Efest amp rating

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State O' Flux

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Jul 17, 2013
Depending on what you read, 8.8 to 10 amps. I'd lean towards 8.8a to keep on the safe side.

According to Efest (And without more than quicky research, I won't swear by it):

Red/black-silver are standard and high capacity IMR.

Gold/silver-black are protected and un-protected Li-ion.

All purple are the relatively new high-drain IMR. The purple 18650s are 30 & 35 amp, while the 18500 and 18350 will be 15 and 10.5 amp, respective.​

About the only thing that seems consistent are the purple batteries. Confused? Yeah... I don't blame you.


Moved On
Nov 29, 2013
Summerfield, NC, USA
I have he red 18490s, and they are junk. I dropped them in my Nemmy with my Aqua set up with dual coils for a final load of .6 ohms. They shut down in a couple seconds and my tube was red hot. Brand new batteries, so a safe bet was 7 amps. They will never see the inside of my mods ever again.

I know that was pushing it, but it was what I had and wanted to give it a quick shot.


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Jan 1, 2014
Efest IMR
18650 (IMR/hybrid) 2250mAh 10A
18650 2000mAh 10A
18650 1600mAh 30A
18490 1100mah 8.8A
18350 800mah 6.4A
Not sure why this is, but every time someone posts something about Efest batts, it never includes mine. I am using the IMR 18650 3.7V Li-MN 1500mah. I never see any info on these 1500mah, so any that you have would be great.


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Not sure why this is, but every time someone posts something about Efest batts, it never includes mine. I am using the IMR 18650 3.7V Li-MN 1500mah. I never see any info on these 1500mah, so any that you have would be great.

That's interesting Porkchop. Got me curious so I did a little Googling. Here's the listing for the 1500 mAh from Efest. As you can see they don't list a maximum discharge rate for it, or any other specs. The date on that page is 2013-1-8. Here is the page for the 1600 mAh, dated 2013-9-26, with all specs listed. I found only one amp rating for the 1500 mAh on Alibaba which is 15A, but I would not trust that to be accurate. I did find sites where it was tested at 10A with no issues.

It is stated by Efest to be IMR, so I wouldn't worry about it burning. If I were looking for a high output battery for low ohm setups I would definitely choose something else with known performance data.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
From my battery research in the past, I've found a lot of inconsistant specifications for Efest batteries. If I find different specifications for a specific Efest battery, I always list the more conservative spec just to be on the safe side. It is my personal opinion that Efest exagerates their battery specifications, as actual performance bench testing invariably invalidates their advertized specifications.

State O' Flux

Vaping Master
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Jul 17, 2013
It is my personal opinion that Efest exagerates their battery specifications, as actual performance bench testing invariably invalidates their advertized specifications.
Chinese battery manufacturers... exaggerating? Say it ain't so Martha!
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