My Vaping Timeline - New Member

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New Member
Jun 25, 2018
Hi, this a repost from another forum that I also joined yesterday while I was waiting for my account here to activate. This shares my experiences switching from cigarettes to vaping. I hope you all enjoy it! I hope I can give a background story based on my personal experiences since starting vaping.

Throughout my years of smoking, I haven't really felt any major issues perhaps because I am still relatively young. I have never had a smokers cough, and generally felt very well. However during my annual body checkup, the doctor does mention I have a slightly higher blood pressure than normal and recommends I quit smoking - although the lungs seem perfectly fine.

Being based in Macau/Shanghai the last 5 years, the culture here almost encourages smoking. Most men smoke, and it is customary to hand out cigarettes to friends, family upon introduction. Growing up in Sydney, you almost felt like you were patronised when smoking, so when I relocated here, it seemed like a "breath of fresh air" (pun intended).

The prices of cigarettes here are comparatively cheaper than western countries (mostly bought during duty free trips across the border) Mevius International/555 International about 30USD a carton. When I left Sydney, I was paying around 130 USD for a carton of Kent cigarettes. With cigarettes relatively cheap, I would binge quite often- some days playing mahjong with friends or cards, or drinking or having coffee with clients or friends, my intake would sometimes hit 2-3 packets a day. I used to wake up every morning with a redbull or coffee to my morning cigarette in a complete state of bliss. However, once the red flag of high blood pressure kicked in, I knew something had to be done. Off to try out vaping.

June 2017
Years of smoking:14 (yes,started very young)
Smoking history - 1 packet a day - Mevius International, 555 International, Chunghwa Red - all medium strength cigarettes

I go into a vape shop one day in Shanghai, and as I used to enjoy fruity hookah/shisha smoking, the fruity flavours such as orange and grape NOS eliquid was my first initial experience. I decide before I buy to do a little research and eventually buy an Aspire Zelos with a Nautilus 2 tank.

I find during my early days, since my eliquid is 3mg, and im running at 20W with 0.7ohm coils, quitting smoking is very, very difficult. I did try some 6mg liquids as well, however as most of the enjoyable fruity flavours were at 3mg, I was still smoking analogs while vaping.

However, by the end of 2017 I had stopped vaping mostly as I found other than being used as a substitute "filler" during my hectic smoking sessions with clients or friends, I was still a packet a day smoker. I also didn't really like the nautilus 2 very much either. The coils didn't last (I later realized I was vaping far too much for them to be useful for more than 2-3 days), the liquid would sometimes leak, the tank would sometimes get too tight and stuck on, and I found the tank just far too displeasing to use.

March 2018
My health is still fine, however I do feel my conscious telling me that smoking so many cigarettes can only be a burden to my longterm health, an I end up youtubing a lot about smoking diseases, vaping and its benefits, and eventually decide I'll give vaping another go.

This time, I decide I must get a more powerful tank in order to take on this battle full on. I do my research and decide this time to upgrade to a Atlantis 2 Tank with SSL coils suitable for temperature control ( I used to dry hit coils quite often as I would vape constantly). I bought another Zelos, and now since I was able to punch 40-50W off my new coils, the battery was draining much faster even in TC SS mode at 190C, and having 2 tanks would keep me running the full day.

The Atlantis 2 tank for me, was a dream come true. The build quality compare to the nautilus 2 is much better, a larger tank (albeit eliquid is gulped faster), and some fascinating large clouds. I am chain vaping like a monster though, and have stopped smoking cigarettes completely. I feel the first week was a little difficult, however eventually I converted over.

Coils were lasting me around 3 days and I was using around 15-20ML of liquid a day, and I was fighting my addiction to analogs by chain vaping. I did feel like I was breathing a little easier and vaping was becoming very enjoyable as I no longer would face any social stigmas. I could vape when I wanted where I wanted.

May 2018 - Now

I have now been almost smoke free for a few months(albeit an occasional cigarette here and there). For my birthday, a Japanese client of mine bought me what could end up being the best or worse thing during my vaping journey. An IQOS with a full carton of heat sticks. I actually had the IQOS for around 2-3 days researching as much as I could before I committed to using it, trying to scour vaping forums and YouTube for a definitive answer on which was better/safer and so on. I decide there is not enough information that is conclusive for me, and I embark to find the answer to this myself.

An Amateur Try at controlled experiments
I decide to project manage myself, and decide to see how I felt during a few test weeks. I had already been an exclusive vaper most of the time, so I decided to compare how my body felt with vaping against the IQOS.


