How To Use Steradent To Clean 510 Atty?

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Full Member
Jan 23, 2010
I,ve recently noticed that the flavour & vapor being produced by my 510 atty has dropped over time & I believe cleaning is now due.

I have purchased some 30 Min Steradent Denture cleaning tablets to try out & would like some suggestions on the best method to use, i.e. How long to soak for, etc?

Any recommendations fron ECF member's who have previously used this cleaning method in the past would be much appreciated!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2009
Tried this for cleaning my 801's and didn't like the results. Didn't really seem to cut the gunk and there was a "softner" type quality that didn't really rinse out well.

I switched to the Crest Pro Mouthwash and a 15min soak and rinse with this works much better IMHO.

EDIT: to answer your original question, I just followed the instructions on the box - honest :D


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I use Pure Grain Alcohol in a very small tupperware container......fill a quarter inch...lid on and shake(like a atty washing machine) for 10-15 seconds....dump water in...shake.....towel dry the out side...then use canned air in the main hole, two side holes, then into the bridge area. You can repeate until no liquid comes out.............then a few dry burns and I use mine again right away. All in all takes 3 minutes. I really like the PGA because it disolves anything in your atty quickly and has zero aftertaste....................
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