friggin little contest for tiny little prize... top tips echo-e, ego

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
YOUR best friggin friend is about to cross the atlantic, naked, on a 42 foot catamaran. What top tips do you include in the love letter to help them on their way? They are a virgin vaper and have their newly acquired TC Dream Echo-e electronic cigarette. Booyaaa. They have a supply of clear 1.6ml tanks and cartomizers...( now realize you love this person which may sound strange, but YOU wrote the letter, so deal with the consequences). They will be back in 4 weeks! with a tan...and no tan lines!?!??


They have never vaped before, they smoked 40 a day (perhaps you didn't know) but they won a trip across the atlantic at a dodgy ritzy gig. They smoke heavily but no fire allowed on the boat...thus the dream echoe. Help them with the basics and extreme top tips. Perhaps they will be stopping on a tropical island where their is a e-cig shack stocked with products, so tips can include anything and everything that works with an echo-e battery...compatible with the ego.



Your top tips for your Echo-E or Ego..or general top tips.
What e-liquid will you send them for collection in Tortola BVI?


PRIZE: Perhaps a 6ml Dual Coil tank, clear Echo-tank, Echo-E cartomizer, Case or ????? Undetermined :)
CONTEST ENDS: When people start saying in a slow whiney voice....errrr wwwhennn is this contest ooooOO000OOOooovvver...and then some :) or the boat sinks on the first day and ... yes, this would be sad...but blue skys are in the forecast!
WINNER: Chosen randomly by one of our walk-in customers.
If they own an echo e perhaps they will be looking for the top tips, or perhaps they will simply be looking for whimsy,,,which is the word of they day.

More entries...more changes for random person to choooose YOU!! Enjoy!:p
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Top tip: bring tissues when first filling the cartomizers as they will leak out the bottom when the filler is saturated...this is fine. Simply leave for a minute, blow out the excess into your tissue and vape on!

or use your needle with 2.5 ml of hot e-juice. (Hot meaning good, not physically warm.)

NEVER try using an empty cartomizer, the filler (sponge) will simply burn and ...the burning taste will NEVER go away.


Vaping Master
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May 4, 2011
eGo Tanks Top tip: Get the little rubber slipcovers that go over the mouthpiece and USE THEM. Not only do they give you a little tactile feedback with your teeth (if you used to bite your butts as a smoker, you know what I'm talking about), but they just cover the seam where the tank connects to the cone, creating a better seal so all airflow comes from the bottom of the atty, not the top of the cone.

Also, no matter how tempting it is, live sea urchins do NOT go in your mouth. Thanks for the contest!


Super Member
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Feb 3, 2012
La Verne, CA
Take spare tank caps. If the boat rocks at the wrong moment, yours might go off into the briny depths, and seaweed is not a viable replacement.

Have a high-nicotine juice for those times when you really, really want a cigarette, but have lower nicotine juices for before bed. This prevents nicotine insomnia, because yeah, you really can be kept awake watching TV and vaping until all hours of the night.

Have a juice that goes well with a salty taste, because after a while, everything on board a ship becomes salty. Of course, a while after that, you no longer taste the sea with every inhale, but if you don't have something that will work well to your palate with a salty taste, you'll not have the full enjoyment of the vape. (This also applies if you live in a beach community.) Flavors with caramel in them tend to do the trick.

Keep kleenex or paper towels or an absorbent towel with you. It helps when you're filling up the tanks so that you don't end up with juice all over your hands!


Vaping Master
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Mar 16, 2012
Finding a way to re-charge your batteries is most important! You will need a solar charger if there is no electricity onboard. Also, forget the tissues, you can always use the extra e-juice you brought along to use to oil down your skin. You will be needing a lot of juice especially in the beginning. Oiling down your skin will allow you to absorb more nicotine through your skin, so your batteries will last a little longer and you won't have to constantly be hitting the thing!
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