Looking at a VAMO...

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Apr 26, 2013
South Texas
I was told by my local b&m that the SS fits ego threading but the Chrome finish is thicker and therefore it does not.

The poster I replied to stated he had a SS like mine - I was just pointing out that I could use T3 / EVOD with my SS vamo. BUT - I think there are a bunch of different versions out there - my local B&M had the vamo I bought down as a "Bamboo APV"
Looking at my T3 down in the top of the vamo, there is at least 1/8 inch all around it, so that chrome coating would have to be pretty thick to close it up to not be able to fit a T3 in there.
It's all good, just giving my opinion based on my APV - others may vary. :vapor:


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Apr 26, 2013
South Texas
Wow. I've never seen a T3 attached to a Vamo, and I did quite a bit of reading up on the Vamo forum before I got mine. I guess I won't be making that comment anymore. My Vamo does take the EVOD without any issues, just not the T3's.

LOL, yeah, I know - I read that a T3 wouldn't fit on there - so of course, being a guy and all I had to try it :D
Hey, I'm not saying it looks the best or is part of my setup, but hey - it's another option.
Sigh. I am rather indecisive about this! One minute I am thinking Vamo, the next I am thinking about the angled head model Sigelei Zmax v3 telescope instead (I think it looks nicer - anyone reading happen to own one and care to check out the link I posted earlier in this thread pointing to the v3 kit and let me know what you think?) and yet another I think about "taking the plunge" and shelling out close to $300 for a Provari customized the way I would like with extra batteries, charger, etc. Spend the money once, cry over the cost, and most likely be thrilled once you get it as it's assumed you'll fall in love with it.

I do tend to be holding back more on the Provari as part of me hopes they're going to start incorporating (maybe in the not too distant future?) some of the features seen in less pricey mods that people really like into their devices to attract even more of a following. Native Kanger T3 support? A nice OLED screen with a better menu system - something that just looks nicer menu wise perhaps? From what i have seen there's nothing WRONG with the Provari menu, but for a device that is considered to be "a Cadillac of PV devices" by many, you'd think Provape would be interested in updating a bit and getting a little more competitive appearance wise with devices like the Zmax that have a nice scrolling OLED. Just my impressions and observations. I know many folks would like Provari to do VW also, but from what I have read (somewhere on a forum - cannot recall where) Provape really isn't interested in getting into the VW game at this point.

Regardless, the device has a huge following and they have a name and product built on high quality and reliability, so I am sure they aren't hurting at all to move units out the door. I have zero issue spending money on high quality (within reason - and I'd say $300 is about my limit for a whole setup), but I think I'd be far more inclined to shell out that sort of cash if the device was of the same quality as it is now with a few newer features.

So overall, I don't think a Provari is of immediate interest to me, but I am floundering back and forth about the Vamo or the Sigelei Zmax v3.

Hope everyone is having an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend (coming to a close entirely too fast)!

Thoughts and input would be appreciated. As always, my sincere thanks! :)
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May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV, USA
I absolutely love my vamo. I didn't know about Fasttech when I got mine, but the link for Fasttech is a wonderful price. I purchased mine from MyVaporStore.com and couldn't be happier. It's a great mod that is extremely feature-rich and versatile for the price. Honestly, for a new mod user, this is the perfect entry point imo....good luck!

Vapoor eyes er

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Sep 13, 2011
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A friend owns the Sigelei Zmax v3 and although nice looking he hates navigating the menu. I can see why. Vamo although not as nice looking has the easiest menu navigation I've ever seen or used because of the 3 buttons IMO. Your choice but check some vids out and compare the two diff styles of menu navigation.


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I asked a Provari seller the very same question why didn't ProVari incorporate vw into their device. I was told...its not necessary because a ProVari will hold the voltage it is set at, where as the china made devices have problems and have to use variable wattage to control the voltage. I hope this helps.


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May 27, 2013
Ames, Iowa
Comparing the menu navigation between the Vamo and Zmax (or other one button devices) was one of the reasons I went with the Vamo. The speed you can go through all the different functions, and then proceed to vape immediately without waiting for it to lock in to a setting was something I wanted. I suppose a person would get used to the one button operation, and not saying there is anything wrong with it. Just wasn't something I wanted to deal with at this point.


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Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I also just saw in pbusardo's video that IF you use the one 18650 battery, there's a bit of a rattle (extra space in the tube) but IF you use two 18350 batteries, there is no rattle (the batteries fit snug.) Hence, I just ordered several 18350's from fasttech. I really wish I had gotten the SS one - it was mentioned in the review how easily the chrome finish scratches and gets thumbprints.