The taste, aroma and general satisfaction of an IQOS is that it imitates smoking completely. It heats tobacco and gives you a quick nicotine kick. I feel that when I vape, the nicotine hit takes a little longer to register. The nicotine delivery on the IQOS is very quick, and I feel like I've been smoking. In fact I feel the IQOS hits harder than a traditional cigarette, and I only smoke around 10 HEET sticks a day, with some intermittent vaping in between. My vape usage has dropped to around 6ML a day at most.

However, I do feel like I'm breathing something in - its hard to explain. I feel like if my lungs and general wellbeing was 100% when vaping - with the IQOS I feel like I'm 80%. It is my belief other than the ammonia and nicotine and other chemicals in the IQOS, there must be some other impurities (it is afterall still tobacco just heated)- as I have no such feelings when I vape. Vape just feels like breathing in steam in the shower. There is just the taste of liquid aromas from the food colourings. That's it. I know what a pure nicotine hit feels like, and the IQOS does not deliver it in the same way as vaping does - there must be certain chemicals - possibly carcinogens and toxic matter that is breathed in by the user that just does not happen when you vape. However, I am no expert - this is just how I feel when I use it. It also requires frequent cleaning and I can't help but notice the cigarette like smell of the pod when using it and cleaning it.

The IQOS in its favour though does have some standout qualities: If you are a trying to give up smoking completely, and vaping isn't cutting it for you, then perhaps the IQOS is the way to go. The general feel, nicotine hit is like a cigarette, however I can say if you can stick to the vape the whole way though, then that should be better for your long term health. I can say vaping just feels cleaner to me and my lungs.

Currently, I am using around 6-7 HEET sticks a day, and vaping 1-2 tanks of eliquid a day and have not picked up a single cigarette in a long time. I believe I'm off the cigarettes for good, although my next challenge is seeing if I can give up the IQOS completely as I am still quite unsure of what's used in it, and the long term health effects compared to vaping. Judging by early data, it seems Phillip Morris International has a history of misleading its consumers and I just wouldn't be surprised if there is future data released saying it is clearly not as safe as vaping, however still safer than your standard cigarette. This is my introduction to the forum. Hello once again.


Senior Member
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Jul 26, 2014
Grand Junction, Co
Welcome to the forums. Personally I have had simmilar experiences trying to quit smoking. I smoked for about 10 years 1-2 packs a day. I did manage to quit for almost a year in my earlier days of vaping, but back then it was all mechs if you wanted a good direct lung vape. Fourtunatly equiptment has come a long way, or at least I am much more satisfied with what I have this go around. Good luck man, its no easy road but it really does pay off in the long run.


Ultra Member
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Oct 24, 2014
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Feb 15, 2011
    Hi, this a repost from another forum that I also joined yesterday while I was waiting for my account here to activate. This shares my experiences switching from cigarettes to vaping. I hope you all enjoy it! I hope I can give a background story based on my personal experiences since starting vaping.

    Throughout my years of smoking, I haven't really felt any major issues perhaps because I am still relatively young. I have never had a smokers cough, and generally felt very well. However during my annual body checkup, the doctor does mention I have a slightly higher blood pressure than normal and recommends I quit smoking - although the lungs seem perfectly fine.

    Being based in Macau/Shanghai the last 5 years, the culture here almost encourages smoking. Most men smoke, and it is customary to hand out cigarettes to friends, family upon introduction. Growing up in Sydney, you almost felt like you were patronised when smoking, so when I relocated here, it seemed like a "breath of fresh air" (pun intended).

    The prices of cigarettes here are comparatively cheaper than western countries (mostly bought during duty free trips across the border) Mevius International/555 International about 30USD a carton. When I left Sydney, I was paying around 130 USD for a carton of Kent cigarettes. With cigarettes relatively cheap, I would binge quite often- some days playing mahjong with friends or cards, or drinking or having coffee with clients or friends, my intake would sometimes hit 2-3 packets a day. I used to wake up every morning with a redbull or coffee to my morning cigarette in a complete state of bliss. However, once the red flag of high blood pressure kicked in, I knew something had to be done. Off to try out vaping.

    June 2017
    Years of smoking:14 (yes,started very young)
    Smoking history - 1 packet a day - Mevius International, 555 International, Chunghwa Red - all medium strength cigarettes

    I go into a vape shop one day in Shanghai, and as I used to enjoy fruity hookah/shisha smoking, the fruity flavours such as orange and grape NOS eliquid was my first initial experience. I decide before I buy to do a little research and eventually buy an Aspire Zelos with a Nautilus 2 tank.

