Can you beat best deal I've found on disposables?

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 5, 2013
I fully support your choice of disposables. I started off with them...they were my "gateway" to the e-cig experience. I use a different set-up now, but still carry a disposable around on occasion, "just in case". Good for you for standing up for your preference.

Are you happy with the nic level of the White Cloud Flings? Do they have a pretty decent life span? I would like to find something my hubby will try...he gave up on e-cig use after just a few days, but has never tried disposables. Would probably make a huge difference!

I have always read that one disposable e-cig (regardless of brand) is equal to 1.5 (approx) packs of standard cigs. I think that is highly exaggerated!

Regardless, still a huge benefit over what I call "ick-sticks".

I've tried the njoy and BLU. I also tried another type of rechargeable unit that resembles a disposable, but has pre-filled cartos. Long time ago and don't remember much about it, except a big thumbs down on my experience with this one.

Thanks for posting!

1. The nic levels with White Cloud go very high - use caution. Read the website before ordering on nic levels.
2. I've never tried the mini flings, but the regular flings last me 22-26 hours of heavy use (this counts sleep time mind you).
3. On sale you can buy them in bulks of 10 for $29.99. You won't find that with any other disposable.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 5, 2013
Props to anyone that can stealth vape 54 mg!

On a real note I tried the 1 54mg I ordered in my bulk deal and its ridiculous! I wouldn't get these on the reg because I don't wanna get hooked on it, but for as it is, these powerhouses certainly hit the spot after a few puffs instead of a 10 min sesh. Def good for those times you gotta be quick.

I still from time to time will vape on them, simply because I have some leftover higher nic ones here.
When I didn't know what I was doing and ordered the higher nic. I just have to remember only
hit it about 25% of the time I usually would. And it isn't a problem because the throat hit is so harsh
you can't really taste the flavor much anyway.

Arnie H

Super Member
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Jun 25, 2013
Greensboro, NC, USA
Was told about White Cloud Flings here on ECF. A deal you can't turn down. 10 for $30. Made the order and gave out 7 of em to friends and family, wound up with banana, apple, and cool berry. All taste great.

Wow. 10 for $30, 3 dollar each is a good price on disposables.


Ultra Member
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Jun 13, 2012
My first thoughts. This will not be a "review" per se...just sharing.

Keep in mind...I've never had or used a disposable. I have done 808s before.
  • Packaging, I love that they are in little packets individually, I threw one in my glove box and one in my laptop bag already. Very handy.
  • Popped open a Full strength 24mg bananna. Great first hit. strong vapor, strong flavor.
  • Been using it most of last night, into this morning. Alternating with the vw itaste/evod, similar feel to that at 7.5 watts.
  • For the "hold it in my teeth" crowd, you will like the soft tip. It's not my thing, but the rubbery tip makes it easy to do.
  • Vapor itself has already dropped off some. Still acceptable, and more important, it still retains the feel I want and expect. I can tell it is giving me my hit.

Unless the other nine are the opposite, this is a solid buy. I NEVER keep 808s charged and filled for emergency, this slides in and does a better job than trying to screw with that. I came in with low well expectations, this is already above them. In a pinch I am sure this will take care of me. I actually think for a lot of people it will easily fit in as more than "in a pinch". Anyone hanging with a standard 3.7 device will likely get the same or better from this than they are used to.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2013
Carlsbad, CA
1. The nic levels with White Cloud go very high - use caution. Read the website before ordering on nic levels.
2. I've never tried the mini flings, but the regular flings last me 22-26 hours of heavy use (this counts sleep time mind you).
3. On sale you can buy them in bulks of 10 for $29.99. You won't find that with any other disposable.

Expecting delivery of 10 minis and 10 Flings today, to compare for myself ...

After ordering the minis in XXstrength last time, I backed off and went with Xstrength for this order. Really liked the menthol, and the Regular was a pleasant surprise, sweet and mild ...

I will probably give away some of the minis to friends who still smoke, for $3.50 each (includes tax and shipping), its a modest gift ...

My fantasy is to convert the genius who will develop the next generation of battery technology and we'll all have 1800 mAh cells that fit in a cigalike ...


Super Member
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Sep 8, 2010
Long Island, NY
I have been keeping a banana flavored one in my pocket as a backup if my batteries die on the eGo I bring with me everywhere. Used it for the remainder of a few nights and its still working. I may add some juice to its cartridge so I can get thicker puffs on it, but aside from that still working well. I'm bringing 3 with me on Sunday to MayhemFest. Hope it's enough for a 13 hour festival where ill probably be hanging around smokers.

Overall I can't express enough how good a deal these flings are.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 13, 2013
Colorado, USA
Just popped in to say thank you! I ordered a 10 pack of 12mg flings due to seeing this thread. I'm very impressed especially for the price. Most of the flavors are pretty good. I especially like the Peach Pit, Vanilla and Bora Bora (which reminds me a lot of AVE's Blend 4).

These are going to be my go-to emergency disposables from here on out. :2cool:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 5, 2013
Glad you enjoy them! I started out on the Flings - ordered a 25 pack which were cheaper than their 10 pack at
the time, on sale. I moved up to other things but am thinking of going back to them more. The convenience,
the cost, the fact they last so long, the taste and vapor are good. Not interested in the minis as I want a more
bang for my buck. The flings worked so well on vacation, and if I lost or dropped one I wouldn't be out $30 yanno?
Anyway - enjoy!


Ultra Member
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May 9, 2009
S. Indiana
I love the mini's. Less hassle than my Eroll. Why won't my Eroll battery last 3-4 hours without charging? It's about the same size.

The regular Flings are to big for my liking. Reminds me of an 801. I wish they would make a medium. Like a "100". At least a smaller diameter, or a whistle tip, then I could deal with the length & weight.

I haven't noticed a difference in strength. I don't find the fling 54mg to be as strong as the Njoy King Bold, but I still think there is more to the Njoy juice than just nic.

I like most of the flavors I have tried. I think White Cloud gives the flavor without over doing it. I don't like syrupy vapes. Theirs just give you a little more than a hint of flavor. I'm not doing it for the flavor anyway. That is just an added benefit. It's not lake analogs ever tasted good.

It's the best price I've found on disposables, but still higher than my Ego/Eroll vaping costs. Convenient for out and about though.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2012
Martinez, CA
I regularly use 24 mg nic on my eroll. Should I go 36 with these, after using the nking I feel like I need brute force with disposables.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

I think that depends on how you want to use them. I regularly vape 12mg, but I got the highest nic available on the WC minis, because I plan to use them only occasionally, when I really need a little nicotine. I pulled one out this weekend, at the intermission of a show, when everyone else was smoking, and I didn't feel like explaining my 1300 Spinner with a T3. It was perfect. For me, I think that will make them cost effective. When I'm seriously vaping, I still plan to use my "big" set up. If you are going to use them occasionally, go with the higher nic. If you plan to use them as your main vape, maybe go with what is closer to your regular.
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