Ask The Experts, really, by who's standard?

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ECF Veteran
Sep 4, 2009
Your mom said not to say...
Just read a question in the ask the experts section and was less than impressed with the answer given. The person was a noob asking about the mall brands and while the 'expert' did tell them to stay away from the mall kiosk which was right on target. In the next sentence he advises him to get a 510 which is one of the worst models out of the box! No other models were mentioned, or pro's and con's vs the cartomizers which many of us prefer after wasting our money on the POS 510 that you can't enjoy to it's full potential without modding it. I realize the 510 is popular among it's followers for reasons I will never understand, but that doesn't lessen the fact the 'expert' gave marginal advice with no other options presented. It didn't help that the 'expert' also had links in the signature for great deals on the 510! Being willing to pimp a certain model don't make one an expert. LAME.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
That would be one of the great flaws inherent in ask an expert. It does seem problematic (even unethical) for an expert to give advice on what to buy. Of course so many of the questions people have are in that direction since this seems to pretty much be a forum of consumers and sellers. I certainly don't envy them the task of always having to sort those issues out and still answer peoples questions.Personally, I think in that regard people are better off posting questions like that to the general or newbie area and letting the mob fight it out. If you speak somewhat fluent 'message board' you figure out the experts on your own.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 18, 2009
Peru, IN
Personally, the way I read the thread you mentioned is the "expert" suggesting a cheaper alternative to the mall kiosk. Isn't the 510 the same as the kiosk was selling? Cutting out the middleman, and suggesting a supplier he has had good experience with in the past.

Also, with a 510, that does open you up to many more modification opportunities. batteries die? Sweet, instant battery connector for future mods. The 510 atty is probably one of those most used attys for modding from what I've seen. If I had done more research, I would have chosen a 510 as my first as well.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
Personally, the way I read the thread you mentioned is the "expert" suggesting a cheaper alternative to the mall kiosk. Isn't the 510 the same as the kiosk was selling? Cutting out the middleman, and suggesting a supplier he has had good experience with in the past.

Also, with a 510, that does open you up to many more modification opportunities. Batteries die? Sweet, instant battery connector for future mods. The 510 atty is probably one of those most used attys for modding from what I've seen. If I had done more research, I would have chosen a 510 as my first as well.

In a way you are absolutely correct, but it also seems problematic for an official expert to give advice on what to buy. Like i said I certainly don't envy them in trying to balance that situation and I certainly don't think any of the experts have an ulterior motive in mind. Its just the nature of being an expert on a consumer board.


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ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
I'm no expert but a manual 510 is pretty great out of the box. I love it and i'm a heavy user. My sister loves hers and she's more casual about vaping. The 510 PCC is neat looking and practical.

The mods don't appeal to me, as battery life is a non issue for me (one battery in the PCC while the other in use.) I see them more as style statements that don't fit with my use of it. I like to use it without people noticing (especially in public places, handling it like a pen and hiding the led in my hand.)

Maybe it's not the best PV but saying that it's not great out of the box is a pretty strange statement?
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Vaping At FL370
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Oct 20, 2008
Malaga, Spain
In a way you are absolutely correct, but it also seems problematic for an official expert to give advice on what to buy. Like i said I certainly don't envy them in trying to balance that situation and I certainly don't think any of the experts have an ulterior motive in mind. Its just the nature of being an expert on a consumer board.

Not sure but I don't think it was a "Official Expert" answering it. Looks like the thread has been moved to the experts queue to be officially answered.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
Not sure but I don't think it was a "Official Expert" answering it. Looks like the thread has been moved to the experts queue to be officially answered.

Thats good. And please don't think I was trying to 'hate' on the experts. What I was trying to say is that they are doing a good job with what is in my mind a tricky task. Even if it isn't a brand, it is tricky if they even suggest what things to buy. Its a fine line that I personally wouldn't want to balance. I will just shut up now.


Vaping At FL370
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Verified Member
Oct 20, 2008
Malaga, Spain
Thats good. And please don't think I was trying to 'hate' on the experts. What I was trying to say is that they are doing a good job with what is in my mind a tricky task. Even if it isn't a brand, it is tricky if they even suggest what things to buy. Its a fine line that I personally wouldn't want to balance. I will just shut up now.

No not at all!

Madame Psychosis

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Nov 18, 2009
East Coast Gypsy
While I have not searched for the actual thread, it was my understanding that the "experts" were not to recommend suppliers.

