Are painted tanks a concern? atomizer rta rda coating coated

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Apr 9, 2013
Houston, TX
As long as the pain drys there shouldn't be an issue,

According to who? Sorry but I have high doubts that Aspire, Innonik, Smok etc, are using lead paint.

I was being facetious. Of course not all paint from China is lead based, BUT most leaded paint is from China.
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Jun 23, 2016
I was being facetious. Of course not all paint from China is lead based, BUT most leaded paint is from China.

wait, they still even make lead paint at all!?
Did a quick Google and it said post 1978 it was banned from household paints but may still be used in road paints. Didn't read much further to see if it's still used in industry (like vaping possibly), but yea I do highly doubt Aspire, Innonik, Smok etc are using lead paint. But if I'm not mistaken lead is often added to brass (build deck parts) at only around %2 but still.

Ah who knows, but you would think at least one manufacturer would make a tank that specifically sets itself apart from this. I remember there was a few threads on Brass and Lead but not about paint, but people do have concerns about it.

LOL @ vaping memes,








Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
@ChelsB I've seen your nails, there may be a business in this somewhere for you... I wonder about maybe using enamel instead of nail polish for durability, although with a nail polish tank, yes you can restore it to its former glory, or just switch it up. I mention enamel merely because I find working with it similar to nail polish (although I have only ever painted my toes, LOL)....

I wouldn't be worried too much about the exterior of the tank. I think it may have been Tonee N who fixed his steampunk door via clear coats of nailpolish to make it "latch" easier, but it may have been someone else. I thought it was a good idea. :)

Even if the paint has lead, isn't lead like not an issue if you are past childhood? I thought it was a brain development issue, really, more than anything else. I like SS tanks when I can get them and most of my tanks are metals of various sorts. I am thinking even my titanium mod has paint on it, possibly, I've noticed one slight scratch, and IDK if it's the metal or if it's painted. LOL, though if anyone could scratch up titanium? I am your person for that....

Sometimes, I actively try not to overthink things. Painted tanks are one of them.... I'm not saying it isn't a valid concern at all, I'm just saying there are only so many valid concerns I can think about all at once....



ECF Guru
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Jul 4, 2014
I’ve always wondered if it would be safe to paint my tanks with nail polish! I’ve been too chicken to try

I have a large collection of Ijoy RDTA’s that the paint has started coming off of. I’ve been thinking about getting hubby to spray paint mine. He’s got some very nice automotive paint that he uses to airbrush cars with. I’m not concerned at all. As long as the paint is on the outside I think it’s fine.

OP, if I was as worried as you seem to be about things.. I’m not sure I’d be vaping. Just reading your posts gave me anxiety. Did you smoke before you started vaping? Did you sit and worry about all the nasty things you were inhaling?

I just don’t worry about things like this.


Senior Member
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Jun 23, 2016
I just don’t worry about things like this.

you said you do
"been thinking about getting hubby to spray paint mine. He’s got some very nice automotive paint that he uses to airbrush cars with. I’m not concerned at all. As long as the paint is on the outside I think it’s fine."

We're talking about paint Inside the tanks.

Even if the paint has lead, isn't lead like not an issue if you are past childhood?

I've never heard that but there is some validity to it, but if you google for a bit you'll see there's definitely concern also for adults.
Even if there's not lead in the paint (and I'm not really concerned about lead in the paint because I actually doubt there's even lead in the paint, but there could be other "stuff"), but even if it's not painted with lead, premade coils possibly have lead in the wiring:

They solder the conductive part of the wire (where the coil and cotton is), they solder it to a piece of non-conductive wire (no electricity goes through it). The non-conductive wire grounds-out the coil usually to a rubber grommet/o-ring. If it didn't have a non-conductive wire grounding out the coil to a rubber grommet, then the grommet would also vape as if it were the coil.

A lot of us used to hack-rebuild older coils like Kanger protank 1s without soldering on a tail of non-conductive wire. Those older tanks weren't really meant to be rebuilt - but usually you'd get your puff well before the grommet got hot enough to melt (vapor production and energy use was like 1/10 of what we use now), but you'd eventually see blackening on the grommet when you rebuilt it.

To solder things usually they use lead in the solder, or rosin which still might be bad. Or "lead-free" allows a small % of lead in it. Lead solder works better than the rosin stuff, so places where lead is allowed, they will most likely be using lead to solder.

