About to give up on sub-ohm coils, help please!

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Hey there, ECF veterans! I have a genesis style (the griffin) rebuildable atomizer that I'm trying [and failing] to build a sub ohm coil on. I've watched tons of tutorials, read tons of threads on here regarding it, and just can't seem to get it right. I'm using me Sigelei #9 mech. mod and 28g kanthal wire. All the coils I've wrapped so far come to be around .8 ohms, I do a 5 wrap. I'm getting an EXTREMELY harsh throat hit, and while I can taste my juice, it's burnt tasting.

I use a 90%VG juice (it's really not as thick as others I've seen though, it's Alice in Vapeland) and 400 SS mesh. I've tried oxidizing with a torch and quenching 3 times, then juice burning 3 times, I've tried only juice burning 3 times, I've tried hollow wicks, I've tried solid wicks, I've tried not pre-oxidizing and doing the "pulse" method to oxidize my wick. I've tried wrapping the coil with the wick in the tank as well as before it's in.

I don't think my coils are too tight or too loose, and my top wrap is level with where I'm wrapping the positive post. My wick isn't touching the positive post, and I think (I don't know, you tell me from the pictures) my coils are evenly spaced.

I just can't seem to A. Not have the top coil be one massive hotspot, and B. once I've fiddled with it and/or pulsed it and gotten the middle wraps to glow first - not taste burnt and harsh and horrible.

What am I doing wrong??? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I tried this guys sub-ohm coil (also on a Seglei mech. mod) - effing amazing! It almost forced amazing tasting, thick vapor down into my lungs. I want that!


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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 2, 2009
UMMMM, nothing?
Lets do the math on this, fresh off the charger you are pushing 4.2V into .8ohms, that's 5.25amps and 22.05 watts! So we get down to normal battery voltage, that's 3.7v and we get 4.625 amps and 17.11 watts.
Now figure, the average user, the average juice and the average atomizer is happy around 8 watts, you are pushing it!
Personally, I fail to see a use in sub-ohm coils, it burns the juice and kills the battery faster. Some seem to like this high wattage phase, but I sure can't see how you can taste anything but burnt .... when you've got it amped up that high!
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