Best mech for sub ohm builds?

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Dec 24, 2013
the boro, Tennessee
Just get a good quality mech mod with magnetic switch and floating center pin. Pretty much they will all do the same.

if you forego the center pin and go with a hybrid connection on top there is less (or no) voltage drop hence better performance.
man i love my BCV products.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2014
Upper East TN
My clone looks just like the GP Lux. You build that low on it? The GP guys in the thread are pretty adamant their mods (except for the X) are not meant for sub ohming.

I used to drip around .4. Had no problems.
Now I drip around .15.
Never a problem, the button has never gotten even slightly warm.
If you look at JKuro's charts, you will see GP products all over the top of the vdrop rankings.
A lot of GP products are 18350 or 18500 standard size, therefore arent suitable for subohm use due to battery size.
Buy an 18650 tube, its one of my fave mods along with Super T



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May 13, 2014
Skidegate, BC, Canada
My clone looks just like the GP Lux. You build that low on it? The GP guys in the thread are pretty adamant their mods (except for the X) are not meant for sub ohming.

That's ridiculous. I can't believe anyone would say such nonsense. Do they say why?

I got a GP paps clone, and the switch started getting hot in less than a week. I'm sure the authentic doesn't get hot, and can sub ohm all day long for years. But I can't afford one.

Best luck I've had with a mech clone so far is the 1:1 Paragon clone off FT. Been going a month now, and switch still hits good. Happy with that mod.

I can't recommend any other clones, because they've all let me down. Well, my nemesis clone works good now that I swapped the spring in the switch with magnets. If you get a nemmy, make sure to get magnets to do that upgrade.


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Apr 9, 2014
Upper East TN
I dont like mods like the simpl for one reason: they are not true hybrids, just a hole for the 510 connector to pass through, a true hybrid screws into the top of the tube.
Whats the difference?
Just let one of your screw type adjustable center pins screw down to the atty's 510 threads while you are putting on the atty and you will find out.
Also, unlike the 4Nine, it doesnt have a delrin insulator around the 510 hole.

Anyways, thats just me, a lot of people like them. Personally, I like how they look, they perform well.

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ECF Veteran
Jul 22, 2010
It was my uncle's SMPL mod, I didn't see it, I assumed it was b/c he didn't have the center of his atty's 510 connector extended enough but he says he did. I'm sure there is even less vdrop not having a center pin at all, but I guess it would be best to go with the Peggy for safety's sake.

I also like the engraving on it.


Ultra Member
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Mar 1, 2014
I dont like mods like the simpl for one reason: they are not true hybrids, just a hole for the 510 connector to pass through, a true hybrid screws into the top of the tube.
Whats the difference?
Just let one of your screw type adjustable center pins screw down to the atty's 510 threads while you are putting on the atty and you will find out.
Also, unlike the 4Nine, it doesnt have a delrin insulator around the 510 hole.

Anyways, thats just me, a lot of people like them. Personally, I like how they look, they perform well.

I find it slightly amusing that you started your statement by stating you had only one reason for disliking it, but listed multiple reasons.

As for "Hybrid mod" I agree that there is a terminology error that many people make, even me. I agree that the SMPL is not a Hybrid mod however referring to it as "hybrid style" is acceptable IMO and for what it's worth Epic Design Studio doesn't call it a Hybrid mod, taken directly from their own description:
Features include: Direct battery to atomizer 510 connection for enhanced performance and battery life, “No Top Cap” design constructed out of a one piece tube eliminating hybridizers and top caps,
I've been using three of them for almost three months each, built to .15 ohms since day one, I generally change batteries in each one twice a day and I have yet to ever have a single issue from any of them with shorting or atomizer adjustment problems like you alluded to possibly being an issue. To be fair I should mention that I very rarely take the atomizer off of them, so that may contribute to my lack of any issues in that department.

I always feel like I'm just gushing about the SMPL but it really just is that good in my eyes. Having used dozens of other mech mods over the past year strictly with builds below .20 there have definitely been mods that are AS GOOD when they're working properly but require a bit of maintenance to keep them that way. My Stingray X comes to mind, it's a hard hitting awesome mod but the switch requires maintenance and you need to clean the threads between the top of the tube and hybrid adapter once or twice a week for the best performance.

Speaking of Hybrid adapters and top tubes, The top of the inside of the SMPL is concave, even flat top batteries can not short out inside even with the battery completely tight, so there is no need for any insulator at the top 510 connection like the 4nine has. My good friend has an authentic copper 4Nine, the top cap has been stuck on it for almost six months now and he has to clean the button every three days. Hits great when it's all clean, but it has its own issues all the same. The SMPL has the least issues of any mod I've used daily and that's just the facts, that's why people love them.

Even after saying all of this, I'm not even going to recommend the SMPL as the best mod for this thread, for only one reason - Availability. I was very lucky to be able to get a hold of mine when I had the chance apparently, they have a very high demand but always seem to sell out in a day or two, especially copper which sold out in less than 24 hours last time. That sucks to have a mod that is so good and not have people be able to get it.


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ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2014
Upper East TN
You read alot more into my text than was meant. I think the mod is a nice, with good build quality and perfect size.

And I dont have multiple problems with the Simpl.
Everything I wrote were explanations of the one problem that I have with it:
Higher probability of shorting the mod out.
I know of two people that I know from work for a couple of years that have had a short.
They know what they are doing as well - what happened is that the adjustable screw center pin of the atty screwed in as they tightened it.

They still use it, one of them as his daily vaper.
Its a great mod - I am just not a fan of the passthrough type mods.
As for hybrid vs passthrough, I was referring to vapers, not the modders :)

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 22, 2010
Got more detail from my uncle today about his SMPL that shorted. He was going on and on about him reading online that there were problems with the switch in the first version he think's it's that, but I saw the tank he was using on it, a Nautilus sub ohm something or other where you can't even adjust the pin on the atty...I tried bringing that up to him but he was more concerned with that switch. I'm thinking it was the atty shorting him out, so I'm going to borrow that mod from him try it out myself with my brass TOBH.
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