake from Kick Bass Vapor. It's a juice I find myself going to time and again. For me, it was a dessert vape that didn't make my jaw ache from too much sugar. It tastes like the real thing. Also the bottle is the easiest squeezey bottles I have and I never thought I'd have to talk about bottles but some I've used made my fingers hurt.

I've only ordered two juices from there, a 15ml Gooey Better Cake and a 15ml Caramel Capp. The Caramel Capp tasted too heavy on bitter almost burned coffee (or even burned popcorn) for me and I couldn't take it. I have a ton of trouble with coffee vapes so that doesn't surprise me. But anyway I'm going to order about five or six more dessert vapes from them based on how much I adore their Gooey Better Cake.

If you like fruity flavors they used to have a good pineapple shake and refreshing cantaloupe. Probably still do. I mostly DIY but they were good.


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Sep 7, 2012
Sweet Home, Oregon USA
I've got one I like for tanks/cartomizers "Lime Vientiane" because it is fresh tasting, not too sweet, delicious, and gives me throat hit out of a tank/carto set up which can be a problem with that set up sometimes. Then I make my own Pomegranite from a recipe on ecf that uses Pomegranite, Bavarian Creme,Malty mixed 10 % and Marshmellow. I had TFA flavors except the Malty was from a e juice site i forget! I've made this 2 times and it is my favorite still. I mostly vape it in my eRoll and drip it. When the Atties get a little funky it doesn't ruin the juice for me. It changes it but they mix well, ha ha dirty Atties and Pomegranite ejuice recipe. It doesn't turn dark and that's good for coils and stuff. My favorite will no doubt change but I love when people share their favorites. I learned that people have some very strange taste sometimes though! Like when I bought 30 MLs "blah blah blah" and I it just doesn't do a thing for me, and I have to dilute the heck out of it to tone it down. I'll be glad if FDA has to get involved at all if they would require a list of ingredients in order of strongest to mildest. Then we'd really be able to DIY more effectively! Ok. And Lime Ventiane is a Lime, Lychee, and Ginger mix. So a person could play with that and get real close to to their favorite tank /carto juice DIY. They probably wouldnt have to name the source of the flavor supplier and we know that can make or break a recipe. I'm just shooting for the the best in the dark based on posts here about their subjective experiences and reading the website about flavors supply places. A pretty picture with ingredients artfully displayed does not guarantee a good juice. But all in all I have always enjoyed a challenge and a lot of vaping stuff is a challenge! It has great potential though and that's the fun part


Ultra Member
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Jan 22, 2010
If you like fruity flavors they used to have a good pineapple shake and refreshing cantaloupe. Probably still do. I mostly DIY but they were good.

(The above quote refers to Kick Bass Vapor.)
I was a Kick Bass devotee for a long time and haven't ordered from them for a while because I got curious about other vendors and wandered off. And actually, Kick Bass remains in my top 3 - I love a lot of their juices. I wish they had glass bottles. The vendors, boB and Yssim, are terrifically responsive, sweet, fun and skilled. It's one of those juices that got tons of enthusiasm and then sort of fell off the discussion radar when some new wares appeared. Gooey Better Cake is wonderful.
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Full Member
Oct 27, 2012
Your suggestions sound awesome. At the moment I have this list: (For when I"m ready to order more juice in March I think.)

Crumb Doughnut
Krispity Treat
Butter Cream Icing
Monkey Bread
Warm Sugar Cookie
Arnie Palmer
Strawberry Pie
(Edit: AND gooey better cake again of course!!!)

The Pineapple shake sounds good, Cardiwen, thank you. I'll add that as well.

(Another edit: That KONA MILKSHAKE sounds out of this world, I'm going to put an order in to Virgin Vapors too and give that one a try. )
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