Anyone Miss Analogs???

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Dec 3, 2008
Cleveland Ohio
I am sitting here in El Paso Texas. I fly for a living, and one of my favorite parts of going on trips were to get to the hotel, have a drink, have a few cigarettes, and relax after a long day.

Today I got to thinking.. Do I really miss the analogs??

I really enjoyed smoking. I liked the ritual of going outside on a nice night for a smoke. I enjoyed that first cigarette in the morning. I loved the smell of a freshly lit cigarette.

What I did not enjoy was having to FIT smoking in during the day. I did not like having to sneak one in between flights. Having to go through security at the airport many extra times just because I had to go outside.
Getting crazy by the end of a long flight, because it had been 6 hours since my last cigarette.
Not liking the smell of smoking rooms, having to go outside the hotel in the freezing winters just to get my nicotine.
I hated smelling of smoke. My clothes. My hands. My breath.

I know that everyone on this board has different lifestyles and different reasons for switching to e cigs. But what was your experience?

What do you miss? What do you not miss? Do you miss the analogs?

I realize now that I don't. Life is much simpler now. I feel great. I don't smell like an ash tray. I can still enjoy sitting outside with my e cig and enjoy life.

Tell me what you think?


Full Member
Jan 6, 2009
Thought I was missing them yesterday when I had a dead atomizer and was expericencing problems with refilling cartridges with e-juice etc. But revived my dead atomizers (much to my relief) and hav sorted out the best was to get my juice working and was thankful I didn't hav to got back to analogs.

If everythings working with the e-cigs theres no chance I miss analogs!


Ultra Member
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Dec 29, 2008
I really have not missed them at all since quitting a week ago now, other than a few times that were more a part of my old "ritual" -- and not that it was an e-cig instead of a real one. Because of our kids (both now grown and gone for over 10 yrs) we both still smoked 90% of the time under the kitchen exhaust fan... and even using e-cigs we had a terrible time not standing under the kitchen fan! The funny thing was that 3 days after we quit "smoking" the kitchen fan "broke" after almost 30 years! ;)
I still start to roll the window down in the car.. before I remembering I don't need to. My hubby keeps complaining about not being able to find his "mother pack" -- he can't get used to having just a single e-cig instead of a box of 20 cigs-- to watch disappear! :rolleyes::D


Full Member
Dec 8, 2008
I don't miss them a bit. The past 10 days I've been alternating between my Janty Kissbox and my Aeros smokeless. No analogs at all. I'm beginning to wonder what I will do with the 6 packs of Pall Mells and the entire carton of Swisher Sweets Little Cigars I have on my shelf. I've had these since Thanksgiving. I'm just not interested in them anymore.

Couldn't have quit without the e-cig, but I think the new push toward completely demonizing the individual smoker through the big "THIRD HAND SMOKE" campaign has really influenced me. This new move aims to plant the idea in most people's heads that "if you can smell smoke, your life is in imminent danger." I don't want to get caught up in that. I'd say we're 2-5 years from a complete criminalization of tobacco.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Let me be brutally honest: Yes.

But do I miss tobacco cigarettes or do I miss what they became to me in my years as a smoker? I can't know, because I can't smoke one to find out. I haven't smoked a real cigarette in 18 months now.

For 50 years, though, they were my best friend. Always there to lift me up, to calm me down, to reward me when I needed a reward. How can anyone not miss that? E-smoking is not the same. It's great, I love the taste, but it's not the same. I miss what cigarette smoking gave me.

And of all the problems this quitter has had, the biggest is finding a substitute reward for "job well done." I'm a writer, and when I completed something I thought particularly good, I rewarded myself with a cigarette. I also contemplated the next task while smoking a cigarette. With the e-cigarette, its use is non-stop. Always in my mouth, it seems. That's not a reward. That's an addiction to a new source of a drug.

You asked a fair question and you have a bunch of happy campers newly off cigarettes. Wait a few months. Wait a year. Ask again. Then visit forums where you'll find smokers who have been off cigarettes for a decade -- and still crave one every day. That's life for many quitters. I envy those who can just walk away from smoking. I envy those who think e-smoking is a perfect answer.

I'm still searching, while contemplating a writing job I'm procrastinating by sucking on my Janty Kissbox and thinking of a lost love, the daily death of my former best friend.

Yes, I do.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 26, 2008
From my personal experiences at the start of vaping I would of killed for an analog but that could of been down to device choice and using the standard carts that came with them (just cant get on with the flavour). Just bought a platinum 901 and using French Pipe liquid in it. Everything works as it should and I`m genuinely loving the flavour.
In a weak moment out on the beer with the lads I had a couple drags on my mates roll-up with I used to smoke religiously and it almost made me gag.
But like T-Bob says ask me again in a year but at the moment all is good :thumb:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 27, 2008
I miss them less and less, even the much loved first in the morning. Who knows what I will be like in a few years time. I've been off cigarettes for three months or so, I have given up for a similar length of time, the difference was when I went cold turkey, I was a different person, not nice to know, vicious temper and a CONSTANT feeling of deprivation. With e-cigs, I get my nicotine, I don't feel deprived and the temper is no more. My anxiety is that the government will ban them, I don't know what I'll do then...


Ultra Member
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Dec 29, 2008
Western North Carolina
About the only thing I miss to any degree is how hassle-free it is compared to vaping - you just light them, and they always work at peak performance. But that's about the only advantage they have, which isn't much compared to all the various downsides.

Yep ... light em and go ..... but I am finding that as time goes by, I'm getting my vaping routine down so it's no longer a major production either ..
I had been smoking for 30+ years and have struggled to quit over the last 5. I had quit using the patch about 4 or 5 times in that period and was on the patch for the last 3 months and knew when I ran out of patches, that I would end of smoking again or be on patches for the rest of my life, at this point anyway.

Then I ran into e-cigs and for me, it is the perfect solution at this point in my life. The patch was handling the nic I needed, but not the periodic rush, especially in the a.m.

The e-cig also satisfies the physical smoking habit of handling, inhaling, and other physical points of smoking that the patch, gum or lozenges can't address.

So for me, it is the perfect solution at this point.



Senior Member
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Nov 10, 2008
East Sussex, UK
I've wavered a bit about this - from early days in November the analogue use dropped sharply from around 30/day to 4 or 5 a day in the first week. Into December and I'd had a couple of days with none, started writing the date I opened it on my ... packet. Next two packs lasted a week each and the third even longer. By this time I'd found I didn't even particularly like the taste of my formerly beloved Marboros anymore. :cry:

New Year's Eve I tried an experiment, partly because I wanted to find out if I was 'increasing' my nicotine use with liquids. So no vaping all day, just analogues - that was the plan. Result, mouth tasted horrible, a filthy headache appeared from nowhere and persisted, becoming more unpleasant as the day wore on. After about 15 or so 'real' cigs around 4-5pm decided I'd had enough. Out came the 901. Conclusion - I actively prefer vaping to smoking, and I haven't increased my nicotine dependancy, probably actually reduced it despite seeming to be vaping more than I ever smoked because I like it so much. :thumb:

Still had the odd 'real' one since then, including one half an hour ago 'cos both my batteries had died and I couldn't be a*sed to go get charged ones. Gave me a headache and I didn't like the taste as much as my own mixes. Went and got fresh batts and much happier now. ;)

I'm not going to say I've just smoked my last-ever analogue on the 'never say never' principle and just occasionally I may remind myself why I don't want to do it anymore! :thumbs:

PS Go see the 'swaps' thread if you haven't got to where I am yet - I have nasty tobacco/cigarette stock I want to get rid of!!
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