Back to vaping

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Apr 19, 2010
Los Angeles
Hi everyone! I recently just got back to vaping again after a 2yr 'break'. My last analog was 3/2/12 and I am still having some bad cravings for a real smoke. I remember when I first started vaping back in 2010, the transition was much easier for me. I quit analogs for 2 months at that time. I went back to analogs cause my wife got really sick and the stress just got to me. This time it is really hard even though I vape quite a bit now. I'm using the same nic strength (26mg) as I did 2yrs ago. Has anyone else that has gone back to analogs and then back to vaping had a harder time with cravings the second time around? I am really trying to stick with vaping this time. I don't want to go back to smoking! Maybe I should try e-juice with WTA's?


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Nov 7, 2009
Good to here jack510 old habbits are hard to break,tell yourself to stick to vapping not TRY to.I think we can do what ever we set are minds to do.Like i said don't tell youself your gonna try say your gonna do it.Good luck.These days the new VV mods make things great thev'e made me happy and smole free 2.5 years vaping.
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Feb 11, 2012
Welcome!!! Everytime I have quit, it has gotten progressively harder. This time is for good... the third day was nightmarish, btw. The entire first week really hard. The second week was easier, and I just realized that I probably only had 3 cravings today, none of them particularly strong. I have decreased my nic from 24 to 18 during the day. At night I go low. (8-12) Right now, I am vaping 10 and doing fine. I think a lot of the early cravings and bad feelings stem from detoxing a lot of chemicals. If you are interested in WTA, go to the google search within the forum. There is a lot of info out there. A lot of people combine Snus with vaping or look for juice with WTA. Whatever works to stay off of analogs... Good luck! You WILL make it.


Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
Los Angeles
Thanks for the encouragement! That's what I like about ECF. I did buy a 510-T with a couple stock batteries (cause I still have the old 510 charger) and didn't like it. I had issues with the tanks leaking a I was refilling alot due to vaping so much. I did discover the Boge carto's which I really like. Also saw the Bolt at a local e-cig shop which looks like it will suit my needs too. There are so many choices out today! I think I will keep the 510-T to vape at work. :)

Warren D. Lockaby

Super Member
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Oct 19, 2011
South Carolina, USA


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
If you're looking to upgrade and you like the Bolt, you might compare how much a smoke shop is asking for it compared to what the online price is for the PV that they copied the design from. The Bolt is a cheap knock-off of the super high quality Silver Bullet. Check out or their vendor forum here. You might be surprised to find that the smoke shop price of the knock-off isn't much less than what the real deal would cost.

The SB is a PV you can bequeath to your grandchildrens' children. Can't say that about the Bolt.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
BTW here's a link for the KGO kit: SLB KGO Starter Kit I'm thinking you might also need to bump your nic level up a bit higher yet, but I dunno.

Anyway welcome home, & Happy Vaping! :vapor:

I dunno, Warren. I got off a real nasty 3pack habit instantly with 24mg. The Snus idea is good though. A lot of poeple find that they get just enough WTA in Snus to kick those last few analogs. I've never tried WTA, but it seems like Snus would be easier to control as far as nic intake.
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