This is correct. The thread was apparently left unlocked (at the time I last saw it, I could've replied as well) and someone who was not an approved 'Expert' answered it.

I think Ask The Experts has a good purpose, and by their ground rules, they stand to be able to fulfill it.
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Tootie Puffer
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Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
The problem with the "Ask the Experts" idea is that using an electronic cigarette to replace a smoking habit is not anywhere in the remote vicinity of being a cut-and-dried solution...

People use cigarettes in different ways, and for different reasons.

People need to replace certain aspects of the smoking habit, being those that are important to them.
People don't care about other aspects of the smoking habit, being those that are not important to them.

And nobody is anywhere near the same in any of the above respects.
So the only way an expert can be of much value is in the mechanics of using the devices themselves.

And that means they really should have a VERY wide range of experience...
1) Should have used MANY different standard models
2) Should have used a NUMBER of different mods
3) Should be familiar with vaping at various different voltages
4) Should be experienced in DIY juices

And then you have the problem of people getting stuck in their ways once they've settled in.
The fact that experts might not be stepping out to try what is new and cutting edge.

Once I heard a long time member complaining about people using and recommending "blue foam" I knew what the problem was going to be with this whole idea.

And the biggest issue of all is that it is the rare person that can step outside of their own world and stand in the shoes of another person, view a situation from that person's perspective, and answer questions from that person's frame of reference.

Yes, it was an interesting idea, and a good experiment.
But it really is not as good, nor useful, as the New Members Forum itself.
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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
Sun explained what happened in the specific case commented on here. However, Snarky posed a more fundamental question in the title of this thread, "Ask The Experts, really, by who's standard?"

My comments here are not official. I speak only for myself and offer personal observations.

The literal answer is obvious: SJ and the moderators. But they did it from a very limited pool of "talent" – those of us who answered the call for volunteers, of whom I was one. We are not infallible gods (duh), but mortal vapers, who have demonstrated in our previous contributions to ECF that we have a breadth and/or depth of knowledge useful to the task. [And were willing to put in long, grueling hours at extremely low pay*, under hazardous conditions.:rolleyes:]

* $0/hour, in case there was any doubt.

And we are still on our shake out cruise, getting our act together.

In a way you are absolutely correct, but it also seems problematic for an official expert to give advice on what to buy. Like i said I certainly don't envy them in trying to balance that situation and I certainly don't think any of the experts have an ulterior motive in mind. Its just the nature of being an expert on a consumer board.
Thank you, gatsby, for your understanding! Yeah, it's a tightrope we're walking and we're still wrestling with how to strike the right balance. In a sense, the technical questions are easy, in that the answer probably is not controversial. [The XHaler vapes at 5V or it doesn’t.:D] Unfortunately, I'm not qualified to answer those, so I leap into the: "This is my first post, I know nothing about these fake cigs, but I want to buy my aunt (who smokes like a chimney) something for Christmas. I'm overwhelmed. Tell me what to buy. I have $67.42 to spend. Oh, and I want it to look, feel, and taste exactly like a cigarette!"

I usually wind up sending them to my WWV Illustrated Guide, after quoting portions from it and, yes, often mentioning that 510 thingie as well as the KR808D-1. [Would you really try to push a box mod or a $125 slick mod onto a newbie? Do you remember your reaction when you first saw a picture of the Screwdriver or Janty Stick? I do.8-o]

BTW, my personal favorite is the 801 (and compatibles), either as a penstyle or on the Prodigy (and probably soon on the Bartleby … although I am sorely tempted by Carlos49’s Juice Box). But I started with the KR808D-1 and don’t regret doing so (it really is so simple to use), although I might have preferred the 510 (but coping with e-liquid and blue foam/PTB mods could have put me off).

So continue to express your opinions (as if my urging otherwise would do any good;)), but cut us a little slack … and don’t assume that we’re a bunch of arrogant know-it-alls (well I am, but not the others).


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 13, 2009
Banning CA
Guys, the moral to the story here is that each "expert" will have their own opinion... If an "expert" thinks that the 510 is the best out there all around, they will suggest that to a beginner.

I really don't think one should criticize answers, because it's all opinion based. I personally think the 510 is the best overall model out there, so when "noobs" ask ME the overall best model, I tell them to get the 510 hands down.
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