A Welcome Error

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2010
Cincinnati, OH
Hey everyone! I've been lurking for awhile, but just decided to get an account this week. Yay!

I've been vaping off and on for something close to a year now, but this is the longest I've gone without analogs - almost a week! And I'm feeling great! Even before that, I was smoking maybe a pack a week, down from my normal pack-a-day habit, which is awesome. I haven't been out of the house in a few days, so the thought of buying a pack hasn't even crossed my mind, also awesome. It's just too darn cold to go out there to buy a pack if I don't have to be out in the first place xD

Anyway, I got my first liquid order from V4L about two weeks ago - until then I was vaping pre-filled cartos exclusively. I really like doing it the liquid way, but I just noticed an error that was apparently made when filling my order. Before I describe it, let me just say I'm not complaining about it at all!

I noticed as I was refilling one of my carts, there was no mg amount listed on the front of my bottles, so I turned them over, and in little print at the bottom of the bottle, it said "18 mg". I'm sure I ordered 24 mg - but the awesome part is, I didn't even notice the difference in terms of throat hit. In fact, I had been thinking that the TH might have even been a little strong for me, and I might want to step down on my next order!

This is pretty epic because I've been wanting to gradually reduce the amount of nicotine I'm taking in, and V4L accidentally started me down that path without my knowledge! I'm really totally okay with this, because like I said, the TH still feels strong to me, even compared to the 24mg pre-filled I've been using until now.

I think next time I'll be looking into Ms. T's Bakery - her flavors look sooooooooo yummy!

TL;DR V4L sent me the wrong nic strength, and I didn't even notice, and I'm actually happy about it!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2010
Cincinnati, OH
@bladutz I've never heard about grain alcohol being a factor in TH, but that would make sense. I thought it was more influenced by the nic level, as well as PG/VG ratio. Is grain alcohol an ingredient in most liquids? I've heard of it being used to clean old carts, but never as an ingredient.
Of course, when I first started vaping, I thought that the ingredients were water, alcohol, and nicotine. Where I heard that, I couldn't say, but there may be some truth to it after all!

@banjo Thanks for the reply! And congrats on the reduction. I'd love to eventually get to a point where I'm not dependent on it at all, and it's just an enjoyment thing for me, i.e. no nicotine and just vapor/flavor. I'm somehow already feeling less dependent on it than I was on analogs, though I have no idea why, but it's still a welcome feeling!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2010
The Internet
Thanks for your story, and welcome to ECF. I lurked forever before I joined. It's much better once you join, that's for sure.

What a pleasant surprise you got! A lot of suppliers throw in freebies with your order, and I assume it is to help people get a chance to sample something they might not have ordered to begin with. That, plus it helps with sales too, LOL.

Nice find!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 19, 2010
Hi Lexicana. I just joined the forum as well after lurking for a while. There is so much information and support here--it's awesome. I also love not having to make a special trip out just to get a pack of smokes. That's great that you've been able to go without analogs for a week. The longest I've made it is three days in a row. I tend to still crave the first morning and after dinner smoke on most days.

Anyway, it's nice to meet another new member. Good luck


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 1, 2010
Hi Lexicana. I just joined the forum as well after lurking for a while. There is so much information and support here--it's awesome. I also love not having to make a special trip out just to get a pack of smokes. That's great that you've been able to go without analogs for a week. The longest I've made it is three days in a row. I tend to still crave the first morning and after dinner smoke on most days.

Anyway, it's nice to meet another new member. Good luck
Ive found I can go with a nice high nic flavor similar to what I smoked for the extra tough times and that gets me through. Im almost a month smoke free. After two weeks I never looked back. Ive had a pack of smokes on the counter and havent even considered opening them. Just gotta bring myself to throw them away ;)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 19, 2010
Ive found I can go with a nice high nic flavor similar to what I smoked for the extra tough times and that gets me through. Im almost a month smoke free. After two weeks I never looked back. Ive had a pack of smokes on the counter and havent even considered opening them. Just gotta bring myself to throw them away ;)

It sounds as if you're doing great. I think one of my problems is that my husband still smokes analogs, and that is kind of our quiet time together away from the kids for a few minutes. We step outside or in the garage, so it's just the two of us. This is when we can discuss things without interruptions or private matters. I've tried vaping instead of smoking at this time, but it just seems automatic to grab a regular smoke--a habit I need to break.

I just tell myself that I'm doing great so far, and I'll get there.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2010
Cincinnati, OH
@csan The way I see it, every single analog you replace with vaping counts toward something in the end. I mean, if every analog takes 5 minutes off your life or whatever, doesn't every one you replace ADD five minutes? I'm going with that logic. Part of what makes it easier is that I spent every penny I had on liquid this time, so I don't really have the option of buying analogs anyway xD

@Ruppy You have a pack on your counter and you don't smoke it? That's amazing! I hope I can get to that point someday.
Honestly, I think I'll always crave an analog with my morning coffee and when I'm drinking, but I will be perfectly happy if I can keep it to only those times.

Big Hitter

Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Sep 21, 2010
Binghamton, NY
Welcome aboard, congrats on the no analogs for a week.
If you go much longer, you won't be able to stand the taste if and when you try one again.
Thats a good thing,.

I was one of the lucky ones that quit within the first week of vaping.
I kept a pack around for about a month. I only tried one more analog about 3 weeks after getting my first e-Cig and it tasted like crap. Gave the rest of my cigs to my son.

That was 11 months ago, and I have not had one single puff off an analog death stick since. YAY ME !!
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2010
Columbus Ohio
I don't know if anyone else does this, but I buy a few 10mg bottles and a 24mg, during the day when I know i'm vaping most, I use 10 as I can crank on it ( the simulated chain smoke effect ) and regulate my nicotine intake, then in the evening I use 24mg for a bit, I sleep fine but i dont wake up craving nicotine.. took me about 2 months to get it all down, but its working great
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