It's time for me to move on.

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 19, 2008
United Kingdom
We will all miss you! A year ago it was you that showed me what all the models were and how they worked, which was best, how to drip and many other kewl stuff! It was you that made me go for my very first e-cig, the penstyle and DSE-901 before that I didn't have a clue! I was too worried about buying the wrong thing!! I watched your reviews over and over in excitement whilst I waited to get my first e-cig. When I think back to my first e-cig I always think of you for helping me out with your wonderful videos. Thanks and see you at e-cig review!!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 19, 2009
...I loved watching it grow from the few hundred member when i joined over a year ago. It's been a good ride, but if i don't end it now, it will end on a bad note. Of this i have no doubt.

Good for you for being aware enough to see where the path leads. Unfortunately, this is a natural evolution in the group's nature as it goes from small and intimate to very popular.
I'm a noob here, but was a founding member of another forum. Everyone knew me and I knew everyone. We joked and understood each other. No one took offense at anything that was said and no one made intentionally nasty remarks about others. Then the forum grew and grew and grew. I found that I was just another anonymous user among thousands and I got ".... hurt". I missed being a preeminent member that everyone addressed by first name. I eventually just stopped logging in.

If you've been around for a year or more, this is a very different forum than when you joined. I'm sure that it feels that something of yours that you valued has been taken from you. I know that's how I felt.

There's nothing so bad going on at ECF, as far as I can tell. Its just evolved into a much larger place. I think SJ and the mods are right, in general, the forum needs more rules to keep the asshats in check.

I'm sorry for your loss.



Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
If it is not too off-topic and not against forum regulations, would someone satisfy a newbie's* curiosity by providing some background on the references to: forum management, banning members, longer-term members departing, etc.?

* [See the counter banner in my signature. :)]

Is just that there are so many of us clueless folks recently flooding in here?
For what it's worth, my first impression of this forum and the e-cig subculture reminded me of the world of personal computers in the mid/late 70's: hobbyists and build kits -> TRS-80 and Apple II -> IBM PC and MS DOS ... but before it exploded into a corporate-mentality MS Windows or iMac/iPod/iPhone dominating every office and home.

That is: creative, free-thinking, somewhat offbeat (not an insult) people excitedly developing, sharing and talking about a new, constantly changing technology.
I loved being part of that early-PC world (as a user, not a techie) ... and I'm sorry if I've entered this PV world at what may a later stage. [Is Blu the Microsoft of PVs? ;)]

I had not yet discovered Dusty, but Leaford's and Spikey's video reviews/tutorials have been very valuable to me (and, I'm sure, to so many others). Inspired by the tributes here, I will now investigate Dusty's threads.

All the best!



Full Member
ECF Veteran
May 28, 2009
Daytona Beach Fl USA
Yours were the very first videos I saw and I learned soooo much from you. Thanks for your great work I know you'll be missed by all. Love da rat hats too. I'll miss you, Oh! Just for the record the first time I saw your video I called my hubby to the computer and asked him if the guy looked familiar, Yep you're our sons doppleganger See ya on the flip side


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2009
Kona, Hawai'i
Hey Dustin,

Just wanted to thank you. If it wasn't for you and your video reviews I would of never found this forum in the first place. You were my first introduction into vaping! Thanks!!

Same here. You and Kate and Spikey were my introduction to vaping, and I will always be thankful. Now it seems that all three of you are gone. A sad time indeed! :(

The very best of luck to you, and a big, warm Aloha from the islands... GP
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