And as noted brass build decks or brass deck screws - brass has lead in it, and it's right near the heat of the coil.

Don't get me wrong, I know there's worse things... but I do think there's a niche in the market for an atomizer which can boast about the purity of its materials..


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Jan 15, 2010
New York (no, not the city)
I have a tank that originally was painted red. Once I started seeing paint flecks peel off and end up in the juice I immediately took it out of rotation, disassembled, peeled off as much as I could (there's still some in some external decorative niches), rinsed it out and posted here. It's back in use now, stainless steel.


Vaping Master
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Apr 9, 2013
Houston, TX
They solder the conductive part of the wire (where the coil and cotton is), they solder it to a piece of non-conductive wire (no electricity goes through it). The non-conductive wire grounds-out the coil usually to a rubber grommet/o-ring. If it didn't have a non-conductive wire grounding out the coil to a rubber grommet, then the grommet would also vape as if it were the coil.

To solder things usually they use lead in the solder, or rosin which still might be bad. Or "lead-free" allows a small % of lead in it. Lead solder works better than the rosin stuff, so places where lead is allowed, they will most likely be using lead to solder.

These quoted portions above could not be more wrong.

They do attach leg wires to their coils, but they are low resistance wire, NOT non-conductive. If they were non-conductive then power couldn't even get to the coil. So, yes, electricity absolutely DOES go through it. The low resistance wire doesn't heat up near as much, due to having less resistance.

They do NOT use actual solder to attach the legs, it is more of an arc weld joint than a solder joint. They use a capacitor and connect the low-resistance wire to one lead, the coil to the other, then just touch the two wires together and SNAP they are attached. Which means, there is no solder, no lead, and no rosin in that joint.

Also on the whole metal leaching bit, I have seen more people asking about this lately, but here is my take. First and foremost while there could be some leaching it would have been super tiny amounts like MICRO grams and even then it would only occur until the metal stabilized. If it continually leeched then eventually the metal would completely dissolve, which it doesn't. Second, I ONLY use stainless tanks and stainless wires. My thought is, I am already getting leeching from cooking my food in stainless pots and pans and that hasn't killed me yet, what is another few MICRO Grams?
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Super Member
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Aug 6, 2013
What atties have paint inside? The Squape used ematal anodizing and I've never seen any wear.

That's just what I was about to ask, and if anyone has any pictures of said atties and paint.

The res/no-res wires wires are spot welded, no solder there.

I wouldn't be happy at all with paint on the inside of a tank. I am certainly no expert, but there are several types of paint I am aware of:
Cellulose based paints (is nail varnish this?) may contain Lead chromate molybdate sulfate, easily dissolved in solvents.

Enamel paints, these are essentially varnish coloured with chalk, IMHO a big no.

Epoxy based paints, info is hard to find for cured but I did find this "Fully cured epoxy can be softened by heating to a temperature over 200F i.e. with a heat gun, but this should only be done in a well ventilated room."

Powder coatings, again info is complex and varied, but there are food grade certified coatings out there. How they react to raised temp is another question.

Anodising, strictly speaking stainless steel cannot be anodised, although there are processes for coating with chrome or aluminium to allow decorative looks, my guess is to steer clear.

Best technique I could think of if you wish to decorate your atty is to get them enamelled.
Not the paint but the ceramic version, this is essentially glass.

Disclaimer again: These are all my google findings and I know nothing of these technologies. Proceed at your own cognisance.

Saying all that I use a Bellus atty that is coloured black on the outside(naked 316SS on inside), I have no idea what it is, so I have sent Youde and Email asking... suppose we'll see if I get a reply.


Vaping Master
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Dec 11, 2015
I have a red Toptank mini that has red on the chimney inside the tank. I only bought it because it was dirt cheap at the time and haven't even used it. Will probably use it for parts. Here's a picture I found googling, but it does show paint on the inside.


Vaping Master
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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
Um, what tanks have paint on the inside? I've literally have had 100+ tanks and never have had one that has paint on the inside.

I have several gold colored KFLs, EhPro clones. I noticed when I gave them their first cleaning that a couple of tank parts were gold colored on the inside. That's a couple of parts out of multiple tanks.

Presumably it's just a sloppy manufacturing process.

It did worry me a little but I've never seen any of that gold surfacing come off. I have no idea what kind of paint or process is used for it so it would be hard to research.

So far I haven't used any of the tanks with color on the inside.
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