It's these kind of people that are going to ruin it for all of us...

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ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
If everyone was in Camp E, and Respected an Owners wishes, would we Need any Indoor Bans?

But Wait, that Isn't the Real World. So I guess there is Always going to be Some Rube vaping in the Cereal Aisle somewhere.

Not sure what you want Business Owners to do besides Push for Bans?
grow a set and defend their grounds. either by intelectual creative thinking or by force depending on the individual and the business model.


Vaping Master
Dec 23, 2014
grow a set and defend their grounds. either by intelectual creative thinking or by force depending on the individual and the business model.

They're probably too lazy and cheap to do that, they want to unload on government and public money as much work as possible.


ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
Like I told Caramel.

Nice in Theory. But I don't see that Happing for Every Type of Business in the USA.
nor do i.

but i'm going to constantly go back to where this back and forth originated.

how about your bar (again, of which i've managed 6 at a time).


ECF Guru
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Aug 6, 2013
My response would depend on the reaction of others I suppose. If others paid it no attention then I'd probably say nothing.

If others in the store look oddly at it, said something or made a negative comment about then I'd probably approach the mod wielding, cloud creating person and have a discussion. My guess is that it would not go over well however. Someone acting with that little amount of respect for others can care less what anyone thinks or says. Having a discussion with them about is futile..

In the instance of my friends bar, I did try and ask people to not fog the joint up and it was always met with resistance. The whole it's my right argument..

We all vape and we all want it to succeed. You are right we can't control what others do but we can be upset when they damage the cause by acting irresponsibility.
Why would it take other people to have a reaction for you to step up considering how adamant you've been from the start regarding what allegedly happened?


Vaping Master
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Jan 12, 2014
You have to care, especially since the government is actively involved in hate speech with the purpose of making people not accept vaping in any form.

And, unlike you, they have tens of millions of dollars allocated to such propaganda.

If the people accept it, they will, probably, have seen the positive benefit of it. If the people accept it, they won't care about BT. When I write, in response, to a media piece, I ask why they are not addressing the known dangers of smoking. I had a 2-page field day with my local PBS station for a PBS' Newshour piece two weeks ago. They said they would pass it on...whatever that really means, but my story was read and hopefully, will be commented on publicly.

All of us, don't let something go by without responding.


Ultra Member
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Aug 5, 2013
The beautiful Puget Sound
These threads always become about every reason that vaping is getting banned.

There are nuggets of truth in all the reasons. Even those creating the legislation have no real clue what true vaping is all about. Most have never even seen a PV. All they know are the commercials they see on TV regarding the cig-a-likes or the Blu type. Even the FDA are clueless.

Yes, there is disrespect in EVERY area. From the people that have their bass going in their cars in the middle of the night, to parents who let their kids run wild at restaurants, to people who don't care who they offend with whatever.

It has become a sad state of affairs when the minority of offenders take precedence over the millions of respectful people. It just goes to show, those that cry get rewarded.

Jerks are in all walks of life and in EVERY type of activity. Do we blame all of the participants of that activity? Or do we really see what it truly is....ONE person acting like a jerk.

To say that a certain segment of the vaping community is ruining it for all of us is not a true statement. The JERKS (whom are probably jerks no matter what they are doing) are just that....

The best that we can hope to do is present ourselves, individually, as we would like to be perceived. We only have control over what we do as individuals. We can try to educate, but if we hide....who are we educating? If we vape responsibly, we can educate and show that it isn't all a cloud chasing competition. Cloud competitions have their place. At least they still have a place to do it.

This is human nature, to push the boundaries. It happened with snow boarding, race car driving etc. They have their place. Let them.

Innovation happens when we let them push the boundaries. We would not have devices that are more effective and easier to use if those boundaries had not been pushed.

We are all vapers.

[HASHTAG]#vapingsavedmylife[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#notblowingsmoke[/HASHTAG]

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Oct 19, 2014
Baker, MT
Yes, there is no explicit rules but it became norms being on the minority side... Also, I meant clear air, not clean air because I don't think the cloud that we make is harmful besides from the fact that it makes rooms a bit more foggy for a short time.

I do hope that there won't be any regulation not to vape in public places....
ND already lumps vaping in with cigarette smoke. No vaping in public areas, or within 25ft of a public building.


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Oct 19, 2014
Baker, MT
grow a set and defend their grounds. either by intelectual creative thinking or by force depending on the individual and the business model.
^^^^^ Ask them to leave if they're acting in a manner that the business owner doesn't like. If they refuse, it's trespassing. Pretty darn simple.


Vaping Master
Dec 23, 2014
a Vape alerting whistle could not be used inside as it would spew invisible inside of lung stuff all over the food much worse than vapor that you can see where its going.

But we could have a FDA approved one.... with compressed air in tamper proof containers, delivering a metered dose at each press of the button....


Vaping Master
Dec 23, 2014
No different than open container (public consumption of alcohol). If it becomes a problem (I.E. bunch a drunk {Moderated} acting stupid), then the city has a right to shut it down (I.E. prohibit for all).

Question is - what exactly was objectionable, the alcohol itself, or the behaviour of those people?
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Vaping Master
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Apr 1, 2012
San Diego CA
No different than open container (public consumption of alcohol). If it becomes a problem (I.E. bunch a drunk {Moderated} acting stupid), then the city has a right to shut it down (I.E. prohibit for all).
There is a big big difference between vaping and drinking.
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Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
If, instead of instigating to hatred against smokers/vapers, the government would insist that everyone observes the personal space of others, exactly like they would like their own space to be observed too, then we would not be having this discussion.

And you're proposing the government as the solution when in fact it's their actions that are creating the problem?

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