Aaron from A Billion Lives responds to questions

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Feb 18, 2013
@SlickWilly , Sen. Johnson is the Senator who is "requesting" the FDA's documentation for implementing the deeming regulations and is questioning their authority and overreach to do so. He hasn't had much luck. After 3 "requests", he finally got back some non-answer BS and has now threatened to take "more aggressive steps" to gain access to the information.
And yes, I'm with you 10,000% on your closing comment! MONEY is the incentive and may they all burn for putting that before life!

I heard a response to someone asking, "Why is it that the UK is taking such a pro harm reduction approach to vaping and the US is so ANTI?" I thought the response made sense, "England has no master settlement agreement, and they actually have a real national health care system.....they will SAVE money by getting people off smoking. Here, all the states plus the federal government depend on the MSA and tax monies like it is their birthright."
That sums it up pretty well, don't you think?

Vapers Unite!
:cool: Von vape :cool:

OK, now I know who he is, I have read about the stone walling the FDA has given him but that was some time ago. I wondered how he made out, I'm not surprised the FDA is basically ignoring him.

It's maddening how many in the government think they are the masters, we are the servants, they can do what ever the hell they like and don't care what we think. :grr: It's even more maddening to see how many people are completely happy with it and ready to put more of them in office knowing full well who and what they are. :confused:

Well I really hope this movie will be a big hit and make a big impact. :thumb:


Full Member
Aug 6, 2015
Seattle, WA, USA
Unfortunately, that is the problem. I first started noticing 10 or 15 years ago that society was becoming the "ME" society, not caring about much of anything except that "they" had theirs. I'd like to think there is a return to contributing to the common good and fighting for a common cause but I fear that is not the case. Government has divided and conquered by giving everyone a little "something" and sneaking the pie away without notice.

Further, the other thread encouraging support for this film, Billion Lives Needs Help , is now 7 pages long but I'm only seeing the same hand full of people posting that they DO support this film &/or they are trying to help in some simple way. I realize this page just got posted but the numbers are even weaker.

According to the "stats sheet" there are 244,795 members on this board (nearly A QUARTER MILLION PEOPLE!!!) and this is the amount of interest that is shown??? I don't get it either, Oliver!
This will probably provoke some flame, but here we go.

The problem is that even this "Billion Lives" movie is a "me" thing. There is always someone profiting from every little thing. If anyone actually gave a ...., the film would be available online, for free.

I get a lot of crap from some people about vaping. I try to educate as much as I can, as most people are so ignorant, it is sad. Just because people are not posting on some useless internet thread doesn't mean they don't care. I don't see how preaching to the choir is going to provide any additional benefit. We are the 0.0001% of the population that care ... WE GET IT!

People have already spent time signing petitions, sending mail to their government officials, trying to educate others about vaping ... and what? Zero positive progressive results in our direction. That is not motivating in the slightest.

The problem relies in society, the media and the corrupt/overreaching hand of the government and regulatory bodies. Choices are not made based on fact. They are made by a bunch of idiots who know nothing about the topic at hand in a forum. They are swayed by the lobbyists of big tobacco and medicinal treatments for nicotine addiction. There is such a large wall of money, no wonder we are having trouble crawling over it.

I have never, ever, seen something on main stream media about how vaping is a positive thing. I only see news stories of how it is being banned in local places. How some person's mod exploded in their pocket. How we are no longer allowed to bring them on airplanes. Yada, yada, yada ...

This is what the large majority of people see everyday, and they follow it blindly (for the most part). It is going to take a lot of change for things to get better. I feel like the world in general seems to be heating up, and I am just waiting for something to happen.

I know I am sick and tired of the corruption, the lies, and money ruling every little thing we do ... even if we don't realize it. When are people going to wake up? If and when that happens, it is definitely going to devolve into the biggest ....-storm in human history.

/rant off ... Time to go watch more Mr. Robot? ;)
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Apr 5, 2013
If you can talk someone who's rich with deep pockets to make a similar film, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to release it for free. However, most folks like us like to eat every now and then, not to mention having this thing called "bills".

Aaron is no different. I doubt he's raking in massive amounts of cash that will allow him to live on easy street. He has bills and likes to eat, just like the rest of us.

Oh.. And let's watch the language. Thank you.


Vaping Master
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  • Sep 18, 2014
    This will probably provoke some flame, but here we go.

    The problem is that even this "Billion Lives" movie is a "me" thing. There is always someone profiting from every little thing. If anyone actually gave a ...., the film would be available online, for free.

