Am I the only one who hates the term "Analog" ???

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The Cloud Minder

Ultra Member
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Jul 28, 2014
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Analog - I hate it. Not the actual thing people mean when thay say that, but rather the word. It is stupid, it doesn't make any sense. I don't know about any of the rest of you ex-smokers, but when I smoked, I smoked, ... da da da da ... CIGARETTES! OMG!

I never went to the store, and bought a pack of analogs, I bought a pack of cigarettes. Why do people say that? Are they afraid that if they say the word CIGARETTE, they will somehow be drawn under it's evil spell and be back to smoking again against their will? Do they think everytime the word cigarette is used, Big tobacco make 46 cents? Is it some d-ba* hipster need to have some goofy lingo of their own?

There are basically 2 uses of the word analog. The first one refers to something that is a stand in for something else. The second refers to continuous signal mechanisms vs digitized or pulse mechanisms.

So what about the first one? I mean think about it. A cigarette isn't an analog. An electronic cigarette is an analog of a tobacco cigarette. The E-cig is the equivalent, the cigarette is the standard.

<Enter the "But an E-Cig is digital, so the regular kind have to be analog" people>

Wrong again. While an E-cigarette may be digital, the analog/digital usage of those words only really applies to mechanism, a tobacco cigarette isn't a mechanism. Analog vs digital refers to the waveform produced by the function. How do you mechanize burning tobacco?

If anything, there shouldn't be any fear or reluctance to use the word cigarette to refer to , well, cigarettes, the hesitency should be in using "E-cig" for personal vaporizers. It makes no sense to associate them with cigarrettes, and then not think the dolts at the FDA, won't say, "Hey, wait a minute, you said electronic 'cigarette', that makes it a tobacco product.

I will continue to say cigarette, and while I won't personally chastise anyone else for being goofy enough to say analog, think about it, it is silly and pretentious.:mad:


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
I just think it's stupid, and completely backward. E-cigs are ANALOGS for cigarettes... they're analogous. The people using the word "analog" for cigarettes clearly do not know the meaning of the words "analog," "analogous," or "analogy." But I already knew that 90% of English speakers don't have a freaking clue how to use the language, despite having it taught to them for 12 years of public school.



Sir Rod - MOL
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Jul 11, 2014
Tampa, FL
Gosh, I hope you feel better getting your OP out of your system!

It just doesn't bother me that some refer to cigarettes as Analogs. It's certainly easier to type Analog vs Cigarette!

And you already alluded to why in your post. If we call Vaping electronic, cigarettes are most definitely not electronic so the reverse of electronic is analog.

Seems ok to me as it's easily understood as a reference.

The Cloud Minder

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2014
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
I just think it's stupid, and completely backward. E-cigs are ANALOGS for cigarettes... they're analogous. The people using the word "analog" for cigarettes clearly do not know the meaning of the words "analog," "analogous," or "analogy." But I already knew that 90% of English speakers don't have a freaking clue how to use the language, despite having it taught to them for 12 years of public school.


I know, it doesn't bother me as much in print, but when I hear it being used, I feel like spinning my head around and spewing pea soup.


Ultra Member
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Mar 16, 2014
People refer to cigarettes as analogs because they are trying their best to differentiate vaporizers and cigarettes, (so as not to suffer the stigma associated with cigarettes). It does not make any sense and we are loosing THAT battle.

I know, I know, this e-cig name is the same the world over and many languages..... I never, ( or try not to), call my vaping instrument an e-cig. I always refer to it as a vaporizer.

We, vapers, are using vaporizers not e-cigarettes. We are NOT in a E-Cigarette-Forum, (ECF) but in a Vaping Forum. This great forum is making its effort, it has very recently changed the name of the sub-forum '' Advanced E-smoking forum'' to ''Advanced Vaping forum'' . The adminstrators should be congratulated.

I wish that all reference to ''e-cig'', ''e-cigarette'' in the descriptions of the other sub-forums would also be replaced with vaporizers. I think it will come. I am confident that all vapers' vocabulary will evolve to rid of those terms from our conversations.

Soon only ANTZ will use those terms and WE will correct them.
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The Cloud Minder

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2014
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Gosh, I hope you feel better getting your OP out of your system!

It just doesn't bother me that some refer to cigarettes as Analogs. It's certainly easier to type Analog vs Cigarette!

And you already alluded to why in your post. If we call Vaping electronic, cigarettes are most definitely not electronic so the reverse of electronic is analog.

Seems ok to me as it's easily understood as a reference.

No, the reverse of electronic IS NOT analog. Analog is the opposite of digital, and that is only in reference to signal. a mechanical mod providing a continuous current can be looked on as an analog device, just like a plug in clock with a dial, is an analog clock.

The only reverse of electronic is, non-electronic.


ECF Guru
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  • Aug 13, 2011
    No, the reverse of electronic IS NOT analog. Analog is the opposite of digital, and that is only in reference to signal. a mechanical mod providing a continuous current can be looked on as an analog device, just like a plug in clock with a dial, is an analog clock.

    The only reverse of electronic is, non-electronic.

    Well at least someone understands that "analog" is an electrical ckt.


    Super Member
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    Feb 6, 2014
    North Charleston, SC
    Just my two cents here, I know we like calling it a vaporizer. We do not like E-cigs, etc etc however...Vaporizer has been used since 2002 in terms of personal devices for illicit substances...So in all reality no matter what term you use there is going to be some sort of stigma, problem, semantics related argument that can be brought about. I really don't think it matters much in any direction. "Analog" is certainly better than "manually ignited disposable cancer delivery device"

    The Cloud Minder

    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 28, 2014
    Pittsburgh, PA, USA
    Just my two cents here, I know we like calling it a vaporizer. We do not like E-cigs, etc etc however...Vaporizer has been used since 2002 in terms of personal devices for illicit substances...So in all reality no matter what term you use there is going to be some sort of stigma, problem, semantics related argument that can be brought about. I really don't think it matters much in any direction. "Analog" is certainly better than "manually ignited disposable cancer delivery device"

    I must have missed it, so please tell me again, what is wrong with the word "cigarette" again? Was it the magic "make you smoke against your will" powers, or the 50 cents per word usage going to big Tobacco?


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
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    Mar 16, 2014
    QC & FL
    Just my two cents here, I know we like calling it a vaporizer. We do not like E-cigs, etc etc however...Vaporizer has been used since 2002 in terms of personal devices for illicit substances...So in all reality no matter what term you use there is going to be some sort of stigma, problem, semantics related argument that can be brought about. I really don't think it matters much in any direction. "Analog" is certainly better than "manually ignited disposable cancer delivery device"

    I think, with all due respect, that you are wrong. The analogy to illicit substances just does not make sense. An E-vaporizer is our instrument, it can be electronic or electric, (what some call a mechanical mod). I see no stigma attached to those terms. ( It also does not bring to mind, tobacco smoking as e-cig does ).
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