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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2009
SoCal - The IE
Just a note, rant, whatever - it's important - many may have gotten the CASAA email about this.

My thoughts on the matter, you're welcome to use any or all of it if you like (please credit me) -

The measure that keeps existing vapor products on the market (Cole-Bishop amendment) is seriously being considered for the new fiscal year budget. This saves the vapor market and thousands of small American companies - notably mine. Millions of lives are at stake. Everyone will be affected. Our representatives need to hear from us.

Favorable data from scientific groups around the world is pouring in (consensus of 95% safer than smoking) and overwhelming the cries of those entities that will lose billions of dollars if vapor products are widely adopted as the safer alternative to tobacco use.

State governments receiving payments from large tobacco companies (Tobacco Master Settlement) and pharmaceutical companies making stop smoking aids will lose the most. The tobacco companies seem to know this is their future and are quietly supporting parts of the vapor industry.

Elimination of the vapor market will have a direct, negative impact on more than ten million individuals in the US, and many more will experience indirect negative consequences. More than 99% of the products will disappear from the market in August 2018 if this is allowed to transpire. Many jobs and small businesses lost, many who will reluctantly return to smoking. Removing the right to choose for future tobacco users. A billion people are expected to die from tobacco use this century. Vapor products might cut that number in half.

If this is "whined" or complained out of the budget by a group of politicians and activists, the possibility of the most profound boon to public health in decades or even centuries will be nearly choked from existence.

This seems the equivalent of ignoring the promise of great good coming from something new, not generally understood and almost magic like with it's ability to save lives - like penicillin.

We can't let money and power win this time, it hurts us all.

Rick Hageman


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2009
SoCal - The IE
Hey Gang - No real news - Wanted to fill 'ya in.

Had a few feeling crappy off days (aging sucks!), and we've had the last few days with temps just below 100f (last day today, possible rain this w/e). Too hot in the shop to work - can't take the heat like I used to!

The Dragon Mod will come off the mill shortly; sanding next... The new Oba Mod (custom Mod II LiPo) will be introduced to the bandsaw! Awesome Afzelia blank!



Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2009
SoCal - The IE
On the topic of progress and woodchip diving...

The Dragon body has come off the mill - on to contour sanding next.

Again, I've been experiencing some off days mostly horizontal... Also, I have been trying to get a couple holders clear coated so I can send them on to their new homes:

There are two, almost twins. Very special wood, months in the making (September); they really need to go home. It will take a couple or few days with the right temps to get them sprayed and polished.

I will construct a jig to sand the radii on the side of the Dragon MOD, and should post some pics / video of the ongoing process soon.

Expect to see occasional pics of the new MOD just starting production as well -




Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2009
SoCal - The IE
Hey everyone,

Lots of cutting foam and cardboard to cover all the holes before clear coat for the large holders pictured above - almost there.

Wanted to show you guys the design and finished assembly of a jig to sand large radii on Mod bodies - works with an oscillating drum sander: (three minutes)

Back to work!



Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2009
SoCal - The IE
Hey all,

Hope you had a good Memorial Day weekend. Take time to thank a Vet - or give them a thumbs up.

I've tested the radius jig with a single piece and it seems to work flawlessly. Soon, I'll radius sand the Dragon body and be ready to start the hand sanding and finishing of the body. Some polishing will take place too - both to finish off the body, and for the battery tube and the connector base.

I've had some "sick" days - most recently, this weekend, I had the beginnings of lower back spasms. Not wanting to miss the holiday and really wanting to get the clear coat finished on the two large holders, I decided to work with my occasional assistant, Tramadol...

Got the holders clear coated and stayed upright until yesterday noon or so. Back to a non-medicated state (well, relatively) LOL... I'll be spending a couple days off my feet as the now released pain will hold me down for a day or two. A lower back muscle injury from when I used to race MX back in the day.

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2009
SoCal - The IE
Hey all,

Sorry to say I have an old back injury that has gotten the best of me recently. I used to race MX back in the day and have a cumulative back injury, and it flared up with a vengeance!

I keep trying to get up and work as soon as it hurts a little less and Tylenol suppresses it enough - later, it's worse when it wears off LOL. Hard to stay idle, but I'm trying to be "lazy", and it's getting better. Feels OK for a while before fatiguing - better than last week's attempts! Couldn't even walk for a few days at first.

I'll check in again soon and hopefully have some video of the radius jig in action sanding the radii into the Mod V Dragon body - should be a short one!

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2009
SoCal - The IE
Hey bud, let's party...

About 90% back to normal - been busy. The large twin holders are complete. Need to take some good pics. Soon, I'll deal with packing for shipping. They're pretty heavy.

The contour sanding of the Dragon body is complete - video to follow!

I've started a new Mod - cool Afzelia burl block from Africa:

It'll be a DNA250 Model II. We've named it the Oba Mod, Oba meaning King from the area of Africa where most Afzelia grows.

I'll occasionally post pics of the blank as it's shaped.

