Does your auto batt heat up by itself? How does your battery die?

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ECF Veteran
May 1, 2012
Clearwater, FL
When my 808 batts die from hard use it seems there is a pretty sudden inability to hold a charge and lack of ability to heat up much. It may be quite awhile after that before they die completely but their usefullness is pretty much gone at that point.

I have had a few than just wouldn't get hot enough in a short time after I got it. Each of those were ones I got from SI which promptly replaced them, i just had to pay the postage to return it. My X2 manual pooped out after several months, altho I can still get a few minutes use out of it right after a charge.

I had a vapor girl military auto batt with an echo type thread that fell into the toilet. I fished it out right away and dried it in a bag of rice but a month or two later it was a lot harder to get a hit, finally it heated up on it's own, not just warm but very hot. I used it for awhile longer and almost burned my skin the second time this happened. After that I retired it to the back porch in a big metal ice bucket. apparently the automatic shut off didn't work any more. It was pretty scary because it was a 1000 mah batt.

Now my very well used volt 180mah batt started firing on it's own. at first i thought it was just reacting to the sizzling sound of the ce3 I had on it but now it is doing it with cartos too. fortunately the auto cut off mostly still works. I haven't fully retired it yet. I'm not as concerned as much about saftety since it not a large batt but i'm watching it closely. Better safe than sorry I suppose.

Johnnie Price

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Nov 18, 2012
Waldorf, MD
I haven't used an Auto in a Long Time.

But when I did, they Could fire on their own on a Windy Day. And I have heard of them Firing when Exposed to Loud Music like in a Club.
You're thinking of the old models. The newer models have a much better switch and don't have those issues. The older models have a microphone switch while the newer models use a vacuum switch.

My Echo never auto fires. I barely have to draw on it to activate, but I can take it outside in high winds or mow the lawn or anything else with no issues.

Modern autos can auto fire if juice gunks up the switch and isn't cleaned fast enough. I killed two of my Sidesho batteries that way when I first started dripping, and I've nearly killed an Echo as well. Thankfully, I've learned how to clean my Echo batteries well enough that I haven't gunked up a switch on them yet.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
You're thinking of the old models. The newer models have a much better switch and don't have those issues. The older models have a microphone switch while the newer models use a vacuum switch.


Yeah... The I autos I used, still have are about 3 Years Old. Everything e-Cig-wise has gotten Better since then. I'm sure Autos are No Exception.

But Most of the Lower End Stuff, 510's, eGo's, KR808's are Cranked out at an Alarming Rate. And QC sometimes takes a Backseat to Production Schedules.

That I don't think has changed much. In fact, I think it has Gotten Worse.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2012
Clearwater, FL
You're thinking of the old models. The newer models have a much better switch and don't have those issues. The older models have a microphone switch while the newer models use a vacuum switch.

My Echo never auto fires. I barely have to draw on it to activate, but I can take it outside in high winds or mow the lawn or anything else with no issues.

Modern autos can auto fire if juice gunks up the switch and isn't cleaned fast enough. I killed two of my Sidesho batteries that way when I first started dripping, and I've nearly killed an Echo as well. Thankfully, I've learned how to clean my Echo batteries well enough that I haven't gunked up a switch on them yet.

O.K. you convinced me to clean my batt, i keep forgetting to do that
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