hello from a pipe smoker

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Colour me astounded, I got this 902 yesterday just before I went to work, I got to work at 4pm and plugged the charger in and didn't touch a cigarette all day

Good for you. Welcome to vaping!

Of the flavors that i have tried I really like the double mint. I'm not a fan of the apple or coffee that they carry witch is supprising as I love both of those flavors. The apple is really weak and the coffee tastes more like caramel, weak caramel.

Looks like the site you purchased your 902 from also resells Halo liquids, fyi, lot's of people really like their liquids.

A multi-port powered USB hub is handy for charging. I've got one of these...
... it provides enough current to drive a passthru too.

Rev. Redmond Farrier

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2010
I realize that I am a bit late to the party, but I am an ex-pipe smoker who used the DSE601 e-pipe to quit. I was worried about the lifespan of the 601 but I discovered that using pure vg in it has ironed out all the problems that I was having that usually lead to the demise of the atty. When I was using pg or a pg/vg mix, the atty would flood and the switch would stick. Now that I have abandoned the carts (they weren't releasing the fluid and caused me to burn it too dry, or they would release too much just after filling and flood the atty) and drip 5 to 8 drops of thick vg juice, it hasn't given me any problems at all. I now get tons of vapor and good flavor with my Boba's bounty. It is an auto, but it is a bit too heavy to go hands free for too long. It is a wonderful "sit down to relax watching a movie at the end of the day" device. I have been using mine fairly heavily for just over 2 months now and it is vaping just as good as new (actually better since I changed juices and abandoned the carts) I had plans to mod it with an 801 atty that could be changed out at will after the pipe died, but it is looking like I may not have to do that for some time. It doesn't get as much action now that I have 2 little mods and a sit&go pass through, but I still love my e-pipe and am not at all dissatisfied with my purchase.

I did have a minipipe as well, but could never get more than a thin whisp of vapor out of it no matter how much I fiddled with it.

Rev. R. Farrier


Full Member
Jul 14, 2010
pa. usa
thanks for the info Rev. When i looked at the info for the 601 i didnt like the fact that the entire bowl needs replaced when the atty burns out at 65 to 45 bucks a pop that's a bit pricey for a part designed to be throwaway. eventually i'll probably start modding and build one based either on a german pipe or a calabash, lots of room in those body types for multiple batteries and a big cart.
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