Why are cigarettes called analog cigs?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2010
Why not just call them what they are "cigarettes". I rarely use analogs but instead I use cigarettes or smoking.

I don't know who came up with calling them analogs but this word has nothing to do with cigarettes.

I agree, but the real problem began when people started calling PV's e-cigs. Personal Vaporizors are NOT cigarettes any more than cigarettes are "analogs". If we agree to call e-cigs PV's, then we can get back to proper use of the term cigarettes. This of course is unrealistic, so I am ok referring to cigarettes with any of the previously mentioned derogatory labels, and PV's as whatever sounds coolest. :)


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hundred Acre Wood
orion" data-source="post: 1109388" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
orion said:
Wait, there's something else besides "cool" to say when you like something, lol :shock:. Guess I'm not so young either.

I find the analog thing funny too.

"Cool" I make three.:)
It was a little strange saying it a first, but it grows on you.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 20, 2010
N.W. Florida
you should change it.:).i say death sticks,cancer sticks.say what they really are,they are a perfect gov system.take while your alive and producing income,then kill you slowly and shut you down when your not producing income.the government cigarette monopoly.thats to long.ha
Yeah I like that the G cigarette..............instead of analog...Good one beast.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 20, 2010
N.W. Florida
The definition of digital has been compromised in the computer age. Digital is a term used to represent a quantity of something or information as a discrete value (digit), as opposed to quantities represented as a continuum. With regard to analog cigarettes, you light them and they burn down, eventually to a point where they cease to burn - this is a chemical reaction (oxidation) following a continuum. Electronic cigarettes (I prefer to call them personal vaporizers as they contain no tobacco) have both digital and analog properties; the are digital from an operational sense, because they are either on (press switch or activate auto switch), or off - this is a binary digital operation. When switched on however, voltage is applied to the coil causing current flow through a wire with known resistance, and it therefore operates as an analog system where a heating process in the coil produces vaporization of a liquid in a continuum mode. Hope that helps explain, sorry but I am a nuclear physics geek :)
Just paper thingie and metal thingie is what I call them.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
I like that one Hoosier came up with P. E .N . I . S .
and call the smokes what ever you fancy
its all GROOVY to me

I cannot claim credit for that. Someone before me posted it first.

But since I read it I cannot read a post about sucking a PV or choking on one with a straight face. Even thought of making a T-shirt that said Ask Me About My ...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2010
Hillsboro, Ohio USA
From one old electrical engineer to another...

The joke started because our PVs actually have a microprocessor in them that controls how long you can draw (5 second cutoff), the battery monitor system that won't let the battery discharge too far and other functions for charging and controlling the leds. That is digital. The opposite of digital or old school for the same processes is analog. Transistors are analog, microprocessors (as a whole) are digital. Since cigarettes were the "old way" like transistors,... they were called analogs. Some attempt at techy lingo :)

It's okay, I hate the term vaping ( sounds like a bad health condition) but can't come up with anything better.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2010
Brandon, MS
I understand its to differentiate the two, but I guess it slightly bothers me cause its completely incorrect. The textbook term for organic is something that originated from the earth, IE plant matter. Sure its treated with chemicals, but its more "correct" than calling them analog. Electronics dont have to necessarily mean its digital. Plus digital IS a subset of analog, just like a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square. I guess its funny to me because Im an electrical engineer. :)

Ah but the term organic can also apply to the PV thus making this explanation at least partially inaccurate. Since many of the juices incorporate VG and are at least partially flavored with organic compounds, then a PV can also be considered an 'organic' device. :D

I suppose we could call them something else, but like a great many catch-phrases, it isn't so much the accuracy as it is the ability to stick in memory that gave it the boost in usage.


Bird Brain
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 6, 2009
"Cool" I make three.:)
its all GROOVY to me
Far out, man.
I would add "Gnarly" to the mix, has sort of a "woody" sound to it
This is a gear conversation. (I hope jamvector doesn't find that word tinny.)

When speaking, I refer to the things containing chopped up tobacco as "cigarettes." When writing, it depends on my mood -- sometimes "analogs," sometimes "cigs" and sometimes "cigarettes."


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2010
This is a gear conversation. (I hope jamvector doesn't find that word tinny.)

When speaking, I refer to the things containing chopped up tobacco as "cigarettes." When writing, it depends on my mood -- sometimes "analogs," sometimes "cigs" and sometimes "cigarettes."

It's spelled tinny, but is actually pronounced "throat warbler mangrove"


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 14, 2010
Fla Panhandle, USA
Along the same line as the original question:
Why do we call the heating unit an atomizer? It doesn't atomize the juice, it evaporates it or vaporizes it. We call our devices Personal Vaporizers, not Personal Atomizers ... and for good reason. It would take MUCH more heat to break down the juice into its chemical elements. You wouldn't want to do that anyway.

Another type of atomizer sprays a liquid into a fine mist so it will quickly evaporate (think perfume). Our 'atomizers' don't do that either.

So, atomizer - analog - and probably other terms in use might not make sense, but they were used, seemed 'right' to enough people and we're stuck with them. My 2¢
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