G.F, MT Cig Stores not up on new technology of the e-cig

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Full Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 8, 2008
Northwest USA
We went to town (nearest large city 60 miles from home - Great Falls) & I went into a Smokers Friendly shop to show off my e-cig & explain their use to the worker. I was surprised (to say the least) that last week someone beat me to the punch, he already had a DSE901b Mini Electronic Cig brochure that's inclosed with our starter kits! Sad to say, doesn't look like this store will order any e-cigs unless their main outlet (in CO) comes up with the idea. :mad:
Have taken info & showed my e-cig off at our local Town Pump as I know many who smoke & work there. Youngsters! They're not "hip" to change like those of us here on this site are.;) Maybe when they're ready or one of their buddies gets into e-smoking, they'll change their minds.;)
At least I know others in my state are using the e-cig.:thumb: Now to get the Smoking shops to carry the accessories & juice so when we're in desperate need, a 60 mile drive is faster than a 3 or 4 day P.O. delivery!;)
Any other MT e-smokers in larger cities know if your Smoker Friendly, Town Pumps Or Cigarette Stores carry any e-cigs or accessories?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
This can take some time for someone starting from healthy lungs.

This is quite true. Once the dreaded cigarette cough sets in, e-smoking looks more inviting. To the young and healthy, this is a toy pretending to be a cigarette.

But my own experience suggests that brick and mortar shops will not want the aggravation that comes with selling today's troubled e-devices. The market at present is miniscule as well, so an upfront investment by an established shop owner is questionable. Besides, any cursory research will turn up the facts that the legal status of e-devices is not settled and the health aspect is likewise an unknown. An investment in e-devices could go poof tomorrow. Not very enticing.

Be aware that Big tobacco is preparing to roll out a multi-million promotional campaign after Jan. 1 to get quitting smokers to transfer to American-made snus products. Smokeless is where Big Tobacco sees future revenue. That's the competition. It is formidable. If you were a shop owner, how would you deploy your limited shelf space in light of all this?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
I'm in Colorado, and I thought about approaching Smoker Friendly, but I decided against it, for the reasons TropicalBob mentioned. The brick-and-mortar companies won't deal with the inconsistencies and returns like us internet resellers will (at least some of us). That's just the way it's going to be for a while.
In Canada, I was shocked to find a store that sold ecigarettes. it's hard to explain. there is a store in some malls here called 'Showcase', and it's a store that sells the type of junk you see on infomercials late at night. Under the brand-name 'Quantum', they had penstyle esmokes there. i had my pen with me, and it looked the same except it was white, and mine is a puresmoker black. price was 69.99 (about 50usd) which was reasonable, but, they had no cartridges etc, so if anyone does buy one of these, I can't imagine what they would do when they ran out of cartidges. if any canadians are reading this and live in a city that has this store, check it out. i looked at the website, but the ecig is not there, at least i couldn't find it.

it's www shopatshowcasecanada ca
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