    I find during my early days, since my eliquid is 3mg, and im running at 20W with 0.7ohm coils, quitting smoking is very, very difficult. I did try some 6mg liquids as well, however as most of the enjoyable fruity flavours were at 3mg, I was still smoking analogs while vaping.

    However, by the end of 2017 I had stopped vaping mostly as I found other than being used as a substitute "filler" during my hectic smoking sessions with clients or friends, I was still a packet a day smoker. I also didn't really like the nautilus 2 very much either. The coils didn't last (I later realized I was vaping far too much for them to be useful for more than 2-3 days), the liquid would sometimes leak, the tank would sometimes get too tight and stuck on, and I found the tank just far too displeasing to use.

    March 2018
    My health is still fine, however I do feel my conscious telling me that smoking so many cigarettes can only be a burden to my longterm health, an I end up youtubing a lot about smoking diseases, vaping and its benefits, and eventually decide I'll give vaping another go.

    This time, I decide I must get a more powerful tank in order to take on this battle full on. I do my research and decide this time to upgrade to a Atlantis 2 Tank with SSL coils suitable for temperature control ( I used to dry hit coils quite often as I would vape constantly). I bought another Zelos, and now since I was able to punch 40-50W off my new coils, the battery was draining much faster even in TC SS mode at 190C, and having 2 tanks would keep me running the full day.

    The Atlantis 2 tank for me, was a dream come true. The build quality compare to the nautilus 2 is much better, a larger tank (albeit eliquid is gulped faster), and some fascinating large clouds. I am chain vaping like a monster though, and have stopped smoking cigarettes completely. I feel the first week was a little difficult, however eventually I converted over.

    Coils were lasting me around 3 days and I was using around 15-20ML of liquid a day, and I was fighting my addiction to analogs by chain vaping. I did feel like I was breathing a little easier and vaping was becoming very enjoyable as I no longer would face any social stigmas. I could vape when I wanted where I wanted.

    May 2018 - Now

    I have now been almost smoke free for a few months(albeit an occasional cigarette here and there). For my birthday, a Japanese client of mine bought me what could end up being the best or worse thing during my vaping journey. An IQOS with a full carton of heat sticks. I actually had the IQOS for around 2-3 days researching as much as I could before I committed to using it, trying to scour vaping forums and YouTube for a definitive answer on which was better/safer and so on. I decide there is not enough information that is conclusive for me, and I embark to find the answer to this myself.

    An Amateur Try at controlled experiments
    I decide to project manage myself, and decide to see how I felt during a few test weeks. I had already been an exclusive vaper most of the time, so I decided to compare how my body felt with vaping against the IQOS.


    The taste, aroma and general satisfaction of an IQOS is that it imitates smoking completely. It heats tobacco and gives you a quick nicotine kick. I feel that when I vape, the nicotine hit takes a little longer to register. The nicotine delivery on the IQOS is very quick, and I feel like I've been smoking. In fact I feel the IQOS hits harder than a traditional cigarette, and I only smoke around 10 HEET sticks a day, with some intermittent vaping in between. My vape usage has dropped to around 6ML a day at most.

    However, I do feel like I'm breathing something in - its hard to explain. I feel like if my lungs and general wellbeing was 100% when vaping - with the IQOS I feel like I'm 80%. It is my belief other than the ammonia and nicotine and other chemicals in the IQOS, there must be some other impurities (it is afterall still tobacco just heated)- as I have no such feelings when I vape. Vape just feels like breathing in steam in the shower. There is just the taste of liquid aromas from the food colourings. That's it. I know what a pure nicotine hit feels like, and the IQOS does not deliver it in the same way as vaping does - there must be certain chemicals - possibly carcinogens and toxic matter that is breathed in by the user that just does not happen when you vape. However, I am no expert - this is just how I feel when I use it. It also requires frequent cleaning and I can't help but notice the cigarette like smell of the pod when using it and cleaning it.

    The IQOS in its favour though does have some standout qualities: If you are a trying to give up smoking completely, and vaping isn't cutting it for you, then perhaps the IQOS is the way to go. The general feel, nicotine hit is like a cigarette, however I can say if you can stick to the vape the whole way though, then that should be better for your long term health. I can say vaping just feels cleaner to me and my lungs.

    Currently, I am using around 6-7 HEET sticks a day, and vaping 1-2 tanks of eliquid a day and have not picked up a single cigarette in a long time. I believe I'm off the cigarettes for good, although my next challenge is seeing if I can give up the IQOS completely as I am still quite unsure of what's used in it, and the long term health effects compared to vaping. Judging by early data, it seems Phillip Morris International has a history of misleading its consumers and I just wouldn't be surprised if there is future data released saying it is clearly not as safe as vaping, however still safer than your standard cigarette. This is my introduction to the forum. Hello once again.

