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Dec 27, 2009
Let me preface this by saying I'm not a smoker and never have been. Let me also add I'm so glad smokers now have an alternative that allows them the same pleasures they want while no longer being a danger or damage to anyone not also a smoker. Congrats, guys!

We all know someone who was/is a pipe smoker. We all know famous people who are/were pipe smokers. I don't know about you, but the pipe smokers in my life were gentle, wonderful people, the best being my beloved uncle Jack. Gentlest, kindest, sweetest soul, and always most at peace when smoking his pipe. My neighbor was equally warm and friendly and kind, and looked so handsome with a pipe clenched in his teeth carefully.

With the marvels of modern science in these new e-cigarettes, you can enjoy what you like about smoking but control ALL the variables. No deadly, harsh chemicals, no stained fingers and teeth, no stinky clothing. You can even smoke without having ANY nicotine in your mix at ALL.

With this in mind, I've always wanted to smoke a pipe in the romantic fashion of my uncle Jack, my neigher Mr. Cunningham, Bing Crosby, and all those romantic figures, but didn't want the associated health risks, no matter how small anyone claimed them to be. I've done quite a bit of reading around different vaping sites and want to get some advice.

I'd love to smoke an e-pipe but have questions:

If I choose 0% nicotine juice, are their any health risks left that are currently known about? What are they and what do they mean to me?

Can I make the room I'm in smell wonderful with juice/vaping the way my uncle could with his real/traditional pipe?

As someone who's never tried even one puff of any tobacco product, not even to be edgy, cool, or rebellious, what can I expect to feel in my mouth, throat, and lungs if I use a 0% nicotine juice?

I'm not looking for a buzz, I don't care about any "throat hit", or anything else a traditional smoker would care about/want. I just want to taste and smell what a traditional pipe smoker tastes and smells, I want the room to fill with the aromatic fragrance of whatever flavour juice I'm smoking, and I want to conjure up images of Gandalf the grey sitting on a hill with Bilbo Baggins, enjoying a pipe full of the shire's best Longbottom Leaf. I want to do it all without fear of any serious health risks normally associated with smoking tobacco products of any kind.

Can someone guide me how to achieve this? I'd be forever grateful, and it would make me an even stronger ally in the war to keep e-cigarettes both available and affordable. I'm deeply anti-tobacco. I'm becoming more deeply PRO-e-smoking!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Yes, an e-pipe can offer you what you like.

There are many fragrant zero-nic options available to you, and they _seem_ to be safe.
Obviously, no one can make an absolute claim of absolute safety, but barring trace elements in tobacco flavoring (found in minute quantities compared to even the cleanest cigarette), you won't find many baddies in e-cig liquid or vapor.
It's even safer if you mix your liquid yourself, with flavorings, vegetable glycerin, and maybe a really small amount of grain alcohol to help it mix and flow more readily.

Just last night I mixed up a batch of tobacco absolute, VG, grain alcohol, and small amounts of chocolate and caramel notes for my DSE-601 epipe. It smelled wonderful and I got several compliments from my family. I added a small amount of nicotine after I got the flavor right, but I could have just as easily left it out.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
For the record, I never smoked a pipe before I got my 601, though I did smoke cigarettes before switching to e-cigs.

The 601 really gives that image though, of the "pipe clenched between the teeth", with it's richly colored wooden bowl and black stem. It's easy to fill yourself, too, and the cartridges and batteries will last a long time between swaps.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2010
Keep in mind, Hideto, that e-cig suppliers will tend to encourage you to start vaping. They sell e-cig stuff for a profit.

"If I choose 0% nicotine juice, are their any health risks left that are currently known about? What are they and what do they mean to me?"

Nobody knows for sure, since e-cigs are too new. It doesn't make sense to me, though, that breathing or inhaling VG, PG, 0% nicotine juice, and flavorings into my lungs is completely harmless.

"Can I make the room I'm in smell wonderful with juice/vaping the way my uncle could with his real/traditional pipe?"

No, the smell from the vapor is gone in a few seconds. It doesn't linger, as far as I know. My non-smoking family has told me they smelled nothing when they came into my house after I had been vaping constantly.


