Heather's Heavenly Vapes - THE BIG THREAD (Part 6)


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
Welcome to THE BIG THREAD (Part 6). What is THE BIG THREAD? In a sentence, we are HHV enthusiasts assembled on one thread that discuss just about anything anyone wants including, but not limited to, HHV. This has led to some solid friendships. What THE BIG THREAD is NOT: We do not engage in supplier hype. Enthusiasm is good. Hype is not. No one should feel afraid to discuss their likes and dislikes across the e-cig world. It will always remain friendly, constructive, and within the ECF rules...as always.


THE BIG THREAD began on August 27, 2012 as a small collection of vapers wandering aimlessly through the e-liquid universe in search of good smoke juice. We quickly discovered two things. One, HHV made great smoke juice, and two, we kinda liked each other. The next thing we knew, THE BIG THREAD exploded into one of the most visited threads in ECF history with more than 120,000 posts. It was because of the juice and the people who stayed with the thread. Poor ECF didn't know what to do with us so they gave us our own subforum that was named, "HHV Army". We added a bunch of new threads and the epic continued. THE BIG THREAD has always been the mainstay. And as such, it will be continued in Heather's Heavenly Vapes subforum beginning with Part 3. We will also re-create many of the popular threads that were established in the HHV Army subforum so feel free to visit those as well (including the HHV juice reviews in the sticky section). We can help recommend juice or gear and/or hang around for a few laughs. We always welcome new people and encourage it. So pull up a keyboard, jump in, and have some fun.

Instructions to subscribe:

To access the Heather's Heavenly Vapes subforum, click on this link... Heather's Heavenly Vapes You can subscribe to the HHV Army subforum by....

1. Click on this link... Heather's Heavenly Vapes Next, click on "Watch Forum" located above the threads on the right.
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3. Choose if you want alerts and how you would like them. After choosing your options, click on "Watch Forum". You are now subscribed.
4. You can access the Heather's Heavenly Vapes subforum by clicking on "Watched Forums" in the information bar that is at the top of the forum. It is located in the same line as the "Search" box.
5. Click on "Heather's Heavenly Vapes". You will find THE BIG THREAD (Part 4) and all subforum threads from this page.

Links to...

The original BIG THREAD: Heather's Heavenly Vapes - THE BIG THREAD

THE BIG THREAD (Part 2): Heather's Heavenly Vapes - THE BIG THREAD (Part 2)

THE BIG THREAD (Part 3): Heather's Heavenly Vapes - THE BIG THREAD (Part 3)

Heather's Heavenly Vapes - THE BIG THREAD (Part 4) | E-Cigarette Forum

THE BIG THREAD (Part 5): Heather's Heavenly Vapes - THE BIG THREAD (Part 5) | E-Cigarette Forum

HHV Army Subforum: The HHV Army

All will be closed to new posting but are available for viewing.

The HHV Army BIG THREAD Roll Call

Bappo - Dwight
Bimini Twist - Mark
BlackStrat - Rob
Bronze - Ed
BunnyKiller - Scot
Calve - Paul
Chakris - Chris (Resting In Peace)
DavidOH - David
Desert Dweller - Laszlo
Djtim - Tim
dreamreaper - Tommy
Dusty_D - David
EddardinWinter - Chris
gthompson - Guy
HolmanGT - George
Hulamoon - Suzanne
IcePoet - TJ
Iowa Gal - Tammy
JayTater - Jason
kkay59 - Kelly
LAwaters - Lori
LeoRex - Corey
Lt. Col. Killjoy - Gabriel
MostlySunny - April
MrPicC - Craig
PapawBrett - Brett
RJ - Kelly
Ray D - Ray
retic1959 - Gary
Robino1 - Robin (Resting In Peace)
76Bridget - Bridgette
SamuelMSr - Sam
searching4answers - Sue
Sirius = Rick
Stephuhnator - Stephanie
tnt - Tim N Tresa
Vermiform - Jeff

In Memory
Philip Perdue (aka Z-Ghost, Catpire) - 02/09/2013 Remembrance Thread: Remembering Z-Ghost (aka, Catpire)
Frank Prescott (aka 73ckn797) - 08/11/2013 Remembrance Thread: Remembering 73 (aka 73ckn797, Frank Prescott)
Bobby Ivie (aka Bivie) - 05/05/2014 - Remembrance Thread:
Remembrance - Bobby Ivie (aka, bivie)

Christoper Pfrang (aka Chakris) - 07/23 or 07/24/2017 - Remembrance Thread: Remembering Christopher Pfrang (aka, Chakris..."Chak")
Robin Lawthers (aka Robino1) - 10/6/2018 - Remembrance Thread:
Remembering Robin
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Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
Sooooo. Grandkids gave me their illness so chemo is put off for a week while I get an antibiotic in me.

