Cloud-Chasers are Evil People

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Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
Always remember ...

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..."

It's easy to throw 'them' to the wolves to try to save yourselves. Just as it's easier to hide and run than it is to stand up straight.

Once upon a time, in that magical land that never existed, people were free to do as they wished as long as they caused no harm to others. I would like to believe that could be true someday in the future. Part of the price to achieve that goal is to refuse to let them take anyone who causes no harm to others, no matter if you agree with them or not. Otherwise there will be no one there for you when they come to take you away.

Excellent posting! :thumb: Thank you!
Thank you for posting one of my favorite quotes. From my own country. Where this thing actually happened. With people standing idly by until it was too late.
And thank you very much for putting your finger on the mentality of some vapers who love to blame the victims for the actions of the oppressors:

It's easy to throw 'them' to the wolves to try to save yourselves. Just as it's easier to hide and run than it is to stand up straight.

Thank you very much indeed! Great posting!


Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
people are scared lunatics.

With smokers they get all paranoid. Dont smoke inside... dont smoke close to doors or windows. dont smoke in parks. Oh the smokers made a thing that can be smoked anywhere, is harmless, but still produces smoke? We can have that.... lets start pushing for bans on these completely harmless things that I am scared as hell about. for no reason... other than the fact that i am a crazy lunatic. see me be crazy. No vaping... because.... because we said so!

Well said indeed.
The whole situation is reminiscient of the witch hunts of the Middle Ages. Where the church actively created and then promoted the witch hysteria. Whipping the people into a frenzy of fear and hysteria - and making them willing tools to further the aims of the church. Which was money and control. Naturally, the fear and hysteria was completely unfounded. There is no such thing as "witches". Which the high officials in the church knew very well indeed.

Same situation now.
It has all been manufactured. See here: Rampant Antismoking Signifies Grave Danger
Those who have not seen this document yet are invited to take a good look. It is the "Witch Hammer" of our time.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 13, 2012

Nine pages . . . that seems about right.


Full Member
Aug 2, 2013
IMHO it could be concluded that the "problem" isn't 'subohm' or 'cloud chasing', but the ppl who want to "blow 'em cloudz" without the proper knowledge and precautions concerning batteries' health, amp limit and avoiding a short circuit. Why ppl "have to subohm" is simply to get the wattage they want using a mechanical mod. I do subohm, usually only on the range of 0.7 - 0.8 ohm simply because I want to generate 17-25watts on my mech mod. As for blowing plumes of vapor in a way that might be construed as 'offensive' to some ppl, thats just being a jack#ss, and whether its a vaper / non vaper, there will always be jack#asses on earth.
I honestly believe (at least I hope) that most "subohmers" know what they are doing and in case of a cathastrophic battery failure, most mech mods have the proper venting to avoid turning the mech mod into a "pipe bomb". There's a video albeit a scientific one that did show a mech mod venting when the battery was forced into a "meltdown": Battery Venting in Mechanical Mod - YouTube


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 10, 2013
Madison, Wisconsin
I equate it more with the temperance movement. The biggest result of convincing so many people to swear off alcohol was rampant deficiency disease.

Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk

This. The US has a history of Prohibition--see our insane 21 drinking age. See our ineffective and (imo) disastrous "war against drugs."

You gotta deal with the society you're living in. Except in my own home, where I vape indoors, I vape only where smoking is allowed. One advantage is that you meet smokers in such places. If one of them asks questions, great. Maybe they'll switch. It could save their lives.

btw my usual gear is mech+rda at .5-.7. I produce clouds.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 24, 2014
Jakarta- Indonesia
Well said indeed.
The whole situation is reminiscient of the witch hunts of the Middle Ages. Where the church actively created and then promoted the witch hysteria. Whipping the people into a frenzy of fear and hysteria - and making them willing tools to further the aims of the church. Which was money and control. Naturally, the fear and hysteria was completely unfounded. There is no such thing as "witches". Which the high officials in the church knew very well indeed.

Same situation now.
It has all been manufactured. See here: Rampant Antismoking Signifies Grave Danger
Those who have not seen this document yet are invited to take a good look. It is the "Witch Hammer" of our time.

Haha, I actually understand the witch hunts, a little. If you believe people COULD sell their soul to Satan in order to have supernatural powers, well, Id be scared as hell too!
And I mean, I believe Satan all came up to you guys too, to give you this cool new alternative to Smoking, and it only costs your soul, for these magical powers right? People believe everything the media tells them. One thing I learned, is that most people are really not that intelligent. I heard about a radioprogram a long time ago announcing aliens landing and people killed themselves. I mean, Few years ago, Guy said the end of the world, people sold all their possesions. If the media says something, people blindly believe it, regardless of the credibility of it, Because honestly, They dont have the time to check the facts. Its the same thing with the media. not to be a conspiracy theorist, but i wouldnt be surprised if there is a few "donations" from the tabacco companies to things like the media. Possibly some funded research, maybe even the FDA. Or you could group it under taxes. Where the government doesnt get paid because people are spending money not on the cigarettes.