Ultra Member
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Sep 25, 2010
About three weeks ago, I was watching my two grandsons at my house, and we were watching a Disney movie in my bed in the evening with the light out. I was vaping with the e-cig cupped in my right hand (on the right side of the bed) and hiding it from my almost-5-year-old grandson, who was to my left. I was blowing out the vapor to my right and away from him (thinking "this is great! I can vape and no longer have to sneak outside for 15 seconds, so my grandsons won't see me smoke!), but at one point, he said, "What's that smell?" I think the smell was there for only a couple of seconds, because he said nothing after that. The 3-year-old, on the far left of my bed, never said anything about a smell. They never realized I was vaping, and I hope they never will.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2010
deback, the pains are probably your mouth healing from being baked on a regular basis. I talked to a dentist and he let me know it's normal.

That's what I've thought, and I hope that's the case. I know sore gums/sore mouth is one of the symptoms of quitting smoking. And I haven't seen others posting about having sore mouths caused from vaping.

Being baked?


Super Member
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Aug 24, 2010
Nether Iceland of NWPA
deback, when you smoke, it "toughens" your gums, now that you have quit your gums are going back to "the way God intended them"


"If I choose 0% nicotine juice, are their any health risks left that are currently known about? What are they and what do they mean to me?"

No one is sure about the risks, vaping is too new, I can guarantee you that there are health risks in vaping that there are not in being smoke-free, that is common sense. You are breathing a foreign substance into your lungs, that in itself is a health risk, for the ex-smokers here or those who still smoke, we pretty much believe the risks with vaping is LESS, but still there.

I will disagree with deback, my mother can smell my vaping flavors, and my daughters doctor thought I brought her a cookie because of the way the room smells (I think this had more to do with the fact I spilled juice on myself before I got there).

Vaping and smoking are similar as far as the habit goes. Vapor is not smoke and does not taste like smoke. It is much more pleasurable. It is apples and oranges. I don't think you would be able to recreate the smoke from a pipe with vaping.

btw, I answered some of your questions in the other thread.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon!
That's what I've thought, and I hope that's the case. I know sore gums/sore mouth is one of the symptoms of quitting smoking. And I haven't seen others posting about having sore mouths caused from vaping.

Being baked?

plus, remember how vaping causes all the tissues in your body to dry out? I'm betting (been thinking a lot about this cause my mouth is so dry at night) that vaping could cause tooth decay if you don't keep your water intake up -- since dry mouth is a huge factor in tooth decay.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2010
plus, remember how vaping causes all the tissues in your body to dry out? I'm betting (been thinking a lot about this cause my mouth is so dry at night) that vaping could cause tooth decay if you don't keep your water intake up -- since dry mouth is a huge factor in tooth decay.

You're right! I've been trying to drink more water, but since I'm addicted to Pepsi with cherry juice in ice (drink it all day long), I usually forget to grab the water bottle until it's time to take my heart medicine. I rationalize that the four trays of ice cubes I go through every day is my main water source. :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2010
deback, when you smoke, it "toughens" your gums, now that you have quit your gums are going back to "the way God intended them"

I will disagree with deback, my mother can smell my vaping flavors, and my daughters doctor thought I brought her a cookie because of the way the room smells (I think this had more to do with the fact I spilled juice on myself before I got there).

Good description of the reason for mouth pain, thanks.

I'm sure you're right about the smells. It makes sense that some flavors would leave more lingering smells. I've found that I don't like vaping fruity flavors, and it seems like fruit smells might linger a little while. But it also makes sense that spilling juice on oneself would cause some lingering smell, especially to someone who doesn't smoke.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2010
Wyoming, USA
I know for me, I sometimes get the feeling that I've chemically burnt the inside of my mouth and throat. It's not always a smooth intake of vapor, especially when I let the juice get a bit too low. Drinking a ton of liquids, mostly water, is a MUST when vaping!!! This is not an option due to the fact that vaping dehydrates you VERY quickly, with or without the nicotine!

I can tell you that you're most likely never going to get the same tastes and smells you remember from your uncle and neighbor's pipe tobacco. Reason being, with vaping, you're not burning any tobacco or the many chemicals that are in tobacco. Effectively, e-cig products are mini fog machines. They use the same technique in that a "burner"/atomizer heats up the liquid and turns it into a vapor.