Talk soon,



Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2009
SoCal - The IE
Hey Gang -

Hope everyone had a great Father's Day weekend. We hung around home and tried to stay cool...

This was two days ago, I think. Always in the shade, just below our little summertime inflatable pool.

It was the start of our current heatwave! About 102 yesterday, should be a little higher today and the peak is supposed to be Wednesday - with 108 forecast.

The (uninsulated) shop was about 120 yesterday! I've been doing some work early before the temps rise too much. Doesn't get much below 90 until nearly midnight. So there's that...

I noticed a blemish in the finish on one of the large holders that I previously reported as being finished. No worries I thought; some sanding to the one edge, and a quick spray with a touch up gun.

Long story short - Some older blue 2" wide painters tape (not supposed to adhere - just lightly stick) adhered to the holder where applied to prevent overspray. It was on the holder less than two minutes and it pulled the clear finish off in several places. Grrrr. Now a one hour rework job has turned into several hours. The old tape must have summer heated too much and the adhesive became much more sticky. In the trash it went - the tape, not the holder!

Some light on the horizon! Well, with the heat at least. I just bought a "giant" portable evaporative cooler to try and help with our sometimes $600+ electric bills during the summer months because of central A/C use. Our humidity is very low out here (as low as 10-15%), and the initial results look good - no A/C use the last couple days with 100+ temps.

A side benefit is the unit is a Honeywell C060PM indoor/outdoor unit, and I'm eyeing it for cooling the shop. Sure would help this time of year.

So, blistering heat this week - sure to see this from time to time for the next few months. Hopefully, the cooler helps put me in the shop more hours this summer.

Talk to 'ya later -



Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2009
SoCal - The IE
Hey Vapers -

Finally got a break from the heat - we peaked at 107 on Tuesday, and today only hit 92 - whoo hoo!


Been busy with the Dragon body:


Three of the images have had the body wiped quickly with a wet paper towel to show the detail in the body better. This is sanded up to 400 grit. Eventually, I'll finish with 12000 grit paper! Looks like glass when done.

I recently made a drip tip from Caribbean Rosewood, finished with CA (super glue) and sanded up to 8000 grit paper (so so pic):

Next for the Mod, I'll need to polish the battery tube and connector base - then the body. After that, I can start pre-assemblies (faceplate, soldering assemblies, etc). We're getting close to the white glove work!

It's starting to look pretty cool.



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  • Jul 27, 2014
    Schiller PK IL USA
    Hey Vapers -

    Finally got a break from the heat - we peaked at 107 on Tuesday, and today only hit 92 - whoo hoo!


    Been busy with the Dragon body:


    Three of the images have had the body wiped quickly with a wet paper towel to show the detail in the body better. This is sanded up to 400 grit. Eventually, I'll finish with 12000 grit paper! Looks like glass when done.

    I recently made a drip tip from Caribbean Rosewood, finished with CA (super glue) and sanded up to 8000 grit paper (so so pic):

    Next for the Mod, I'll need to polish the battery tube and connector base - then the body. After that, I can start pre-assemblies (faceplate, soldering assemblies, etc). We're getting close to the white glove work!

    It's starting to look pretty cool.

    That's a real work of art.
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    Unregistered Supplier
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 20, 2009
    SoCal - The IE
    Hey -

    Well, we've been ping-ponging temperatures here; 92 one day, 105 the next. We hit 107 on at least three days the last couple weeks. The new cooler seems to work for extending workable temperatures in the shop. I'll have to look into getting another unit just for shop cooling.

    If you've checked out the Sleeping Dragon Mod on Facebook or elsewhere, you know that the body is near completion. This is a 26650 Model V in solid brass & black, with a matching stabwood body - shown a couple posts above.

    The next Mod on the workbench is a Model II in Afzelia burl - seen a few posts above. It will be a DNA250 with the ability to use multiple LiPo battery capacities with the use of shims or spacers made from the left over pieces of the block. I've gotten the pieces cut with the bandsaw, and have the main block (body) milled smooth and to final sanding size:


    Door slab on the left, shim pieces on the right.

    The "no door" side and top of the Mod blank on the mill. The last pic is the slab that will become the door.

    Next, I'll determine if I can use a "trick" to extract a chunk of material large enough to make a drip tip or two from the material that now occupies the area that will become the cavity in the body -


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    Unregistered Supplier
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 20, 2009
    SoCal - The IE
    Someone left the furnace on again! 102 yesterday, and the peak is supposed to hit 109-110 degrees on Saturday!!

    That's great for relaxing the day away in the pool with a drink - but sucks for trying to stay in the shop much past 9am even with the big, new cooler. Doesn't cool off out there till pretty late in the evening as well.

    I've since hand sanded the Dragon body up to 600 grit, and can find no scratch marks on it. Next, several coats of CA (super glue) will be painted on the body, then a little sanding before hitting the buffing wheels.

    The Oba Mod is just starting it's journey on the mill - more to come.

    Stay cool and vaped!

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