Questions for different smoking habits

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Full Member
Jan 3, 2009
First off I am new to the whole e-cig concept. After seeing the "evidently shameful 'smoking everywhere'" kiosk in the mall I have been interested and researching e-cigs. Unlike a lot of users of e-cigs I do not smoke cigarettes at all. I am a very big cigar/pipe/hookah smoker. I do not inhale cigars but I do hookah's every few drags. Basically I smoke for the taste and silly as it sounds...the smoke. I enjoy puffing out smoke and making smoke rings.

As I have been researching the whole e-cig concept I find that the users of e-cigs are just as passionate about e-cigs as hookah or cigar smokers are about their methods to the madness. I can already tell if I get into e-cigs I will be passionate about them as I am about hookah & cigars. My main reason for being interested is they seem to offer the 2 main things I love plus the fact of no mess and the ability to smoke them almost anywhere.

I am curious if someone could give me some tips on a certain brand of e-cig that might be able to meet my needs. It seems brands like njoy and obviously smoking everywhere are frowned upon, but brands like Crown 7, PureSmoker, and the screwdriver are given the thumbs up. I would be interested in a reliable brand that is relatively small and would provide large amounts of smoke. Again, I am not a smoker so I do not care about how hard they "hit." I would be getting the 0mg carts/juice anyway. My main enjoyment would be lots of vapor and some good flavors. Obviously I do want something that would be reliable as well.

Also, can someone explain what basic maintenance is required to "upkeep" your e-cig for constant enjoyment?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 2, 2008
Bethlehem, PA
Check -

Welcome to the forum. I'm not trying to be mean, but I would quit while your ahead. Why add another addiction to the mix? I haven't been at this that longer either but the actual concept of "smoking everywhere" is a complete lie. While the idea of being able to smoke everywhere is nice and these devices do not "smoke," I still respect the bans because it appears that I am smoking.

Please don't take my suggestion the wrong way but really I would avoid getting involved in another addiction for the sake of being able to do it anywhere because soon we may not be able to do it at all...


PS: Might wanna check back when somebody gets around to making that E-Hookah....can't wait for someone to actually tackle that challenge...
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Full Member
Jan 3, 2009
No I understand what you mean...Im sure the Australians sure do :D

I probably should have qualified my e-cig usage better. Smoking it in places that don't allow smoking is definitely not the main thing attracting me to this. My wife hates me smoking in the house. Hookah is basically the only thing I can smoke in the house but my wife still scoffs at it sometimes. Being able to smoke after dinner or at my computer for an hour or 2 would be 85% of my usage from an e-cig.

The reason I am so interested in this is at this point is that I was fixing to buy a new personal hookah and spend $100 to $150 in new hookah stuff. I was just curious if the e-cig would be a better investment than new hookah stuff. No smell, less upkeep (I think), etc.


Ultra Member
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Nov 18, 2008
Rochester, NY
Foxy, I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you on your main premise: It's a matter of personal preference perhaps, but when I'm using my penstyle or screwdriver, I am not smoking, and I do feel I'm entitled to use it, just about anywhere. I do use it discretely depending on the circumstances, but I use it nonetheless. I'm not breaking any laws, nor defying any bans, nor harming any others who may be nearby with second-hand smoke, so why the heck not?

Further, because I have chosen devices that do not even look like cigarettes, I don't look like I'm smoking either. I never get challenged or bothered about it; occasionally some strange looks yes, but it seems to be either curiosity or simply people that think I have an oral fixation on my pen or my screwdriver. :D

As for your question Check, I'm a screwdriver user and I, and many others, swear by it for vapor production and consistency, well above that of most other devices. It's also great because it doesn't rely on the more expensive proprietary batteries that the traditional e-cigarettes all use. And it's really a lot smaller in person than it appears in photos.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 2, 2008
Bethlehem, PA
yvilla - i can respect your opinion but i do believe that it's that sense of entitlement that will end up getting some people in trouble. like you said, we're not smoking, but appearances mean a lot non-smokers, especially anti-smokers. I think you have the right idea though. If you're going to use it, use it discretely, unless you've asked the proper person for permission use it openly.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do, its just a personal preference, as you said.


PS: I can only imagine the looks you SD users get when you're out in public :p


Ultra Member
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Nov 18, 2008
Rochester, NY
PS: I can only imagine the looks you SD users get when you're out in public :p

Hah, wait till I get to try out my Weller electronic soldering iron mod in public; should be arriving tomorrow from Alohaoecab! ;)


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Full Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 22, 2008
Foxy, I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you on your main premise: It's a matter of personal preference perhaps, but when I'm using my penstyle or screwdriver, I am not smoking, and I do feel I'm entitled to use it, just about anywhere. I do use it discretely depending on the circumstances, but I use it nonetheless. I'm not breaking any laws, nor defying any bans, nor harming any others who may be nearby with second-hand smoke, so why the heck not?

Further, because I have chosen devices that do not even look like cigarettes, I don't look like I'm smoking either. I never get challenged or bothered about it; occasionally some strange looks yes, but it seems to be either curiosity or simply people that think I have an oral fixation on my pen or my screwdriver. :D

As for your question Check, I'm a screwdriver user and I, and many others, swear by it for vapor production and consistency, well above that of most other devices. It's also great because it doesn't rely on the more expensive proprietary batteries that the traditional e-cigarettes all use. And it's really a lot smaller in person than it appears in photos.