CAT scan results.....

TUMOR IS MELTING!! :rickroll:

Ascites is resolved (gone, gone, gone). Chemo is Working!

I am beyond thrilled! As I turn on the radio in my car this song is playing:

Perfection! The first words I hear when I turn on the car and the radio starts is 'I'm on the top of the world'.

Absolute perfection!

I'm so thrilled I'm still shaking :blink: Adrenaline must be coursing through my body right now!



Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
My decision:

I'm going with Hospice. I may have 3-6 months. With hospice they will keep me comfortable and my quality of life will be the best it can be.

Because I am starting early, instead of waiting till it gets closer to the end, my QoL should get maximized.

I'm at peace with my decision as are my family. I have been suffering so much lately. I'm typing this from another hospital bed. Hospice is completely covered by my insurance and they can get me all the equipment I will need as I need it. Anything I need, be it meds, equipment or whatever, will be brought to my house.

They can provide stronger meds than doctors can. Longer lasting meds.

This decision was not made lightly. I spoke with surgeons, oncologists, doctors and the hospice person. It's time for me to live my life to the best for the time that I can. Not in and out of doctors offices, hospitals or chemo rooms.

All they do for the blockages is give me morphine to rest the intestines, nothing by mouth then onto a clear liquid diet then a full liquid diet. I can do that at home in more peaceful surroundings.

My daughter is here to help my husband. She has worked with mentally disabled and has helped with others that have faced similar challenges. As of now, I'm fully mobile if not a bit weak from not being able to eat much lately. As my husband says, I don't look sick, just a bit too skinny. I will have a drain for the ascites that builds up in my belly so that will help with my appetite.

I've been apprised of what the end will kind of be like. Sedated.

I'm at peace with my decision. :)


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
As I sit here no read all these accolades, I'm seriously astounded that I have touched so many lives. I feel the same about all my connections on ECF. You all have touched me with your freely given help when I needed it, your stories that have made me laugh and cry. The way you share your lives with all of us.

ECF is a special place filled with special people. I truly do love all of you and am so very thankful that my search for anything ecig related brought me to this site.

I will try to get online when things are quiet at home (when I get there ;))

There will be instructions to notify when the inevitable happens. Let's hope it is later rather than sooner. :)


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
A hundred billion people have lived across this twenty-five thousand mile globe that floats in endless space and I was fortunate to cross the same path at the same time as our Sweet Robin. I feel like the luckiest man to ever live.

God, please take care of our Robin. We reluctantly gave her up.


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
Preliminary report from pathology (just doing a readthrough while talking to my doc on the phone) looks like colon cancer that has spread outside the organ. More than likely, this is what contributed to my colon cancer in the first place.

It is considered stage 4 since it is outside the organs. What I'm doing as far as my regime with eating, is absolutely on track. I also have to be careful to NOT lose weight (have dropped a few pounds since this started) so I need to get more proteins in me.

I also need to get rid of gluten completely.

Nurse and doctor remarked that my mindset will be a large help in me beating this. While I talked about how determined I am and how I imagine those damned cancer cells are going 'nooooooooooo' as I make them smaller each time I drink that shake and put those drops under my tongue, the nurse goes 'I got goose bumps!' Then showed hubby them. :D

I wish Dr Singh was my oncologist. He definitely took time to answer all the questions, or tried to, I had written down.

I will take this list also to my first visit with the oncologist. He also gave me a better feel for the one that I am first going to. If we aren't a fit, I have another name. If that isn't a fit, then we have a plan in case that is needed.

I need someone that will take the time to talk with me and listen to me. I need to feel the person is fighting with me. I'm fighting for my life. I need to feel that my team is fighting just as hard.

Ice cream during chemo. He said that twice. I think it is something to do with the coldness and the natural good bacteria to help with chemo taking out the good stuff that breaks down foods.

Yeah, I've been reading A Lot.

Next step is setting up the oncologist. I should be getting a call today or tomorrow.

Friday I go north and back on Tuesday.

I Will Fight. I Will Win.
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Supporting Member
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Dec 14, 2013
I'm don't normally follow this thread. I hope you fine folks will forgive me for jumping in here.
I'm at peace with my decision. :)
May peace remain with you.

I only met you in person once, and it wasn't that long ago. I will remember and treasure that short time forever.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 15, 2012
Dallas, Tx
Robin, I just got home and got online and read this. This is the news that none of us wanted to hear. But it brings me some comfort to know that you are at peace with your decision.

As we move through life, I think most of us wonder whether our lives have really amounted to a warm bucket of spit. Please don't ever doubt yourself on that. You have affected so many of us on this forum in such a positive way. I can't even imagine how you must have touched the lives of those who knew you in person.