If you get three small disk (sandwich) magnets and stick them on the end of the 18650 (flattop), that will take care of the rattle and makes it much closer to the size of the two 18350's.


ECF Guru
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Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I asked a Provari seller the very same question why didn't ProVari incorporate vw into their device. I was told...its not necessary because a ProVari will hold the voltage it is set at, where as the china made devices have problems and have to use variable wattage to control the voltage. I hope this helps.

That's just "salesman BS". The Provari is a very well made PV and I'm not knocking it at all. But most of the VV models on the market are made in China. So that has nothing to do with it. VW, IMO, is the future of variable vaping as it is closer to "set & forget" than VV.

It will not suprise me that at some point you will see a VW Provari.


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May 5, 2013
Seattle, WA USA
I asked a Provari seller the very same question why didn't ProVari incorporate vw into their device. I was told...its not necessary because a ProVari will hold the voltage it is set at, where as the china made devices have problems and have to use variable wattage to control the voltage. I hope this helps.
I love my Vamo....ease of use, quick menu functions, choice between VV and VW. I'm all for USA made devices, but to for a salesman to say that Chinese made mods have problems and have to use use wattage to compensate, is unproven. My Vamo is constantly here on my desk, as is my "at work" companion. :) Would I want to get a Provari eventually? You bet I would, but I'm pretty happy with my Vamo the way it is, and my wallet is cringing at the $160 to $180 price range of the Provari at the moment.


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Apr 13, 2013
Wrightwood, CA
I asked a Provari seller the very same question why didn't ProVari incorporate vw into their device. I was told...its not necessary because a ProVari will hold the voltage it is set at, where as the china made devices have problems and have to use variable wattage to control the voltage. I hope this helps.

That is just ridiculous. Either the seller does not understand their devices, or they were purposefully misleading you. It is exactly the opposite. You have to change your voltage when you change out different resistance coils. Once you find the wattage you like to vape at you can leave it set at that wattage. It will adjust automatically.

I am actually shocked they haven't updated the Provari to include the newer VW technology. Especially considering the quality of their product. VW is obviously the most convenient way to go. They must have a crap load of control boards they want to unload first.
Hey ECF Folks!

So I did make up my mind. I ended up getting this Vamo kit from Fasttech (ordered on 5-29-13):


Definitely like the gunmetal color the most (and have heard all about how it is a scratch and fingerprint magnet). I decided that I would very possibly get a J-Wrap for it should I not like the way it looks after a few weeks. There are some J-Wraps that look sort of lightsaber like, so that is appealing!

I also got an Ego to 510 adapter (just in case I needed it for my Kanger T3 tanks - would be a real drag if I needed the adapter and didn't have it - sort of like getting a new toy on Christmas morning and not having batteries for it!) as well as what looks like replicas of the Boge F16 and F17 carto tanks (a cheap introduction to carto tanks as I have no experience with them thus far - love how they're named "DCT Electronic Cigarettes Round Mouth Dual Heating Core Atomizer"). I found the appropriate pre punched cartos and a "Slap Yo Mama" like tool (for filling) from another vendor online, and also got 2 AW IMR 18350 batteries for short mode from RTDVapors. Looks like the Vamo kit itself may be getting held up as I got a notice today that the rest of the items in the Fasttech order shipped out today, but NOT the Vamo kit itself. :( I hope I don't end up waiting close to a month for it to get here!


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Mar 20, 2013
NE Texas, USA
I think their just waiting to get more in from the mfg. I ordered two Vamos with some other items and they shipped my Vamos a couple of days after the other items were shipped. All of my Vamos have the T3 threads already and I just screw them directly to the Vamo. You should have everything in 10-14 days. You will love that Vamo.
Thought I would go into a bit more detail as to which accessories I bought. I know I am asking AFTER I already made the purchases, but the thoughts and input of those more knowledgeable than me in these matters would be appreciated.

Has anyone tried any of the carto tanks from Fasttech? As I said in my previous post, I believe these are Boge replicas?

I bought 2 tanks:

DCT Electronic Cigarettes Round Mouth Dual Heating Core Atomizer (Small)


DCT Electronic Cigarettes Round Mouth Dual Heating Core Atomizer (Large)

Both of these tanks should work without issue on my new Vamo, correct?

I also got 2 boxes of these Boge cartos from SureVapes:

This is the Ego to 510 adapter I bought:

Thanks guys (and gals). I appreciate it!
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