Do you still crave/like the smell of real cigarettes since switching ?

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Man, I WISH pregnancy had made me hate the smell of cigs. I had cravings non-stop for 18 months, (but it was worth it :) )

I did once ask my doc if I should have another kid to quit smoking. He gave me this look and said, "Yeah, knowing you, you could still have twenty kids and return to smoking, I don't recommend that quitting strategy."

LOL, I guess he knew me pretty well :)



Vaping Master
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Oct 12, 2014
I was a dusl user for 6 weeks. One of the things I noticed in the early weeks is cigs weren't tasting so goood and were less and less satisfying. When I noticed that I verbalized it to recondition my attitude and expectations about smoking. I smoked a few after finally switching to demonstrate I was immune to relapse and stopped doing even that because the taste was awful. I avoid secondhand smoke but it's not awful.

If you somehow made me immune to all the health effects of smoking and offered me all the cigarettes I could smoke for free I'd turn it down. vaping is an entirely more satisfying experience and, the way I do it, free for practial purposes.
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Totally Stashed!
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Dec 20, 2017
It's an interesting topic because we're all different and it might give newcomers some idea of what to expect long term if they continue vaping.

I personally hate the smell of second hand smoke is truly revolting to me and I cannot imagine how or why I used to smoke 20 a day in 2012.
But my God, if someone was to take my vape gear off me I would go mental! I love the smell and taste of my particular brand of e liquid. Nothing compares.
Other people alternate between the two and others yet no longer smoke but still enjoy the smell of a real cigarette.

How long have you been vaping?
Do you still smoke real cigarettes?
Do you still crave and/or enjoy the smell of real cigarettes
Does the smell and idea of real cigarettes offend you?

I’ve been vaping for almost 2 months. Took me 3 days to drop the cigarettes and go full vape.

I have no desire or craving at all to light up a stinky ever again!!


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Dec 10, 2017
I haven't had a cigarette in so long I can't remember more than 8 months.
I truly honestly love cigarettes.
But I'm not going to pay $10 a pack. That's what they cost here. I switch to vaping for financial reasons. So I can Vape as much as I want and not have to worry about killing myself or going broke. I think I'll stick to vaping.
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Moved On
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Jan 27, 2016
Long Island, New York
At first a freshly lit killer stick still smelled wonderful but now a cigarette smells so disgusting to me and someone who just steamed a cigarette I need to walk away from. I still refuse to become one of those ANTZ who quit and thinks you must also! I will try to persuade them to think about vaping and try to convert them into a former smoker.
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Apr 2, 2013
BC Canada
My wife and I been vaping going on 5 years now without wanting to smoke, partially with me learning to rebuild very early and vaping DIY juices so we have had a exceptional vape experience. I still like the smell of a fresh open pack of smokes, don't mind the smell of 2nd hand smoke since I vape at functions with others who are smoking outside. I've gone way past trying to convert others to vaping, if they want a try I give a short education then let them decide for themselves. The problem is that I've had many who now want me to totally maintain their setup and supply them my DIY juice...No Thank You. The few that have gone the vape route eventually go back cause once they figure out vaping isn't plug and play and requires more effort than light, smoke then crush they loose interest. I don't do lazy too well and figure if I can drop a 35 year habit overnight they can too without free riding off of me.
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Oh I could tell you a lot of interesting stuff about being pregnant and weird things that have happened. (Like when anything new was happening, I read a lot of stuff, including a lot of "birth stories"). Some of them really grossed me out, even though I suppose it's beautiful and heartwarming to sit in a warm tub with your doula and husband in there with you assisting you to gently and mindfully give birth to your child..... But is it, really?

My experience was far from that idealistic state, although to be fair, I kept being told to shut the hell up by the nurses, including "You are scaring the other moms," but everything went really fast, the nurse finally checked my cervix and I'd dilated it so fast that she actually said, "Honey, you yell all you want," and immediately went in search of the dude who was doing the epidurals that day.... Only it was too late, LOL. I was .......

I also didn't enjoy the moment I couldn't see my toes anymore and then thought, "There's only a couple ways that thing is getting out of me." Definitely a "no turning back" experience.

The (then) husband left to smoke and it really left me hating on those older adults who got to smoke IN the maternity wards, LOL. I didn't find that to be "fair" either. Heh. I could have really used a cigarette... or a gun to shoot myself in the head with.... :)



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Nov 8, 2014
Oh! The memories! What a shared experience!

"Go to all those classes" they said!
"Be her coach" they said!
"Learn every detail" they said!
"Know about the breathing" they said!
"Help her through the experience" they said!
"You're in this together" they said!

After all the training, all the advice, it all went out the window when it was supposed to be put to use! It was then I was "demoted" from coach, from "sharing partner" to silent observer, to the role of a cat's scratching post! And who knew she had such a paralyzing grip? She could've crushed coconuts with one hand!

Before the indentations and open wounds on my forearms dissipated and healed, guess who decided we should do it all over again?

Just typing this made me crave another cigarette!


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
It's an interesting topic because we're all different and it might give newcomers some idea of what to expect long term if they continue vaping.

I personally hate the smell of second hand smoke is truly revolting to me and I cannot imagine how or why I used to smoke 20 a day in 2012.
But my God, if someone was to take my vape gear off me I would go mental! I love the smell and taste of my particular brand of e liquid. Nothing compares.
Other people alternate between the two and others yet no longer smoke but still enjoy the smell of a real cigarette.

How long have you been vaping?
Do you still smoke real cigarettes?
Do you still crave and/or enjoy the smell of real cigarettes
Does the smell and idea of real cigarettes offend you?

Once in a Very Rare while, I will get a whiff of just the right mix of Second Hand Smoke and I will think... "That Does Smell Good."

But then, I hear a Little Voice in my Head that says...

Trust me.

That's just a Pretty Coloured String attached to the End of a Hook.



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2014
I smoked since I was young and came from a household where both parents smoked so I think I was just used to the smell and it did not bother me. I've been vaping for over 6 years and the smell still does not bother me but I do seem to notice it more. If I am in a public place, for example, I find myself looking around to see who is smoking since I know it is not me.
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Supporting Member
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Dec 14, 2013
How long have you been vaping?
A bit more than 4 years.

Do you still smoke real cigarettes?

Do you still crave and/or enjoy the smell of real cigarettes
Does the smell and idea of real cigarettes offend you?

Outdoors, a freshly lit cig smells good to me.

Stale smoke odor is gross, but I always felt that way, especially in hotel rooms with windows that don't open.

I am not easily offended. :)


Ultra Member
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Apr 2, 2013
BC Canada
Stale smoke odor is gross, but I always felt that way, especially in hotel rooms with windows that don't open.

Sitting onto a smokers car...ours use to smell like this...YUK. Standing in line at the checkout and a stale smoke smell emits from a person around you. Things you don't really think about until you don't smoke anymore and now notice how offensive the smell can be. Washing the yellow off the walls for the last time, now the water stays clean and don't have to refill the wash bucket every few minutes.
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