Part of the reason the smell in your uncle's rooms was due to the fact that the smoke from the tobacco embedded itself into every nook and cranny of the room. It's the same with pipes as it is with cigarettes, cigars and even wood stoves and fireplaces. The smell of burning plants/trees creates an acrid aroma that goes into everything... clothing, carpets, furniture, curtains, wood, paint and everything else that has a porous surface. It's extremely difficult to rid those smells and can even surface again decades later if the conditions are right.

Reasons why people picked up smoking are great... a relative or a friend gave them their first smoke, they grew up in homes with smokers so it was just a natural thing to do, their idols smoked and they wanted to be just like their idols, they thought their idols looked sexy, cool, romantic and wanted to be just like that.... The reasons for starting are endless but the results are pretty much always the same, "I wish I had never started this disgusting habit!!!"

I think my biggest concern with you is that you are looking to recreate a time in your life when you felt safe and comfortable and I'm really not sure you'll be able to do that with vaping because as of this point in time, there isn't a way to make vapor taste and smell EXACTLY like tobacco. Believe me, romanticizing a bad habit is not a good thing when you aren't 100% sure that it's safe, which is why it's called "a bad habit"

Since you've never smoked, I can tell you that it's most likely going to be very uncomfortable for you to vape, even if you don't inhale. You'll most likely choke and cough a lot. You might even cough to the point of making yourself throw up! There are smokers who have coughed so hard they threw up when they first started vaping because it's not smoking!

I'm not going to tell you not to do it because I know you have your mind set on this. I'm just trying to warn you that I really don't think this is going to give you what you are looking for. I get the sense that you're trying to recreate memories and feelings of comfort. Our memories can play tricks on us and make us think something was better than what it truly was. So, please do not get frustrated or upset if this doesn't work the way you think it's going to.

As I said in your other post.... I'm not trying to be mean, or belittle you in any way. I'm just being honest with you.


Senior Member
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Sep 5, 2010
Cincinnati, Ohio
just go ahead and try it.

you don't even need to inhale, since you don't care about the throat hit or anything. so just try out a bunch of different flavors, puff away on the pipe, and have fun.

btw, I'm a vaper that wasn't addicted to cigarettes.

if you don't like it, sell it on the classifieds section here on ECF.


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Dec 27, 2009
Painterface, that's exactly what I was thinking; try out my kit and some interesting flavours, and if it doesn't work, sell it on ECF for a bit less than I paid so I'm not out lots of money, just the fair price for a used item.

FireHorse, I don't know how to say it enough times without seeming rude. I'm set on this course. I'm absolutely not interested in being persuaded out of it and nobody can really tell me what will or won't happen, emotionally, or anything to do with my memories or relations. I politely request people stop trying to "save" me from myself, or if you must save me, save me with advice on how to lessen any supposed damage I could incur from this. Painterface PM'd me wonderful advice on places to get 0mg juice I can trust won't be contaminated by accident and gave me several choices, and even how to contact them to ask questions to reassure myself and to communicate my needs so I'm protected. He accepted that I'm an adult and he did so without belittling me by implying I'm a lunatic like some others (not you specifically, FireHorse) have done.

I do appreciate finding out about the "dry mouth" issue. Being from Texas, I'm a big water drinker as it is. The other thing is since it's not an addiction for me, I'm not going to do it very much. I'll likely do it a handful of times in the first week and at the end of it, know if I want to/can find any way to enjoy it. Then, if I find it's alright, I'll do it 2-3 times a week, maybe more on the weekends when I'm doing my re-enactment hobby. I may, as has been suggested, be so ill from the experience that I sell my collection fairly soon. We'll see. I'd just really appreciate that either people give me good advice on how to do this as safely as anyone knows how, or leave me alone.

Thanks for caring about me, FireHorse. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I'll be alright. I already ride a motorcycle so... risking my life? Been there, doing that. ;) Take care. :)

Editted to add: This original thread was a year old. Not sure why it got brought back. Maybe it'll help someone else, though. I hope so. =)
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Full Member
Verified Member
Dec 27, 2009
That's exactly what happened. I left this post dead and buried, but someone dug it up. I don't mind. I do have to ask. What criteria would it take to show you I'm not a troll? Another gentleman on here has so much paranoia, no amount of my efforts would change him. I'd hate to dislodge his tin hat, though, or they'll be able to send him the mind rays.
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