Cloud chasing turning into a four letter word?

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 18, 2013
I think we should all spend our time correcting and helping everyone else who is clearly not as smart as we are. The important thing is to look down upon the masses and share our vast wisdom with them on every vaping topic since we are all clearly smarter, more experienced and have more wisdom. The world will benefit from our point of view. We need to stop having democracy and let those of us who know better run things.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
i have absolutely no problems with cloud chasers. they are the hard core hobbyist's who stretch the limits and
open up new approaches to how to vape in general. many of their innovations will wind up in tomorrow's products
of the the main stream vapor.

like any other hobby that pushes the limits there is inherent risks involved. if one is knowledgeable these risks can be mitigated.
like other hobby's i think cloud chasing will evolve into what other hobby's have done. R/C,Flashlight modding,Sky and Scuba diving amongst others
have formed clubs.
complete with training and safety requirements,membership fees,rules,regulations and standards.the whole nine yards.
like other clubs they would have their own facilities to practice train and enjoy their hobby. a loft in the warehouse district,rented space above the bar,where ever.
R/C clubs typically rent or own land to partake in their hobby's. usually in rural areas where noise isn't much of a factor.
i think it would be necessary anyway to alleviate any fears the FDA will have concerning something that which would be
hard to regulate by its very nature.

i look at this from a safety and discretionary point of view.
new vapors need a solid frame work from which to start from.
on the other hand i don't think the use of sub-ohm devices in a restaurants and similar venues is always appropriate.
in minneapolis some bars are all in,some prefer more low key and some don't want any vaping.(they made up their own policies with out the government,OMG)
when in Rome do as the Romans do.
and remember NASCAR brings a lot of innovation to the auto industry but, i don't see them screaming up
and down Payne ave. every day.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 29, 2014
I think that if there is someone who is in a public place that is going to be annoyed with someone else vaping, it is not going to matter whether it is a cloud chasing set up or a flavor chasing set up or a cig alike. They have a stick up their ... an no mater how we try to cater to them so they leave us alone, they never will. Be safe, know your stuff, vape respectfully :facepalm: and and do so with whatever set up keeps you off cigs.
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