    I get a lot of crap from some people about vaping. I try to educate as much as I can, as most people are so ignorant, it is sad. Just because people are not posting on some useless internet thread doesn't mean they don't care. I don't see how preaching to the choir is going to provide any additional benefit. We are the 0.5% of the population that care ... WE GET IT!

    People have already spent time signing petitions, sending mail to their government officials, trying to educate others about vaping ... and what? Zero positive progressive results in our direction. That is not motivating in the slightest.

    The problem relies in society, the media and the corrupt/overreaching hand of the government and regulatory bodies. Choices are not made based on fact. They are made by a bunch of idiots who know nothing about the topic at hand in a forum. They are swayed by the lobbyists of big tobacco and medicinal treatments for nicotine addiction. There is such a large wall of money, it is no wonder nothing is really taking traction.

    I have never, ever, seen something on main stream media about how vaping is a positive thing. I only see news stories of how it is being banned in local places. How some person's mod exploded in their pocket. How we are no longer allowed to bring them on airplanes. Yada, yada, yada ...

    This is what the large majority of people see everyday, and they follow it blindly (for the most part). It is going to take a lot of change for things to get better. I feel like the world in general seems to be heating up, and I am just waiting for something to happen.

    I know I am sick and tired of the corruption, the lies, and money ruling every little thing we do ... even if we don't realize it. When are people going to wake up? If and when that happens, it is definitely going to devolve into the biggest ....-storm in human history.

    /rant off ... Time to go watch more Mr. Robot? ;)
    I feel for and agree with your frustration....

    (and also agree with Retired1)
    I think Big Vapor should be funding and promoting the film.
    How about a 30 second commercial spot, in the main stream media...


    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Feb 18, 2013
    This will probably provoke some flame, but here we go.

    The problem is that even this "Billion Lives" movie is a "me" thing. There is always someone profiting from every little thing. If anyone actually gave a ...., the film would be available online, for free.

    I get a lot of crap from some people about vaping. I try to educate as much as I can, as most people are so ignorant, it is sad. Just because people are not posting on some useless internet thread doesn't mean they don't care. I don't see how preaching to the choir is going to provide any additional benefit. We are the 0.5% of the population that care ... WE GET IT!

    People have already spent time signing petitions, sending mail to their government officials, trying to educate others about vaping ... and what? Zero positive progressive results in our direction. That is not motivating in the slightest.

    The problem relies in society, the media and the corrupt/overreaching hand of the government and regulatory bodies. Choices are not made based on fact. They are made by a bunch of idiots who know nothing about the topic at hand in a forum. They are swayed by the lobbyists of big tobacco and medicinal treatments for nicotine addiction. There is such a large wall of money, it is no wonder nothing is really taking traction.

    I have never, ever, seen something on main stream media about how vaping is a positive thing. I only see news stories of how it is being banned in local places. How some person's mod exploded in their pocket. How we are no longer allowed to bring them on airplanes. Yada, yada, yada ...

    This is what the large majority of people see everyday, and they follow it blindly (for the most part). It is going to take a lot of change for things to get better. I feel like the world in general seems to be heating up, and I am just waiting for something to happen.

    I know I am sick and tired of the corruption, the lies, and money ruling every little thing we do ... even if we don't realize it. When are people going to wake up? If and when that happens, it is definitely going to devolve into the biggest ....-storm in human history.

    /rant off ... Time to go watch more Mr. Robot? ;)

    I agree with a lot of what you say and being a cancer suvior I feel the same frustrations. I know vaping saves lives, it saved mine, two separate oncologists, one a leading teaching doctor, told me vaping does not cause cancer and that I could keep on vaping even during my treatments for throat cancer and I did. It was the forty years of smoking that caused my cancer, I tried so many times to quit over thirty years and now I've finally kicked the cigs and have been free of them going on four years.

    Vaping is very personal to me and to see my own government choose money over lives drives me crazy! When I see someone smoking I'll try to engage them, tell them my story, let them know where they can find a local vape shop and just leave it at that, plant a seed and hope it takes.

    Yes, of course Aaron Biebert is making a profit from this movie, it's his job. He could have chose to make a movie on any other topic but he was personally touched from loosing a friend to cancer and investigated vaping, when he saw how we are being lied to he decided to use his talent, what he does best to help mankind.

    Listen to Aaron in this interview from yesterday and I think you'll feel a little different. Jump about 13 min in to hear his interview. Friday on Lake Effect: SHARP Literacy, 'A Billion Lives,' The Truth Booth, Apostle Islands Adventure

    I'm on your side. :) I too love Mr. Robot! :thumb:
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    ECF Veteran
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    Feb 18, 2013
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    Full Member
    Aug 6, 2015
    Seattle, WA, USA
    I get that making money off something doesn't necessarily mean that is all you care about. I would love to be passionate enough about something that I could pay the bills with money generated from it.

