H.R.2058 - FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2015

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Aug 19, 2012
Each time I contact (or try to contact) my reps, I make sure I mention BOTH and that I strongly urge support for both, should they come to their attention. I also strongly suggest that I AM watching how they vote on both of these, should the Bill and/or the Amendment come before them, and my vote will reflect on how they voted, when they come up for re-election.
I do the same thing. I mention both.


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
I don't see how. An appropriation bill expires at the end of the fiscal year. HR 2058 would be permanent (or as permanent as anything could be in DC).

I listened to the podcast--there was a discussion between Julie and Cynthia on the subject. I just repeat what I heard...



ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
I listened to the podcast--there was a discussion between Julie and Cynthia on the subject. I just repeat what I heard...

You're not going to make me watch 2-1/2 hours of that are you? I'll wash your car instead. Deal? :)


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
You're not going to make me watch 2-1/2 hours of that are you? I'll wash your car instead. Deal? :)

You could always take my word for it... :lol:

BTW, CASAA now supports both bills and is going to issue a new CTA in support of Cole-Bishop later, closer to the vote.

New CTA from CASAA. :)

CASAA: US - Take action to change to the predicate date for vapor products newly deemed as tobacco by the FDA

"CASAA will be issuing a new, strategically-timed Call to Action to support the Cole-Bishop amendment before the appropriations bill comes to a vote in the House. At this time, we are urging our members to support both of these pieces of legislation. We have updated our message to lawmakers in this Call to Action to reflect this support."


Resting in Peace
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Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
I gotta check my civics. While they are not great, I don't suck at them either. :)
I'm not sure on the facts either. I just know that it is not a budget item.... Yeah, my eyes glazed over as I was reading all the dollar figures in each of those items .... Amazing we have all that money to budget out to things...


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
I'm not sure on the facts either. I just know that it is not a budget item.... Yeah, my eyes glazed over as I was reading all the dollar figures in each of those items .... Amazing we have all that money to budget out to things...
No, it's not a budget item but it is attached to a bill that expires and my understanding is attachments carry the same expiration. But it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong....not when it comes to Washington DC protocol. :)
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Grumpy Ole Man
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Grumpy Ole Man
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That's great! They filed in CA though, so a different Appeals Circuit than Nico Pure in Washington. I sure hope we don't end up with conflicting rulings. That could muddy things up even more. I have to say the Cole amendment looks like a better outcome the more this bounces around.

According to that press release, it looks like Liquid Art is at least taking a somewhat different argument than Nico Pure on the issue as well.


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May 8, 2014
Ypsilanti mi
Hello Fellow Vapers,

The vaping community has finally been informed of impending FDA regulations on the vaping industry. As we have learned, these regulations will devastate the US vaping community and effectively wipe out our right to vape. Rather than whine, cry, piss, and moan about it let's take action to take the starch out of these regulations. There will be a number of things we can do as vaping advocates organize our efforts. But clearly one thing we can do now and going forward that would have a profound effect is to write our representatives to pass legislation that would dilute these regulations to something that is more reasonable than what is already planned. H.R. 2058 does exactly this! I will provide a link to H.R. 2058 for your viewing. Note there are tabs you can click for a summary of the bill, current co-sponsors of the bill, and other tidbits of information. It's not complicated.

Cosponsors - H.R.2058 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2015

I also want to provide a link for you to determine who your U.S. House Representative is. I urge you to write/email/call your representative to encourage them to pass H.R. 2058. Be polite and civil, but let them know what vaping means to you and that you will be watching closely to this piece of legislation. Be concise. Following is a link for you to easily locate your House Representative. In most cases you can access their email from the same page. Write often (not just one time and walk away thinking you've done your part). WRITE OFTEN!

Find Your Representative · House.gov

I hope we can use this thread to discuss and update developments as it relates to H.R. 2058. Let's keep it focused on this piece of legislation as much as we can.


Already spoken with my US Rep's office on the phone.
When she comes home for campaign season, I plan on talking to her in person. Likewise for my district's Senator.
"Politics is a contact sport. "


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
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Apr 5, 2013
No, it's not a budget item but it is attached to a bill that expires and my understanding is attachments carry the same expiration. But it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong....not when it comes to Washington DC protocol. :)

Riders generally do not expire, especially those that are attached that have no bearing on the actual topic of the bill.

CISA was passed in this manner last year. It was attached to a spending bill and became law when the president signed the bill.
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