Im going back to Nicotine vaping from 0MG, its horrible!

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Sep 3, 2011
Midlands, United Kingdom
At the moment i am vaping 0MG because i am Champix and with champix you obviously cant have nicotine which is of course the whole point of it. However....

As an ex 24MG vapor i have found vaping 0MG today a massive chore. Every 0MG juice i have tried has tickled my throat and made me cough and its so annoying. So what i have done is because i dont have much 24MG juice left is to mix 20% 24MG and 0MG for 80% just so i can give my throat a slight kick until i can order some full 24mg stuff.

I am glad i have tried vaping 0MG but it doesnt feel very nice and i kind of miss the buzz i used to get vaping 24MG after a long time without nicotine.


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Sep 3, 2011
Midlands, United Kingdom
great, i just ordered a whole bunch of 0 nic lol

Ouch sorry haha :D

This is to the other post as well ^^^ i think if you can live with no TH then you will be fine its just i really miss my throat hit thats why and i find 0MG tickles my throat which is not good of course.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 14, 2011
I started with 24mg of nic right at a year ago. I slowly reduced my nic level until I was doing 18mg and loving it. After 7 months of vaping and at 18mg, my lungs suddenly filled up with fluid and I couldn't vape my juices anymore. I dropped down to 12mg and then to nothing. For a while there I could only vape 0mg. 0mg just seemed to taste flat no matter what flavor I did. I finally settled on double flavor, 4mg of nic, 70-30 pg-vg and this has done the trick for me. My lungs are supersensitive and I can't take much throat hit. The 4mg of nic gives me a fuller, richer hit and doesn't irritate my lungs. The double flavor pg ratio gives me great flavor and the 30% vg gives me great vapor. I've been doing this mix for almost 4 months now and for me it is perfect. I don't miss the extra nicotine at all.
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