    Do you think that a really good tobacco eliquid would replace the IQOS for at least the transition period of quitting cigs? I ask because I'd rather a newcomer use a tobacco vape than give money to PMI.


    New Member
    Jun 25, 2018
    Do you think that a really good tobacco eliquid would replace the IQOS for at least the transition period of quitting cigs? I ask because I'd rather a newcomer use a tobacco vape than give money to PMI.

    Yes, I would say try Vaping first. If only you don’t succeed quitting then move to the IQOS. The way I would see it is the IQOS still delivers a better nicotine kick and throat hit compared to tobacco eliquid, albeit with potential for more harm.
    1. If you can quit smoking cold turkey this is the most optimal move.
    2. If you cannot quit cold turkey but move to vaping, this is the second best move.
    3. If you cannot do either, then consider the IQOS. As someone like myself who still is struggling with vaping 100% of the time, this is the option I chose.


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    Vaping Master
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    Apr 25, 2014
    toledo ohio
    I think you’re spot on about the IQOS being more like smoking. I haven’t tried one, but it’s true there are chemicals in tobacco that are not present in vape juice.

    You may consider WTA, whole tobacco alcoloids ( I spelled that wrong, pretty sure lol). I haven’t used those yet either, but there’s a lot of information on the forum about it. It gives you some of the other chemicals of tobacco while still being vapor.

    And good for you, quitting while you’re ahead. High BP was the only health issue my husband had from smoking. Healthy as a horse until one day his shoulder started hurting. 9 months later he passed away from lung cancer.
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    Moved On
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    May 30, 2017
    Welcome aboard. It takes what it takes, so if the IQOS is working great. I would kind of second the suggestion of trying whole tobacco alkaloid juice, it helped me a lot when I transitioned (and again now, as I get back to vaping only.) It's expensive but probably not AS expensive as the IQOS. I read an article recently (can't remember where) and the IQOS is harm reduction but more harmful than vaping only. So if you do try to add more "vape" to your day, I think WTA may help (or Swedish snus which is also seen as rather more harm free). However, if you are happy where you are at, that's great too. Welcome and glad you are halting smoking. :)



    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Dec 24, 2014
    Yes, I would say try Vaping first. If only you don’t succeed quitting then move to the IQOS. The way I would see it is the IQOS still delivers a better nicotine kick and throat hit compared to tobacco eliquid, albeit with potential for more harm.
    1. If you can quit smoking cold turkey this is the most optimal move.
    2. If you cannot quit cold turkey but move to vaping, this is the second best move.
    3. If you cannot do either, then consider the IQOS. As someone like myself who still is struggling with vaping 100% of the time, this is the option I chose.
    Welcome and glad you joined.
    Might like to read:
    Forbes: Why Anti-Smoking Groups Should Endorse Snus And E-Cigarettes
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    Vaping Master
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    Jul 8, 2012
    Have you tried a higher nic juice when vaping? Maybe that's why your having a hard time and going through juice. Especially with the nautilus tank, 3 or 6mg is not much at all. Maybe this new thing feels better because there is more nic? If you try vaping again I would double your nic

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    New Member
    Jun 25, 2018
    Have you tried a higher nic juice when vaping? Maybe that's why your having a hard time and going through juice. Especially with the nautilus tank, 3 or 6mg is not much at all. Maybe this new thing feels better because there is more nic? If you try vaping again I would double your nic

    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

    I ended up ditching the Nautilus 2 for an Atlantis 2 - subohming 0.3 coils at 40-50W. Therefore I figured 3-6mg would do the trick. It's clearly not enough - though I don't know what sub-ohming at 12mgs at 40W will feel like...
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    Vaping Master
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    Jul 8, 2012
    Oh ok....yes not sure on dtl inhaling, so I wouldn't know what would be to harsh for you, but I do think vaping will work, you just need to feel satisfied with the amount of nic . I would still try to up the nic and it takes a bit of time to figure it out . If you kind of stick with the atlantis, buy some 12 and if it slightly feels to much, maybe lowering the wattage slightly might dial it in. Or can the atlantis be closed down, so you can do sort of mtl and perhaps some restrictive dtl inhales? If son then 12 might be's just a matter of tweaking, but the main thing when transitioning is you must have enough nic.
    I ended up ditching the Nautilus 2 for an Atlantis 2 - subohming 0.3 coils at 40-50W. Therefore I figured 3-6mg would do the trick. It's clearly not enough - though I don't know what sub-ohming at 12mgs at 40W will feel like...

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