more crock pot vs UC .... my experience

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Ultra Member
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Oct 10, 2013
Louisville, KY, USA
i have question, if temp range will below 150F and higher it can damage liquid, if for example bootle stay in water on temperature 130F or 170F can damage juice even if cap are on bottle? or this 150F it best speed steep time.

At a temp of 170 degrees for 2.5 hours, I had no negative effects. I had caps on. I hope that helps.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2013
I think you'll be good with that 150 - 160F range and a timer sounds like a good idea. I like the digital thurmomter may get that one myself.

Hard to go wrong at the price. Already have old-style meat thermometer plus timer but like that this can go inside the crock pot with only wire running to the outside. They also have a wireless that might be way cool.


Moved On
Oct 29, 2013
colorado springs co
Im going to test it at 160 and 170 if i have time this weekend and moniter the actual juice inside again also. I did it yesterday and the temp stayed 150 for the crockpot and 139 for the actual juice. so the juice never even really got to 150 degrees. . then maybe hotter lol..
Just a though has anyone tried this crock pot procedure at a temperature range lets say from 150 - 170f? That may eliminate some of these concerns about the differences in temperature between crock pots. I myself have been doing my steeping in a UC with heat on mostly and mine ranged from 135 - 160F depending on if I did one cycle after another as well as how much rest time I gave it or if I only let the heat run on some cycles and not others. I found over all my results were still consistant at a range from 140f to 160F.


Moved On
Oct 29, 2013
colorado springs co
lots of replies so here goes a cover all . I used a smaller crock pot on the warm setting. then cracked the lid just a little and stuck a meat thermometer in it and adjust the lid untill it stayed a consistent 150 degrees. as far as big and heavy, IDK. Im used to drilling tools so just my wrenches at work are about 50lbs each lol.. so a little tiny crock pot is meh not really that big or heavy and I dont have to carry it around all day. put it on the counter , add water and walk away lol.. I would have used a food dehydrator tho had I had one but i dont. would be great to not use water in the uc or crock pot.I think i will buy one as soon as i can . I agree the buzz off the UC can get annoying. The UC does do its job . my thinking on it now is it just shakes it way to much . its got to oxidize it more because at the 4 hour mark in the UC the juice was darker than in 4 hrs crock pot. I almost questioned if it was done. but was doing 4 hrs vs 4 hrs . glad i stopped. it was perfect. and as i mentioned earlier was a bit more "harsh" or more "TH" . agreed about resting. ive noticed even after 48-72 hrs rest after UC it still had more TH than the crock pot. in this particular recipe. cant say for all mixes. it was just so creamy and delicous I had to share my experience.. if all you have is the UC it still works great and who knows maybe ill start doing 2 hrs UC 2 hrs crock pot lol. not a scientist tho just my observation and I was pretty impressed. have tried it before but not for the full 4 hrs just because like others said above when I started DIY that was one of the first things I read about was the UC and just stuck with it. alot of time and effort was put into testing the UC by many and thats why so many people just go with it. again it does work just thinking I like more heat less shaking method for quick results. when testing new mixes it sure is nice to not have to wait weeks to a month to try something. :vapor:
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Moved On
Oct 29, 2013
colorado springs co
lol awesome. thats how I do my ultrasonic cleaner. I rubberband a foam thing around the button and it runs constantly. so the 15 min on 15 min off cycle works pretty sweet for that. I did read that thread and several others before I tried this. my crock pot was pretty easy to adjust the lid to get it to stay at 150. didnt have to add water or anything and actually did a 2nd batch right after since it seemed to work so good. havent tried those yet so cant say on them. going to vape those tomorrow. so anyways really ran my crock pot at 150 degrees for 8 hrs straight. thats what i like about it also its meant to run like that. I already burnt out one ultrasonic cleaner. wasnt no biggie tho harbor frieght is about a mile from my house and 90 day warrenty on everything . it burnt out in about 2 months. the newest one hasnt tho. been worried but now i think i just a dehydrator for my juice and keep the UC for the wifes rings
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Post #29 shows my setup.


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Mar 16, 2014
Mount Vernon Wa.
lots of replies so here goes a cover all . I used a smaller crock pot on the warm setting. then cracked the lid just a little and stuck a meat thermometer in it and adjust the lid untill it stayed a consistent 150 degrees. as far as big and heavy, IDK. Im used to drilling tools so just my wrenches at work are about 50lbs each lol.. so a little tiny crock pot is meh not really that big or heavy and I dont have to carry it around all day. put it on the counter , add water and walk away lol.. I would have used a food dehydrator tho had I had one but i dont. would be great to not use water in the uc or crock pot.I think i will buy one as soon as i can . I agree the buzz off the UC can get annoying. The UC does do its job . my thinking on it now is it just shakes it way to much . its got to oxidize it more because at the 4 hour mark in the UC the juice was darker than in 4 hrs crock pot. I almost questioned if it was done. but was doing 4 hrs vs 4 hrs . glad i stopped. it was perfect. and as i mentioned earlier was a bit more "harsh" or more "TH" . agreed about resting. ive noticed even after 48-72 hrs rest after UC it still had more TH than the crock pot. in this particular recipe. cant say for all mixes. it was just so creamy and delicous I had to share my experience.. if all you have is the UC it still works great and who knows maybe ill start doing 2 hrs UC 2 hrs crock pot lol. not a scientist tho just my observation and I was pretty impressed. have tried it before but not for the full 4 hrs just because like others said above when I started DIY that was one of the first things I read about was the UC and just stuck with it. alot of time and effort was put into testing the UC by many and thats why so many people just go with it. again it does work just thinking I like more heat less shaking method for quick results. when testing new mixes it sure is nice to not have to wait weeks to a month to try something. :vapor:

If your looking for a dehydrator, Go to thrift shops and wade through the bread makers to find one. I don't think they get to 150. But makes VG like waterish. The dark rest between heat cycles seems to really help. I have it set up in spare room so it is in the dark throughout the cycles.


Moved On
Oct 29, 2013
colorado springs co
awesome thanks good idea on the thrift shops. I think some have adjustable heat from what i remember reading around .
If your looking for a dehydrator, Go to thrift shops and wade through the bread makers to find one. I don't think they get to 150. But makes VG like waterish. The dark rest between heat cycles seems to really help. I have it set up in spare room so it is in the dark throughout the cycles.
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