Doctor claims Liquid Nicotine breaks smoking habit

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
I know this is an older news article, but I thought I would post it in here.

Doctor Claims Liquid Nicotine Breaks Smoking Habit

It has been over a year since the clinical testing, and I went to his site -


and its still under going FDA studies.

I wonder if they are going to pass something like this? To be honest, I would feel silly acting like a am "smoking" gel. I remember having those fake candy cigarettes when I was younger, and I think cherry flavored gel would be more appealing to children then a PV.

JMO. Wondering what you all think. Sorry if this has been posted before.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Hmmm, alternative source for E-lquid?
Providing this device gets approved, and we are left with a banned product. Something to keep in mind anyway.

I agree. Ban one and not the other?

The FDA is concerned with children getting ahold of PVs, so there is a big deal about the ecig, but yet the FDA may approve a gel type liquid nicotine, which to me is more appealing to children then some thing that looks like a pen. Do you know how many gel type squeezable candies there is out there?


Senior Member
Apr 27, 2009
Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Why the hell are we worried about what it would look like to kids? That's the parent's job.... not ours. We should not revolve this world and its laws around kids with no parents.

Legalize both. The only thing that should matter to the gov't about e-cigs and this crazy gel stuff is getting studies done to find any potential severe short-term health effects (examples would be Hydroxycut, Vioxx, Crestor) when using these products as intended and within reason.

They are doing the right thing with this gel. They should be doing the same with e-cigs. Sad that something like Vioxx can get past the FDA but they stop e-cigs at the door. Proof that lobbying = legal bribery.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 25, 2009
Travis AFB, CA
Whilst I agree with Robbie the thought of the parents being fully responsible for their children without any "guidelines" from the government scares the crap out of me.
Many parents now a days should have been sterilized before given the chance to reproduce.

Harsh, but someone had to say it.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 23, 2009
Loganville, Ga
Whilst I agree with Robbie the thought of the parents being fully responsible for their children without any "guidelines" from the government scares the crap out of me.
Many parents now a days should have been sterilized before given the chance to reproduce.

Harsh, but someone had to say it.

Or we can stop holding their hands and force them to do their jobs. When we let parents blame TV and movie and songs for their children murdering raping stealing- its our fault. When we, society, allow parents to not parent, we all need a spanking. There is no accountability, its just that simple.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 23, 2009
Loganville, Ga
While looking up more stuff on your link, I see how strong the ECF metatags are- almost al the results are us talking in the forum- the bad part is the unproven negative aspects of ecigs, troll talk, fighting posts are coming up first and strongest! eek
Im willing to pay to have this forum closed to the public, thats really not good advertisement....poo.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2009
Or we can stop holding their hands and force them to do their jobs. When we let parents blame TV and movie and songs for their children murdering raping stealing- its our fault. When we, society, allow parents to not parent, we all need a spanking. There is no accountability, its just that simple.

I would say start small at first..

The next time the kid comes home and spews about the teacher reprimanding him/her, don't run out to the minivan in the driveway and dash off to the school to have words with the teacher! Punish the kid, thus, reinforcing the teacher's authority. The last thing I'd have done when punished at school would be to tell my parents when I got home. It would have just resulted in more punishment.

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