kayfun clone 3.1 questions

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Feb 18, 2014
Tldr, but whatever you end up getting clean it well before use. I fully disassembled my Russian 91% clone purchased at a local B&M, soaked it in warm water with a drop off Palmolive and gave it a quick brush off with a soft spare toothbrush. Looking at the bottom of the wash cup, there was a bit of metal shavings left over from manufacture. Plus having it all apart let me see that a metal burr on the central pin was contributing to a whistling sound I heard while drawing on it.

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Aug 11, 2010
Left Side of Florida
Cute pup, trent..... hope she is feeling better today. Ask the vet to put in a staple or two.... last hound we had spayed they used only CA (dermabond) and it opened up a little. The dogs get active soon as they feel a little better and put stress on that incision. Easier to have a little extra holding power right out of the OR.

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Nov 2, 2012
I got mine from FT for 15 bucks and its awesome. Threads were a little grindy at first but they smoothed out really quick. Has a great seal and very easy to build on. I got a leak twice, first day i had it i left it on its side half full, and the other time i overfilled. I found if i want to keep it in my bag or pocket for a while and be safe i throw a vapeband over the airhole, and its never an issue. I have had it on side since the beginning and it hasnt leaked again, so it also may have been a fluke of sorts, maybe something wasnt tightened enough im not certain


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Oct 1, 2013
I have a Tobeco Kayfun lite clone. The fill screw stripped (it is forever stuck in there ), the small plastic tank stripped and cracked. But through all this I still use it and it works great! I fill from the top, and use the ss tank. I have an ehpro clone coming, and im in the market for an authentic Kayfun. Clone, or real its the best design for a tank imo.


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Feb 22, 2014
yea she is laying down right now but the last few times i gave her a lil bit of food she started to dry heave again so she isn't eating anything else today plus she isn't supposed to eat after 10 anyway for her surgery but hopefully she will be better as far as holding food down tomorrow after i pick her up from surgery. and ill ask the vet about it because she is a very active dog.


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Lots of good info in this thread. Thank you all. I got my Kayfun from FT on Monday. It sat in it's box looking at me until I had the time and focus to coil it up yesterday. It was my first coil build but was effortless and works perfectly. I've had some issues today with low vapor and thought I hadn't used enough wicking but after reading this thread I turned up the W and it is much much better. And mountains! Why had I not considered the mountains? I can sit home and vape all day but the minute I leave the house I have problems. I've finally learned to bring extra tanks and coils with me when I leave the house. I thought it was just dumb luck but it isn't my luck that's dumb. I live on the side of a mountain and regularly drive from 500' to 4000' altitude. Sigh. One of those ah-ha moments of feeling like an idiot.
Your puppy is adorable. Make sure you let the vet know her tummy has been upset when you drop her off. I can't imagine it would make a difference but the vet should be informed. Thank you for being a responsible owner and having her surgery done. I work at a shelter and see the horrors of foolish people that don't spay and neuter their pets.
BTW, I love my new Kayfun clone so much I went ahead and ordered a Russian this morning. Can't wait (and wait and wait) to compare.


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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
I was just looking at the eXpromizer's..... they look interesting. Any experience with them PLANofMAN?

I just found out about them last night. I really like the concept though. It seems like a natural refinement of the Kayfun. The drip tip is a poor match for the atty in my opinion, but I don't buy attys for the drip tips. :D


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Mar 28, 2011
Lots of good info in this thread. Thank you all. I got my Kayfun from FT on Monday. It sat in it's box looking at me until I had the time and focus to coil it up yesterday. It was my first coil build but was effortless and works perfectly. I've had some issues today with low vapor and thought I hadn't used enough wicking but after reading this thread I turned up the W and it is much much better. And mountains! Why had I not considered the mountains? I can sit home and vape all day but the minute I leave the house I have problems. I've finally learned to bring extra tanks and coils with me when I leave the house. I thought it was just dumb luck but it isn't my luck that's dumb. I live on the side of a mountain and regularly drive from 500' to 4000' altitude. Sigh. One of those ah-ha moments of feeling like an idiot.
Your puppy is adorable. Make sure you let the vet know her tummy has been upset when you drop her off. I can't imagine it would make a difference but the vet should be informed. Thank you for being a responsible owner and having her surgery done. I work at a shelter and see the horrors of foolish people that don't spay and neuter their pets.
BTW, I love my new Kayfun clone so much I went ahead and ordered a Russian this morning. Can't wait (and wait and wait) to compare.

