Joining the GLV family(finally!)

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ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2010
So i found out a few hours ago that i won a glv XL mini and i am SUPER EXCITED! I sent in an e mail already with my color choice(green nebula with chrome black caps)and i already can't wait for it :)

I have been drooling over a glv for well over a year and a half now and cannot wait to finally own one. I have kind of phased out of 3.7 volt mods and 6 volts is to much for me so i am going to order a few 5v batteries to go along with it.

Cannot wait...i have heard nothing but good about this company. I was going to order either a glv or vv reo with my tax return(or both if it was big enough)and now i get one for free!

Thank you so much Jay and Sara! I'm sure i will love it.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet


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ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2010
I just saw the granny smith and kind of want that now lol. I didn't realize the glv had so many colors to choose fro. I feel bad since i already e mailed them once to change it. I will give them a call tomorrow and see if it i possible to change it for a third time haha.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet


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Dec 10, 2011
Up north
I just got off the phone with Jay. Super nice dude!

My final color change is granny smith green with flat black end caps.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet

Here's a shot of my Sparkle Granny Smith that doesn't do the color justice - it's much brighter and more vibrant. Congrats on your win and excellent choice of color :p

- Tim


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ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2010
Batteries and charger are in but they are sitting on my shelf lonely right now :(

I'm thinking i might need a battery spacer for these. Anyone ever use the 5v batteries in a glv? They came off the charger at 5.46 volts so i should get somewhere around 5v loaded with them :). Can't wait to try them out.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet


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Sep 24, 2010
The suspense is killing me!

I'm going to go to the glv pics thread and drool some more while i wait. Worst part is i have a saber touch waiting for me in Pittsburgh. That would atleast take my mind off waiting for my glv for a few days but i am stuck here in New Castle sick.

P.s. this post is a joke. I got a free glv...i will wait for a month if need be.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2010
Waiting is so hard. No matter what,

I went and picked up my saber touch today. We had a rough start together but i have it working almost just fine now lol. Still has an issue that needs repaired but this should take my mind off of the glv oor at least another 7 hours or so :p

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2010
OH yea...
still patiently waiting.... So looking forward to its arrival.

I have been mailman stalking lol. I am 99% sure it hasn't shipped yet but my mind keeps telling me that since. I wwon it in a contest maybe i won't get a tracking # or hhipping confirmation e mail lol.

Like i said i have already been waiting almost 2 years to own a glv...i can wait a little longer.

sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet


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Jan 20, 2012
Twin Cities, Minnesota
Is there an order status thread? If not that may be something to consider

Not yet but if you watch the website and check Sara's updates it will give you a rough idea of where they are at with the Pre-order build lists. I am guessing that you ordered last night Carly so you are going to fall into build list 5. Mine is in build list 3 and my friend at e Cig Shop in MN is on #1 list. Sara is pretty good at updating and just put a new update out today:

I am here at the shop today Ill be doing the emails and getting the new accounts printed out and put into a build list, I want to remind you that any reply you get from me in an email about the pre-order status is the same information that I have posted here at the bottom of the page
Im going to get to work, have a great day ;-)
I have gotten word that the headcaps are going to come first so we can get started prepping them for the laser etcher- this is great news and we're ready to get them started as soon as they arrive
Ill also call and schedule the appointment at the etcher when they get here.
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