I want to try these cartomizers - BUT

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 4, 2011
Thompson, Oh
OK - you know what everyone....it's all fine.

Red - thank you for the coupon and everything is cool. I took it wrong, but looking back - I'm out, wasn't the best way to say that either. The coupon code will take about $5 off my order so that should offset the shipping that really was $7.95 earlier.

Let's start over, I am Laura and I love vaping, I live in Central, MO, married with 8 year old daughter and 19 year step-daughter. Family is very important to me as well as friends. I love the outdoors (but sorry analog, mower is put away - plus 3 hours of mowing is enough for me).

I have been intrigued by everyone appearing to like the Bloog so much and I think I am going to try the Triflecta.

What is your best selling tobacco or menthol MF cartomizer?

Next creation we need - waterproof pv for canoing:)

Hey Laura, I'm the Honkytonkmn (Rich) I don't think you'd be disapointed with the BMF I can't say enough about the product. Its just what I needed to get off analogs. I'm not sure what you're vaping currently, but I believe the BMF would really be a nice addition to anyones vaping ....nal.

Anyway, except for the shipping out of stock and lack of Juice. my experience has been great!

all the flavors are good that I have tried. Coffee, Cherry, Vanilla, Mint, Kamel. Have not been disapointed yet, 555's hmmmmm don't know what to tell ya on that. I'd say they were the best, but I might get in trouble for that. ;)

Try a Bloog! Tell them I sent ya! hehehe


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 1, 2011
Laura, I don't know your current e-cigarette situation but if you really want to try the Bloog MaxxFusion you need to buy a regular (any size) MaxxFusion Battery, the charger and some cartomizers. The Trifecta is a wicked cool device but it does not have the MaxxFusion technology. So while it will be a good KR808 product it won't be of the same standard or level of experience you would get with a regular MaxxFusion Battery.

Just my opinion and your desire for a Trifecta may be inspired by a reason I am not aware of.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2011
My turn for adding 2 cents...
I just tried the sampler pack to see which of the tobaccos I preferred. It is just so hard to recommend a flavor because as you've seen several of us love 555 while others get no joy from it. Some swear by Kamel, I thought it tasted like dirt. Reds was pretty good though. Some love watermelon or grape, I don't. I like RY4, but it's too sweet for others. I really think your best bet would be to get the sample pack(s) and judge for yourself.

p.s. Leaford is notorious for accidentally closing a thread when he meant to just close the window -- I think Red did the same and when that was pointed out he immediately reopened it.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 25, 2011
I'm gettin brave here Star.....

Hi Laurae Hon.....a bit of advice from a familiar face....the cartos really don't work that great with an adapter and the eGo...tried it and it was a big FAIL for me....I lost a lot of flavor with it....you really should get the MF with the samplers....Loving the 555, RY4, and Red....you won't regret it...I promise:)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2011
I'm still firmly of the opinion the shipping is outrageous. Maybe I can justify it on a kit order. But if I want a 5 pack of cartos it comes to $18.98 which is absolutely unacceptable. The blister packs weigh what, less than an ounce? I think you guys know well that you have a competitor shipping very similar cheaper products from the same state as you for $3.00 shipping. I'd take that as a serious shot across the bow. I'd also refrain from making snide remarks to potential new customers, it's endearing to those of us that know you red, but probably isn't appreciated much by those new to the forum and new to bloog.

Just my $.02, delivered with free shipping, 7 days a week.

Analog, Thanks for speaking up... Whatever the intent, people seem to get their throat jumped down if they come to this sub forum and say the wrong thing unwittingly... I've been there.

I don't want to buy a whole kit. I use the 510 regular batts and Ego. What adapter do I need to buy to try these carts???

And are the MF Cartos really that great??

Heavy draw or light draw?

Hate to spend more money without asking a couple questions but for some reason "Bloog" intrigues me.

laurae The BMF is really a great product! I use it every day and it is all I use. However they are not the only ones that offer these particular devices and I think without some effort to adjust their customer service and availability they may lose business they could have easily kept.

My turn for adding 2 cents...
I just tried the sampler pack to see which of the tobaccos I preferred. It is just so hard to recommend a flavor because as you've seen several of us love 555 while others get no joy from it. Some swear by Kamel, I thought it tasted like dirt. Reds was pretty good though. Some love watermelon or grape, I don't. I like RY4, but it's too sweet for others. I really think your best bet would be to get the sample pack(s) and judge for yourself.

p.s. Leaford is notorious for accidentally closing a thread when he meant to just close the window -- I think Red did the same and when that was pointed out he immediately reopened it.

Star I really like the Bloog RY4 also! I wish they were ever instock when I check. I also REALLY wish they sold the juice. I purchased some RY4 juice from Nhaler, while I do like it, I don't like it as much as the Bloog. I like the way the Bloog is a little sweeter.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2011
Atta girl Kee :) Those are the ones I liked best out of the sampler too.

Twoskins, RY4 was my first Bloog purchase and I haven't found another I like as much, although I've only tried 3 others. Drives me nuts that it's been out of stock too. Especially since the last one in my pack was a dud :( Happily I got another in that sample pack. I think things will start looking up in the next week or so as stock starts coming in again.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 25, 2011
"Get your Bloog on! USA
It's all about the context... never seen anyone get "jumped" ... there are no 555's but if they did exist they would be great. ;) Personally, 555's and RY4 and Cherry do it for me. Hubby loves the Reds.

Remember, the written word reads much harsher than it was typed in almost all circumstances.

Laura - welcome aboard - please take us all with a large grain of salt, since it seems lots of us enjoy ribbing each other.
What we can't seem to do is keep on topic - and that's okay, too! Also, 555's are like unicorns, mythical (inside joke).

By the way, there is a master list of coupon codes link if you search the forums for it. It's on another forum I believe. Just like other brands (I suppose) you will be offered peoples affiliate codes if you give them a bit to PM ya. And Bloog has sales pretty often - I think one is coming up in April if I remember correctly.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2011
I don't know about having sales pretty often. This is the first one I've seen... prior to this the last was like Dec/Jan. But Leaford said he'd have another Customer Appreciation sale when the stock is replenished.

I have affiliate codes, but I wouldn't PM people out of the blue to offer them -- that seems pushy and I don't want to be pushy. If someone says they need one or asks me for one, then I'm happy to oblige.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2011
Welcome, Laura, nice to meet you. :)

I completely agree with Gardner's advice. The real technology that makes the Maxx Fusion line different from other KR808D devices is the battery switch technology (which isn't used in the Trifecta), and the carto design. You really need both to appreciate why we (well, most of us) really enjoy the BMF over others we've tried.

Laura, I don't know your current e-cigarette situation but if you really want to try the Bloog MaxxFusion you need to buy a regular (any size) MaxxFusion Battery, the charger and some cartomizers. The Trifecta is a wicked cool device but it does not have the MaxxFusion technology. So while it will be a good KR808 product it won't be of the same standard or level of experience you would get with a regular MaxxFusion Battery.

Just my opinion and your desire for a Trifecta may be inspired by a reason I am not aware of.
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