Is 'Smoke Everywhere' brand the same as 'Smoke Anywhere' brand???

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Full Member
Oct 20, 2010
Thanks to everyone for all the great suggestions. Well, I'm vaping like crazy...and I love it!! Hubby is still smoking regularly, but takes his new eGo Tank when we go somewhere that smoking is not allowed. I have bought lots of different units. Have pretty much given up on the Smoke 51 altogether, although we still have them. The cartridges are just very expensive compared to so many others. Still figure I'll restock next time I'm at the VA Beach mall. I've found that I LOVE the pass-throughs! Lots of vapor and it's already ready whenever I'm on the computer---and I have an attachment that allows me to use it in the car as well. I really don't mind the cord much if I'm on the go either. I just take a charged pass-through and stick the cord in my pocket. I found some neat extra-long 501-type cartomizers with a small ceramic reservoir instead of filler, and that works great with what I'm using. Now that I've bought Hubby the 1000 mah batteries and the huge tanks, I figure if he can't get off cigs using that, he never will. Hate that he's still spending so much money on cigs, but I don't see any other way to get him to stop smoking. He still goes out on the porch every time he lights up, but to him it's worth it. In the meantime, everyone in my own family has stopped smoking after seeing me with the e-cigs at Christmas! I never thought my sisters would stop, and they didn't really have any intentions of doing so until they saw me. So altogether, we've got 3 full-time, hard smokers who've completely quit, one non-smoker who's started non-stop vaping (me), and one heavy smoker who has at least cut back---but only by a little (Hubby). I guess it's a success story! I'm about to order myself an eGo-type unit from .......... unless someone has a better suggestion or a horror story about this company. They have a 2-battery package with charger, 5 cartridges, and bottle of liquid for around $40. What do y'all think?? Thanks again for the input! Lisa


Full Member
Dec 14, 2010
It will definitely not stink up your house or stain anything. One of the main things my wife loved when I switched over, she likes that I don't stink like cigarettes when I come to bed. Also, about being overcharged... If you can return it, DO. Then ask over here and everyone will point you towards something that will suit your husband and be far more cost effective. A lot of us purchased the overpriced stuff to start and regretted it shortly after when we saw what we could get with all the money we threw at the mall kiosk dude.
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