Long time provari 2.5 user needs help with all this new sub ohm stuff

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Feb 24, 2013
United States
I am a long time provari v2.5 user. I have been using a kabuki tank or the aspire tank both with the p3 threads. My provari broke and I have to send it in to get repaired so in the mean time I went in to my local vape shop to get a replacement mod to get me by until my provari is done. I found that the local vape stores didn't carry any of the stuff I had been using for years it was all sub ohm tanks and mods. So I thought that I would try one and see how I liked it. I purchased an eleaf PICO kit. I really like this mod and the way it was designed. I am use to doing 1.8 ohm coils and a mouth to lung vaping style so this PICO and direct lung hits took some getting use to. I quickly discovered that this setup was going thru batteries and juice like crazy. I went back to the vape store and they couldn't give me any answers and acted like going thru 3 or 4 batteries and almost 15ml of juice a day was normal. With my provari setup a 18650 battery would last around a day and a half and a full tank of juice would last me all day. I then purchased a snow leopard and a Herakles tank thinking that the dual 18650 batteries and the larger tank might get me through work but I was wrong. I can barley make it to lunch and I am refilling the tank 4 or 5 times a day. Is it really normal to go through 4 or 5 batteries and a bottle of juice a day with these things? There has to be something I can do to improve this. I really like the way these things hit and I have been playing around with the temp control coils but it has turn my vaping into a chore with all these batteries and such. It hard to imagine that all theses vapers I see running around everyday are all carrying a pocket full of batteries. Can anyone help me out here?


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Jul 5, 2010
South Carolina
I vape subohm and find it to be more satisfying and enjoyable as well. Yes, I do go through more juice. I use a 5.5 ml tank and do need to fill it several times a day. So, that is normal.

I am not familiar with the mod that you are using but, I use a Cuboid which is also dual battery. I am able to charge it by USB in my car if needed. For this reason, I don't have the need to carry extra batteries. I am using good, quality batteries as well ( samsung INR18650 25R)

I do hope that you are able to find something that works well for you. Good luck.
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Jan 31, 2014
Dead Moose, AK
I'm an MTL, low(er) wattage vaper. A 3000 mAh LG HG2 battery lasts me 2-3 days with my single-coil, ~1.6Ω atties. :)
There's a lot of us low wattage vapers out there. :)

I'm vaping at a searing 9 watts on a 1.8 ohm build right now. A 2200mah battery lasts all day as does a 4 ml tank (with juice to spare). Sub-ohming was a collaborative invention by juice-sellers and coil-makers. Brilliant!


ECF Guru
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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
You don't have to run the Pico as a DL machine. While the topper that came with it may not be to your liking, something else with a coil in the 1.5 to 2 ohm range, with the appropriate power setting, should give you the vape and the performance you like. (Or you may be able to buy or build that topper to those values.)
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