I think it'd be cool if they put a little screw or something in the top of these things that can be opened to let air pressure in and out of the tank during a 'steep climb'. I suppose you could have such a thing added if you know a machinist.

Yep, a good VV/VW rig, and things with 'adjustable air flow' helps a bunch, as boiling/vaporizing temperatures can change (sometimes abruptly) at high altitudes.

Under these conditions with a tank experiment with the following:

If you can loosen the top enough to break the seal during the climb somehow, and still avoid spills...that'll help prevent pressure induced liquid floods.

If it does flood...tip it upside down and let that little bit of excess liquid in the atty chamber drain through the mouthpiece back into a second bottle (you can vape this later...no point in wasting it)...tip it again, loosen the top enough to let the pressure even out, then tighten it up again.

Air can get thinner as one climbs...requiring heat adjustments, and/or adjusting the air flow screw.
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Feb 22, 2014
Lots of good info in this thread. Thank you all. I got my Kayfun from FT on Monday. It sat in it's box looking at me until I had the time and focus to coil it up yesterday. It was my first coil build but was effortless and works perfectly. I've had some issues today with low vapor and thought I hadn't used enough wicking but after reading this thread I turned up the W and it is much much better. And mountains! Why had I not considered the mountains? I can sit home and vape all day but the minute I leave the house I have problems. I've finally learned to bring extra tanks and coils with me when I leave the house. I thought it was just dumb luck but it isn't my luck that's dumb. I live on the side of a mountain and regularly drive from 500' to 4000' altitude. Sigh. One of those ah-ha moments of feeling like an idiot.
Your puppy is adorable. Make sure you let the vet know her tummy has been upset when you drop her off. I can't imagine it would make a difference but the vet should be informed. Thank you for being a responsible owner and having her surgery done. I work at a shelter and see the horrors of foolish people that don't spay and neuter their pets.
BTW, I love my new Kayfun clone so much I went ahead and ordered a Russian this morning. Can't wait (and wait and wait) to compare.

i called vet last night when she was throwing up and there was grass in her puke but the vet said to let her take it easy and don't feed her much but all day today she has been dry heaving not thrown up once today but constantly dry heaving everytime she moves i am about to call vet again and figure out a way to induce vomiting.


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Feb 22, 2014
If you absolutely need to induce vomiting, give her a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and keep her outside for 30 minutes (unless you want to clean up a huge mess inside).

lol thats the problem i just moved into this apartment like 2 months ago and with college and stuff i don't have peroxide or salt. but i gotta wake up at 4 am tomorrow and get her ready to go to vet cause its like an hour drive from my apartment. as of now i just gave her a warm bath and cleaned her up real good and she hasn't dry heaved in the last few minutes but hopefully all is good tomorrow.


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Mar 18, 2013
San Rafael, CA
I had no issues with my crunchiness with my HCigar Kayfun 3.1 from luxour vapes...
at first I thought my screws weren't stainless steel...then one day I was giving my atomizers, mech mods an ultra sonic bath..threw in HCigar...everything was clean again.

The only complaint I have is the refill process, but it's pretty solid for me. To be quite honest, i was more disappointed in Russian 91% in the center post design, wobby, etc, I know there has been some revisions so maybe they fixed it.

I own real Kayfun lite plus rev 2, now that thing is high quality.

Hmmm.... I own the Hcigar 3.1 as well, and my 'stainless' block, the hollow post screw, and post screws have all started oxidizing which leads me to believe they aren't stainless. I replaced the post screws with A2 stainless ones(1.6 x 3mm)and so far no oxidizing, which furthers my suspicion the included ones were chrome plated brass or something else. But, other than that, it's machined very well, everything works and no leaks. I might have to invest in an ultrasonic cleaner and see if i can get that rust off of the internals.
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