Best deal on the new vision VV? Who's carrying it and w best warranty?

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Vaping Master
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Dec 2, 2010
Mesa, Arizona...USA
Ok, so I was all settled to order the large LT in chrome, but now this Vision brand VV pops up, and quite frankly, looks pretty darned cool. Love the option to use the larger size tube (18500) or the smaller mini tube, and the 18650 tubes will apparently be avail soon for about $10, plus, i like the display much better. BUT like the LT, a bunch of retailers are selling it, and they're all calling it something different. So far, I know the Vaporheads one (preorder) has it listed for $89 w a 6 month warranty. They're only offering the one clearomizer 5ml giant, whereas others have a 5ml tank and a 2.5 tank. LightcigUSA has it $20 cheaper at $69 for the kit, but they only offer a 14 DAY warranty, and that's a deal breaker for me. I know ......... in uk has em (but like many, they're out of stock)...but can't figure out the warranty.

Can anyone tell me where you found them, and if you know, price and warranty? Thanks so much! I go batty trying to compare for best deal, when its impossible to do a search by name and find where they're carried. ;)

Here's the first view vid for anyone interested. This isn't a rebrand LavaTube... its a whole different vv option w kit in same price range...
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Vaping Master
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Dec 2, 2010
Mesa, Arizona...USA
Nope, Vaptamist... its a totally different device. Looks similar to the lt, but different in a few diff ways. Here's a video which shows you basics, but just generally, comes with interchangable tubes at 18500 and 18350 (18650 tube will be avail in march for an extra $10, so you can have all 3 sizes... and depending on which tube with battery you have on it, you can have the device full sized, mini, or 18650 jumbo... all in one unit), plus has a very different display. I prefer display to the lt, I think... plus its got a few functions that are kinda snazzy, like the puff counter, which tells you how many puffs you're getting on each batt, and a few other things. Plus the firing button is on the back (not sure if that's a good thing or not). Oh, um... i lied... don't have the link to first view vid at hand, but I definitely put it in the first post. So now I'm trying to decide between full size lt in chrome or the new tox-whatever it is. lol But it is definitely a totally different animal... just seems to have function very very similar to LT, from vv 3-6 in .1 increments, to the safety functions. ;) Hope that helps! I was all excited that there was another option.. now just not sure which way I wanna go. lol And haven't talked to one single human who's used both of em, for a straight comparison.


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Dec 19, 2010
FYI I think this information might be helpful.

The OLED screen used in the TOX is the same one used in the Ultimo. The “vape counter” will reset every 24 hours, so if you need a continuous count you need to reset the 24-hour clock to 0 so it won't reset of the “vape counter”. I have no use for the time feature on the screen so it doesn't matter to me about resetting it.


Vaping Master
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Dec 2, 2010
Mesa, Arizona...USA
I'm not 100% sure, but its my understanding that its regulated to around the same 2.5 amps as the LT is. Did you guys see PBusardos very in depth review on one of the lava tube rebrands? It was a something or other vv. But in that review, he charts out exactly how high you can take a carto/atty of 1.25, 1.5, 2, 3, 4 ohms in voltage and or where the safety features drop it down. It was exactly what I needed to see, so i could tell that for me, it won't drastically affect my vape. I vape mainly 2 and 3ohm boges, and 1.5 resurrectors, so it wasn't a huge concern for me.

I'm not 100% sure that the vision tox aka GS-Sub aka howitzer does the same thing, but it looks pretty similar in terms of safety functions, so guessing it does. Would I be happier if it let me push the voltage another .25v? Yup. But I'll be pretty darn satisfied as is. I don't use dual coils, though, so that makes a big difference.
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