AltSmoke | Mystery Bag Feedback

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
New Philadelphia, OH
  • Deleted by halopunker


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2008
near Akron, OH, USA
My 24.99 was a Blurple - a beautiful metallic indigo really.:)

My 14.99 was 3x 10ml liquids in medium strength - coffee, apple:hubba:, and marl.

I tasted the apple - curiosity got the better of me - it is like the washington apple:wub:, not granny smith. Scrumptious.

I charged the batts for my Blurple. All works fine.

I am willing to trade the liquid if anyone is interested - I am a nico-wolf and need much more nic than medium can do.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2008
near Akron, OH, USA
Don't you feel better now that you've unburdened yourself, Nico? ;)

Man, that Blurple sounds deeply pretty. No wonder you were inspired to postal strip!

I originally started postal stripping to find out if anyone else had gotten theirs. You, Kes, are the reason I continued it. You really are an excellent postal voyeur and a great flirt. I had a blast doing that. Thanks for playing:D. Let's do it again sometime.;)

I believe you will be soon introduced to the seductive ways of the Blurple. She really is quite hot - the Blurple that is, I haven't seen Kes, yet.:evil:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2009
Tullahoma, Tn
Did you really get a yeti? Or are you just pulling our collective leg?8-o

sure looks like the yeti... says joye510 on the box :p

to be honest... i accidently already had a heads up on what was in the more expensive bags... just didn't know which i was gonna get...

if you remember when we were in here buying them i'd tried to get two bags.. but was $1 short on my paypal... Rob offered to remove the $24.99 bag when i talked to him via chat... i explained i'd rather remove the $14.99 and send the diff for the 24.99... then i proceeded to ask about blurple PARTS... to which he explained that yes he had them just not listed on site yet... then he also told me... that the higher priced bags were coming with either blurple or yeti in them...

basically... inadvertent query of "what's in the bag?" followed by accidental answer :p

btw..just to add... a props for Rob both for the mystery bags and his customer service..

thursday night waaaaay after normal business hours he actually called to remember what the extra money was for... was 9:30 my time which made it 10:30 his... now THAT'S working hard and late... and excellent service of KNOWING instead of guessing :):):)

we lubs ya Rob


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2009
Tullahoma, Tn
PS: so far... i LOVE my Yeti...

the only problem i've run into so far is the one everybody knows of with the batteries being OVER-sensitive.. one of my batteries... the slightest breeze on the LED end and BAM..powers up... the "soon-to-be-ex" wife stated that it seemed like it was just like every man... "the wind could blow and it gets turned on"


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
New Philadelphia, OH
rob told me to pick a number and told me i was getting yeti but i asked him to give me blupler instead. i already own a yeti and didn't really like the carts cuz it leaked. i'm happy with the 901. going to sell it to a friend hehe..

I had two boxes left and I love to play games :p So figured it was a game of chance :p
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