Baja Blast by Moose Knuckle LLC

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Baja Blast

It’s summertime, just in case you missed that. With summer’s arrival comes Mountain Dew’s release of their Taco Bell original Baja Blast in cans and bottles. In case you haven’t tried this particular flavor in Mountain Dew’s ever expanding flavor line up, here is the flavor profile of the drink from their own wiki page:

Baja Blast is a Mountain Dew flavor. Its standard Taco Bell tagline is "A tropical lime storm" while its store release tagline was "DEW with a blast of Natural and Artificial tropical lime flavor."

Baja Blast is actually one of the more popular flavors Mountain Dew has dreamed up, and I personally know people who stock up every summer when the bottles and cans appear in the stores so they don’t have to make a “run to the border” just to satisfy a craving. But what can you do if you can’t tolerate the huge amounts of sugar in soda or, heaven forbid, live somewhere close enough that you can satisfy that craving all the time?

Now you can vape it!

I’ve previously reviewed the Baja Blast flavor by Puff Vapor out of Las Vegas, but today it’s all about Moose Knuckle’s take on Baja Blast!

Unlike the previous Moose Knuckle flavors I’ve reviewed, Baja Blast is not a flavor available on their website or in stores (except by special order). It’s not a custom blend, though – this is one of the flavors always on their huge menu! However, you CAN order it by visiting or calling “the home of Moose Knuckle,” Sumo Vapors, in Anchorage, Alaska (I’ll include contact information at the end of this review.)

I first experienced Moose Knuckle’s version of Baja Blast sitting at their bar in Sumo Vapors. I was on a trip in Anchorage, and, when I asked for recommendations of vape shops to check out while down there, the first place the owner of my favorite local shop said was, “Sumo.” So it was to Sumo I went (again and again and again, as it turned out. I visited the shop three times while I was there over the weekend!! But that’s another topic for another review.)

While my sons (biological and “adopted”) and I were sitting there, going through the different flavors Moose Knuckle had available for customers to try, my son Jason found the bottle of Baja Blast. The aroma was spot on for the soda – and I must say, I was very impressed.

I put a drop on my finger and tried it straight – and for me, it was a mouth orgasm. The flavor was that intense “tropical lime storm” that Taco Bell uses for its tagline for Baja Blast. I mean, it tasted like I had just taken a drink of that lovely blue-green soda!

So, of course, we bought a 120ml bottle (and this was on the first visit; on subsequent visits, we wound up purchasing another 30ml bottle AND, on our last visit, a 15ml bottle with zero nicotine and a 15ml bottle with 6mg of nicotine for friends back at home!)

Once we got home, I wanted to see what the juice tasted like on some fresh cotton. So I pulled out my mod, changed out the cotton, and juiced up. Firing it a few times before I started vaping, the air smelled just like it does when you crack open a 20oz bottle of Baja Blast you’ve just picked up from the store.

Talk about an awesome aroma!

vaping this juice, it doesn’t matter whether it’s on the inhale or on the exhale – both taste like Baja Blast. That sweet lime flavor hit the tongue and my taste buds were lit up with one of my very favorite things about Taco Bell – and one of the things I was the saddest about losing when I was no longer able to tolerate the huge amounts of sugar in soda without getting ill.

As with every juice I try, I started increasing the wattage to find that spot where the juice turns harsh – and, as with the other Moose Knuckle juices I’ve tried, I was unable to find any wattage where it did so. It was still damn good at 150 watts!

Honestly, this is one of my very favorite juices. It is definitely one of my all-day vapes (I’m halfway through my second 120ml bottle) and one that I plan on continuing to order.
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