I don't remember the exact quote, but Muhammed Ali said something along the lines of: "The service we do for others is the rent we pay for our space here on earth." Robin, you can rest assured that your rent is paid up far in advance.

I will continue to pray for you and your family.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 15, 2012
Dallas, Tx

Robin, this millennial post is dedicated to you!!! ECF in general, and the HHV Forum in particular, would not be the same without you! We all love you!!

(Hopefully, someone who knows how to do it can help pretty this up. I'm an idiot about such things.)
[Happy to help @Pappy! —edited by LAwaters]

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Ultra Member
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Oct 27, 2013
McPherson, Kansas
I am not much of a people person when it comes to emotional discussions. But I feel I MUST convey my admiration for your choice as well as offer prayers for a great and peaceful time left.

You, Tiburon, Daleron, Classwife and Badittude are the Main people I noticed when I first started here on ECF. Each one of you assisted me in learning parts of the forum as well as Vaping.

You have assisted more people here than what will post within this thread.

Here is hoping you are able to enjoy each day to the fullest extent you are able.

Lost both my folks to cancer several years back, and know how hard the back and forth to the DR offices can be on individual as well as family.

Such a TROOPER you are, again giving assistance to others in ways you have yet to imagine.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 15, 2013
I am not a regular on this thread, nor previous (although Heather's tobaccos were one of my first vape faves), I just wanted to stop in and send my condolences to all of us who knew Robin and the lives she touched.

Godspeed Robin, you are one in a million and loved by so many. Fly high, free of pain and uncertainty.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
As you can see from the below link, we are on the front lines supporting one of the biggest lawsuits filed against the FDA. Heather's Heavenly Vapes is a proud member of the Georgia Smoke Free Association and our association is a named party in one of the major lawsuits filed against the FDA.

Georgia Smoke Free Association--Promoting Tobacco Harm Reduction Public Group | Facebook

We will not stand by an let our government ruin the best thing that has ever happened to smokers. HHV is going to continue to fight for our right to vape...

CASAA link to our lawsuit below...

CASAA: Right to be Smoke-Free Coalition files lawsuit on behalf of vapor industry



Original Guru
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Jul 22, 2010
Toronto, Canada
Absolutely devastated to hear that Robin is no longer with us. So many happy memories of our chats and fun in here are all that I have left. The only solace is that she is no longer in pain. God bless you, dearest Robin and may you forever rest in peace. Heaven has truly gained an angel! My condolences to her family, and our entire family here. <3


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 17, 2012
I’ve spent the last hour diving thru old PM’s with Robin. More than anything, she was a true friend that always took the time to reply and listen. She let us all into her personal life, moving from Philly, her singing gigs, births of grandchildren, helping her MIL, building a new home, choosing furniture, her unwavering love and appreciation for Rick, oh and the wedding, loosing weight, dress shopping... and eventually sharing her battle with colon cancer. So brave and graceful as she navigated that unknown world. Sure, she was a strong voice for CASA and all vaping advocacy, but what I will miss the most is her real-ness, her ability to drop and break things, her wisdom of life, her prompt responses, her genuine concern for human beings, her open heart and her friendship.

I am devastated for her entire family, especially Rick. They had a love story like no other.

Much love to all of you guys. We’re going to need each other big time. And I know we’ll be there for each other because that’s what we do here.

I feel blessed to have known Robin and blessed to have this group to lean on over the last 6 years.

Sending out one big group hug.


Supporting Member
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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida
My insecurity at it's finest...

I've been emailing back and forth with Rick a bit.
In the middle of it all (now, I have only been face to face with him once) it hit me...oh gee, does he even remember who I am that Robin had him message me ???
(I remember people, but do they remember me...)
So I asked :blush:

I had also told him that I have left her account open for a bit in case he would like to post.

His reply gave me a bit of a giggle so I'll pass it on along with the rest of it...

Hi Cindy:
I do remember you from the convention in Tampa. Plus, Robin talked about you all the time, so how could I forget?

Please thank Oliver and the entire ECF community for the outpouring of love for Robin. I have read all of their messages and I am extremely touched by how many people took the time to say something about her. I’d love to hug them all, as I’m sure Robin would as well.

You can close her account whenever you’d like to.

Thank you for being there for Robin and now for me.

(It sounds like he might not post, but I'm not going to close her account yet...just in case...)


Ultra Member
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Nov 3, 2014
Oh (((Robin))), I just read what you said. I am trying to take it all in, but it is very hard to do so. If you are at peace with your decision, then I will stand by it as well. My heart is breaking to read all of this. Just know that I will continue to pray for you.

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