    My post was more just a general rant and overall frustrations with many things in the world ... though, I think many will probably figure that out on their own.

    Also, I am not writing this off. I am very interested in seeing this film. I have been following all of this a lot in the background ... have just not been very vocal about it on here.

    Keep fighting the good fight, and vape on!


    Vaping Master
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    Feb 5, 2013
    Sacramento, California
    This will probably provoke some flame, but here we go.

    The problem is that even this "Billion Lives" movie is a "me" thing. There is always someone profiting from every little thing. If anyone actually gave a ...., the film would be available online, for free.

    I get a lot of crap from some people about vaping. I try to educate as much as I can, as most people are so ignorant, it is sad. Just because people are not posting on some useless internet thread doesn't mean they don't care. I don't see how preaching to the choir is going to provide any additional benefit. We are the 0.0001% of the population that care ... WE GET IT!

    People have already spent time signing petitions, sending mail to their government officials, trying to educate others about vaping ... and what? Zero positive progressive results in our direction. That is not motivating in the slightest.

    The problem relies in society, the media and the corrupt/overreaching hand of the government and regulatory bodies. Choices are not made based on fact. They are made by a bunch of idiots who know nothing about the topic at hand in a forum. They are swayed by the lobbyists of big tobacco and medicinal treatments for nicotine addiction. There is such a large wall of money, no wonder we are having trouble crawling over it.

    I have never, ever, seen something on main stream media about how vaping is a positive thing. I only see news stories of how it is being banned in local places. How some person's mod exploded in their pocket. How we are no longer allowed to bring them on airplanes. Yada, yada, yada ...

    This is what the large majority of people see everyday, and they follow it blindly (for the most part). It is going to take a lot of change for things to get better. I feel like the world in general seems to be heating up, and I am just waiting for something to happen.

    I know I am sick and tired of the corruption, the lies, and money ruling every little thing we do ... even if we don't realize it. When are people going to wake up? If and when that happens, it is definitely going to devolve into the biggest ....-storm in human history.

    /rant off ... Time to go watch more Mr. Robot? ;)

    If you can talk someone who's rich with deep pockets to make a similar film, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to release it for free. However, most folks like us like to eat every now and then, not to mention having this thing called "bills".

    Aaron is no different. I doubt he's raking in massive amounts of cash that will allow him to live on easy street. He has bills and likes to eat, just like the rest of us.

    Oh.. And let's watch the language. Thank you.

    I agree that we need positive mainstream media exposure. I agree with the filmmaker that releasing the movie free online likely would not have resulted in that. If it were free online, all vapers would watch it, we'd share it, and everyone else would ignore it. Having it in theaters, where it will be reviewed, going to film festivals, etc. takes it into the mainstream.

    Whether you agree with the premise or not, it's likely everyone has heard of An Inconvenient Truth, I doubt that would be the case if it had been released on youtube.

    Von Vape

    Super Member
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    Mar 17, 2016
    No flames here either @MattVid .

    I think we ALL feel your frustration. My point is that we ALL need to get past that and KEEP fighting the good fight. Yes, ALL of us here know what's what and the benefits of vaping . Most are keenly aware of the corruption & politics involved as well but to allow frustration to overwhelm and mute you is to give up that "good fight".

    I watched JFK the other night and the quote at the beginning of that film is appropriate here, IMO.
    "Sinning through silence when we should be protesting, makes cowards of men."

    Also, as retired1 said, none of us performs the WORK we do for free. Aaron is a film maker. He does not vape. This film has much more to do with the very things you're most concerned with, which as I understand it, is the corruption and politics involved in the way our government works now. Vaping is the "vehicle" Aaron uses to tell that story, nothing more.

    I sincerely hope you or anyone else don't allow the frustration to cause you to "Sin through silence". Protest and testify and don't EVER stop! "The truth can not be killed!"

    Vapers Unite!
    :cool: Von Vape :cool:


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Oct 12, 2014
    Just Announced: @ABillionLives at The Pabst Theater on Aug 6!
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
    Tickets on sale 7/6 at noon» http://bit.ly/mkebillion
    "After a successful international film festival run, award-winning documentary A Billion Lives has it’s red carpet North American premiere at the historic Pabst Theater.

    This highly anticipated anti-corruption documentary was produced by Milwaukee-based Attention Era Media and directed by Milwaukee’s own Aaron Biebert. The title references the number of lives the UN’s World Health Organization projected will be lost to smoking this century. The crew filmed on four different continents and interviewed experts from around the world, including “Winston Man” (David Goerlitz), former executive director at the World Health Organization (Dr. Derek Yach), and former president of the World Medical Association (Dr. Delon Human).

