GLV in Japan

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 21, 2009
This is my first customer from Japan, so i figured i would share. I think he likes it lol. I never would have thought that the my little GLV would make its way to Japan, but here we are soo...yeah it makes me feel a little warm inside:)

Hi Jay

It reached on Saturday yesterday. (Japan has been
advancing for 16 hours than your )

The finish of the powder coat is the highest. The feeling
when grasping is good.
Because 3.6vUltraFire had not entered, it cut down in the
battery housing with the silicon point.
And i made the end cap the hole for ventilation.

GLV is very satisfied when vaporing with a thick taste of
Prodigy or more.

Thank you up to now though it troubled by e-mail.

Best Regars,
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