we are all guilty of this believing of the media to some extent too, on some issue, for sure. It just happens. But... really.... literally anything. Go look up onion news network on youtube and read some of the comments. Its a spoof news group and their stories are ridiculous, but people still sometimes comment about how horrified they are about the new thing happening.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2014
Anchorage, AK, USA
I have no issues with cloud chasers. The only vapers I have issues with are likely to be the same type of person I'd have an issue with no matter what group they belong in. Every group has them. I'm talking about the you know whats. The type of person who thinks they know what's best for everyone else. The type who have no consideration for anyone around them It doesn't matter what device they're using, or how large the cloud they're blowing is. If they're doing it where they know they shouldn't, after being asked not to... Well, that's an issue. Regardless of whether or not vapor is harmful to bystanders (I firmly believe it is not), I fail to see the benefit behind vaping where and when you've been asked not to.

That said, I think the issue of "vapers blowing huge clouds everywhere!!!" is being a bit exaggerated on these forums. I have yet to encounter a vaper in the wild who was blowing massive clouds in enclosed areas. Sure, there are those here who encourage this type of behavior to "fight the man", and sure, I've disagreed with them, but I haven't seen it in real life. This is only one person's anecdotal evidence of course, but I commute from Staten Island to Midtown Manhattan Monday through Friday on public transportation, and I've never, ever, encountered this in the last 2 years that I've been making that commute. Aside from the council meeting in NYC where they were in the process of banning e-cigarettes to smoking areas, but there was a point to that.

I couldn't agree more, there's always gonna that dude that walks around flexing, or that girl that chews her gum loudly on purpose. I've never seen any vaping in public either, other than the occasional blucig in bars (thanks Shania Twain, jk lol), or someone vaping in their vehicle at a stoplight. Honestly I don't necessarily agree with vaping indoors period. I think the only place I really think is appropriate to vape in is outdoors if your in public, step outside just like you would a cig if your in a crowded place where people might mind.

Maybe a bus-top is about the only place I could see it being alright near people, so long as your not hot-boxing the actual square sitting area, step out, downwind.


Super Member
Verified Member
Jun 9, 2014
Reno, NV, USA
I'm so in the minority here.

This is what I do. I ask myself, "If it were ok to chew gum here or hold hands with my sweetie, would I do it?" If the answer is yes, then I have no problems vaping. If I ask myself, "Would it be acceptable to kiss my wife here?" and the answer is yes, then I'll get in anyone's face who throws a fit.

Actually no, I'd probably just stare at them stupidly and say something like, "No comprede Englais" or "Ya ne ponemayu Anglica.". If I were feeling really snarky, I'd ask, "Parlez vous Francais?" or "Spreken ze Deutch?"

But I'm like that. Sure, there are parents who'd have a screaming fit for their kids to see someone hug or kiss someone else. We have a warped culture that way. That's their problem. I consider vaping in the same category. There will always be people who throw a fit about anything. Let 'em. What are they going to do, arrest me? We don't even have a freaking nudity ordinance where I live. Get real. If you can walk down the street wearing nothing but a smile, I really don't think any tourist has any chance of getting a local cop to arrest me. No local would care. You see people smoking cigars, inside. This is Nevada, not California.

The only reason they stopped people from carrying open alcohol containers was the glass!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2014
The tax farm known as USA.
My opinion about cloud chasing somewhat changed. I believe that if it is done safely, and as long as you don't vape where you are not suppose to (another touchy subject), there is really no problem with it.

An argument, that is often made, like in the "my opinion: heavy users are downfall for the rest" thread is that cloud chasing gives ammo to vaping opposition.

I use to agree with that... That is to say, I use to blindly agree with that.

I have never heard any non vaper complain about this... Ever! I never read things like "electronic-cigarette produce to much smoke" in the news or elsewhere. One of my cloud chaser buddy happily blow huge clouds in the street and at work (construction site)... I never heard any complaints about his huge clouds.

The only people who complains about it, as far as I know, aren't the ANTZ, they aren't the FDA nor the news media, they are the vapers. Nobody else.

So here is my question: Where do you (Anti-Cloudchasers) come up with this theory that cloud-chasing makes us look bad.

Just to be clear I am not a cloud-chaser, my daily setup is a Provari+Kayfun 1.3Ω at 3.4volts (roughly 9 watts).

ps: I'm posting this here because the aforementioned thread is already several pages deep and the conversation shifted from the OP.

I would say until you stop driving a car or using public transportation or heating your home please stop babbling on about vapor being bad in any way shape or form.


Senior Member
May 6, 2014
we had the same discussion a while ago at the Israeli ecf forum .
A vapor complained about a guy giving him * about his clouds at a music concert which ended with violence .

The vapor expected to get thumbs up from the forum members , yet while many were disgusted that the vapor was attacked some criticized him for vaping to people's faces.

The fact that some of us have a right to vape freely , doesn't mean we should , it's disrespectful to others and even as a vapor I wouldn't like people vaping to my face.
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