I have to say I agree with Foxy. In the end, it is up to the owner of the establishment what they will and will not accept at their location, and they can throw you out for e-smoking. What I have been doing is getting the attention of someone working at the location, and I explain really quickly what it is. Most of them have been interested and let me use it. A couple have not, and said that nothing even similar to smoking can be done in their establishment. However, as far as the ridiculous bans on smoking on the sidewalk in certain cities (did they realize that sidewalks are outside?), I would say have a ball. In that case, e-cigs will definitely get you around that.

And as for Checkyoursixx, I am also with Foxy. I would also suggest to quit while you are ahead. I really cannot see much of a reason to start an addiction that some say is harder to quit than crack due to enjoyment.

With that out of the way, if you do decide to go for it, welcome to the forums :)


ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2008
Central NY, USA
OK, I'll take a stab at this.

If you want a small cigarette looking device, there are super minis or peewees. I hear they produce great vapor but they are a pain to maintain because they have a smaller cartridge that constantly needs topping off/filling....and smaller batteries that need frequent charging.

The next sizes up would be the mini 901 or penstyle 801. Both seem to produce fair amounts of vapor....I wouldn't say anything spectacular like something bigger, but sufficient. Because the 901 is smaller than the 801, it will generally require more maintenance as mentioned above.

You might be more interested in the cigar or pipe. Both apparently produce more vapor than the ecigs but use a different type of battery. Some will swear by the cigar as something they use when they relax rather than an all day thing. There are reviews on both of these all over the place'll have to do a search.

I personally wouldn't recommend the screwdriver as that seems to be more for heavy smokers, which it doesn't sound like you are.

Also, there is a new EVO brand (that I don't know much about) but the users here say it has a pretty good battery life and vapor for a smaller ecig. Again, if you do a search on some of these, you'll get a lot more information than what I am providing here.

Good luck!



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 30, 2008
whatever you vape,
where ever you vape,

always practice good old fashioned common curtesy
and good manners,

always ask first,
always respect the owner of the premises,
abide by what he/she dictates.

this way we will not antagonize people with our new practice,

those who force their I'm allowed,
you can't ban me,
mentality on others,
will only cause those in control to fight back harder.


We want them to like us, and accept us,
not to hate our arrogant guts.

by practising this philosophy,
I have never been refused yet.

Di ......


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
AMEN, dikerry.

If it weren't for shipping costs, ironically, the disposable LoongTotem would be his perfect choice. He wouldn't use up carts fast and the costs aren't extravagant once you get them to the States. Massive, massive vapor from the ones I've tried. Nothing else comes close. I know. I know. So name me a brand without problems ....
Di, you have hit the nail on the head,
Just because you can, doesn't always mean you should,
I have always been a considerate smoker in the past , so I will continue the trend and be a considerate vaper .... do what you will in your own place , respect the rights of others to dictate what you do in theirs... it doesn't hurt politely asking first rather than just assuming its ok... common decency?

edit -- ooh and my 100th post --- man i gab on don't I????


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 30, 2008
I guess us old buggers still have some good stuff to contribute,

I really enjoy this forum with all the varied opinions from around the world.

laugh for you trumpy,
many years ago, I rang elders bloke ( stock agent )
to ask a lamb related problem,
he asked, how many sheep do you have madam ?
I replied, 6,
he replied in a very condesending voice,
and what are their names !!!!!
the funny thing of it was, I could have told him.!!!
lambchop, bar-b-q, etc.....

Di .......
I also have always been a considerate smoker and the smoking ban still came. Like Australia, the rest of the world's governments will ban e-vaping for the taxs. the more you vape in public, the more people will ask what it is and the more people will pick up e-vaping, the more people will be on our side when the e-liquid ban comes around.


Full Member
Dec 24, 2008
You're right about the image. To some anti-smoking extremists, "smoking is smoking". I was talking with someone at our apartment building about this, as they had never tried e-cigarettes before. My next door neighbor wandered over and, after a couple of minutes, commented that "smoking is smoking!", and walked away. Rude, much?

I don't smoke the e-cigarette in any public place where actual smoking is not allowed for that reason. I may keep it with me for a quick vape in the bathroom, tho! :) As the e-cigarette gains in popularity, I'm hoping that general attitudes change, but it may take quite some time for that to happen. Until then, I will vape in private... Hehe. Now THAT sounds pretty wierd...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
You're right about the image. To some anti-smoking extremists, "smoking is smoking". I was talking with someone at our apartment building about this, as they had never tried e-cigarettes before. My next door neighbor wandered over and, after a couple of minutes, commented that "smoking is smoking!", and walked away. Rude, much?

I don't smoke the e-cigarette in any public place where actual smoking is not allowed for that reason. I may keep it with me for a quick vape in the bathroom, tho! :) As the e-cigarette gains in popularity, I'm hoping that general attitudes change, but it may take quite some time for that to happen. Until then, I will vape in private... Hehe. Now THAT sounds pretty wierd...

I would've told your neighbor, "And ******** are ********, ********!" (Feel free to fill in the blanks with your favorite word.)
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