    Runtime: 95 Minutes"

    A Billion Lives - North American Premiere | Saturday, August 06 | The Pabst Theater
    I think this is smart timing, on the eve of the Federal government's first salvo against vaping. Because of the 8-8 deadline being so close the premiere should get more news coverage. It's a counter point to the new regulations so makes an 8-8 story more interesting. Isn't this also the home state of the Senator who is giving us some meaningful support? So there should be some good quotes from the Senator. It appears to me this documentary is being sheparded along the same as many other similar projects and it's all for the best. Patience.

    Von Vape

    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Mar 17, 2016
    It's a counter point to the new regulations so makes an 8-8 story more interesting. Isn't this also the home state of the Senator who is giving us some meaningful support?
    Bless you sofarsogood! Oh how I wish the first line was true! The fact is neither the FDA or the media WANT any of this to be "front & center". The general public is completely unaware of any of this and the media has ignored it, for the most part. As many have stated, even a lot of vapers and vapor related businesses aren't aware of what's coming.

    As others have said, "Where's the industry??!!" I'm still shocked that the people who have the most to loose have been so quiet! MAKE SOME FREAKIN' NOISE, U.S. MANUFACTURERS OF JUICES & DEVICES!!!
    I'm sorry, is a 5 - 6 BILLION dollar industry (quoting Aaron) "not that big a deal" TO YOU???

    To answer your second question, Yes, Sen. Johnson (Wis.) is the one looking into the FDA's deeming regulations and I'm with you, I hope his presence (and anyone he can bring with him) WILL bring this issue to the forefront.

    Please keep up the good fight! Write an editorial to your local paper or any other paper that might publish it. Respond to EVERY advertisement or billboard you see and SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT with FACTS & TRUTH! Call the local TV stations and demand they run PRO VAPING segments, or at least, give equal time to the pro vaping rebuttals. Encourage them to review this film. Email your local theatres and request they run this film in ALL of their theatres (most local theatres are part of a chain, now) explain the director, production company (Attention ERA Media) and the corruption in government it exposes. In my opinion, this is EVERY vaper's responsibility. MAKE SOME FREAKIN' NOISE!!!

    Vapers Unite!
    :cool: Von Vape :cool:


    ECF Veteran
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    Feb 18, 2013
    Videos are still up, I just watched the one showing the ending and the comments afterwards, the comments were pouring in as I watched. They were coming so fast it was hard to read the posts before they got bumped off the page, if that kind of out pour keeps going the word will spread fast!

    A Billion Lives - Videos | Facebook


    ECF Guru
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    May 18, 2012
    Texas, near Fort Hood
    The problem is that even this "Billion Lives" movie is a "me" thing. There is always someone profiting from every little thing. If anyone actually gave a ...., the film would be available online, for free.

    I get a lot of crap from some people about vaping. I try to educate as much as I can, as most people are so ignorant, it is sad. Just because people are not posting on some useless internet thread doesn't mean they don't care. I don't see how preaching to the choir is going to provide any additional benefit. We are the 0.0001% of the population that care ... WE GET IT!
    This is not a flame at all, just some information. Aaron says that film wasn't made for vapers at all. He knows that we get it. It was made for those who are clueless. They may not care about vaping per se, but they hopefully will care about all the corruption and it will bring awareness to them about vaping's plight. It actually caused the New Zealand govt to reconsider their ban on vaping. As others have said, if it's released for free, vapers would watch it, everyone else would ignore it, and it would do no good. And yes, he may make money from it, I don't have an issue with that. But he also put up the money to make this, and for a ton of travel to promote it, with no guarantee of getting that back.

    I forgot to add to my previous post...sounds like a potential big release is coming. Millions will see it. Interesting.
    I surely hope so!! I want to see it soooo badly.


    ECF Veteran
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    Feb 18, 2013
    Been thinking about things today, some wish those making money off vaping products take the forefront of the fight, it dawned on me that we may be better off with this fight being mainly grass roots and here's why. Growing up in rural (farm land) Upstate NY I grew up around firearms, have been a life long sports shooter and hunter, later in years became a firearms safety instructor. I have watched the 2nd amendment fight, when the government throws blame for the resistance against gun control who do they blame, the NRA, not gun owners who are the tax payers, the voters. It's easier to blame an organization and demonize them then it is the citizens who know and are screaming the truth.

    Anyone who's a firearm owner and has followed the fight against the 2nd A for many years sees the parallels with push to ban vaping. I think we're better off keeping big industry supporting us, but off the front lines, at least for now.

    My 2 cents :)
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