How about we do our "OWN" Study?????

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 17, 2009
I have a suggestion gang. Seems like this is hitting the news all over the world....yeah way to go! This could be good or bad though. If we "quietly" vaped would there have been a ruckus or did we bring this threat of banning on ourselves because of our excitement of getting rid/cutting down of nasty analogs? By that I mean in our enthusiasm of wanting to share our success with the world.

At some point there will be "THE WORD" of authority. Yea, whatever I am my own authority but you know what I mean.

Why don't we get a span of some long time vapes up to newest vapes. How you feel, weight gain/loss, appetite, energy, smell, taste, bad things, etc. and do our own study per se.

I personally at 40 days have no desire to smoke an analog, but hit some rough patches. I feel better, can smell now(especially that litter box). so to me I feel it is what I need to do. But for those of you that have been vaping say 6 months or longer, do you still feel as good? Notice any health issues that have popped up or have gone away?

If we can get a sampling of our group and maybe put it on a spreadsheet or a diary, we would have our own collective ammo. BUT, on the flipside if after 6 months to a year people are experiencing side effects that are not good, it would be a "heads-up" sort of thing to watch out for.

What do you all think?? Anyone know how we can do this? :thumbs:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2009
Hertfordshire, England
Well, this whole forum is what you speak of really. Whilst I can understand your reasoning and wish to correlate all of this information, no-one in authority will give any credence whatsoever to it, because it is all anecdotal evidence. The only thing authorities will take any notice of are controlled scientific studies.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2009
I'd gladly contribute to that. My sig has the stats on how long it's been and my monetary savings and I can only add that I have not cheated (smoked an analog) since starting with eCigs nor have I actually had the desire to. I was a 2 1/2 to 3 pack a day smoker and I have worked my way down to 2 cartridges worth of 4mg per day, which I can't calculate to compare because I don't know for sure how much nicotine was in the GPC Light 100's I used to smoke. But to be sure it's significantly less.
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